Strange recurring dreams...

OMG!! I have several recurring dreams. From old, decrepit houses, to tunnels that get progressively narrower, to climbing mountain trails, flying on wind currents, or riding horses through malls...I've been keeping a dream journal for years. What's interesting is, those that occur most commonly are lucid dreams. I control most of the action, and can even go back into the dream if I wake up before it's over.
Astral Projection maybe? Past and current and maybe even future?
I used to practice astral projection. I got quite proficient, too. I haven't done that in years, though. I do have some really curious dreams. How about you? Anything significant?
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I keep having a dream where bears are coming around, and everyone but me is just fine and calm about it, then they only attack me.
Bear is telling you something. Just for funzies...this is Bear Totem:

(Contrary Bear...i.e. bear attacking you in dreams)
Your internal dialogue may have confused your perception of your true goals. In seeking answers or advise from others, you may have placed your own feelings and knowing aside. The time has come to regain your authority, for no one knows better than yourself what is proper and timely for your evolution. Reclaim the power of knowing. Find joy in the silence and richness of the mother's womb. Allow the thoughts of confusion to be lain to rest as clarity emerges from the West, nuturing your dreams as the Earth Mother nourishes us all. Bear in the contrary position is teaching you that only through being your own advisor can you attain your true goals. Anything less than the doing of that which gives you the most joy is denial. To achieve happiness you must know yourself. To know yourself is to know your body, your mind, and your spirit. Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and know that both are necessary in your evolution.
Calls to mind you totem thread, Gracie. Did you abandon that?
Nobody was really interested in it, hon. Except strollingbones but she doesn't like me any more. So I was mostly posting for myself and with no interest..I stopped.

For those who are semi new and don't know what this is about...I would meditate on usmb denizens, then draw a totem card FOR everyone, each day, then post the findings of that card for that day that pertained to each member here that day.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I keep having a dream where bears are coming around, and everyone but me is just fine and calm about it, then they only attack me.
Bear is telling you something. Just for funzies...this is Bear Totem:

(Contrary Bear...i.e. bear attacking you in dreams)
Your internal dialogue may have confused your perception of your true goals. In seeking answers or advise from others, you may have placed your own feelings and knowing aside. The time has come to regain your authority, for no one knows better than yourself what is proper and timely for your evolution. Reclaim the power of knowing. Find joy in the silence and richness of the mother's womb. Allow the thoughts of confusion to be lain to rest as clarity emerges from the West, nuturing your dreams as the Earth Mother nourishes us all. Bear in the contrary position is teaching you that only through being your own advisor can you attain your true goals. Anything less than the doing of that which gives you the most joy is denial. To achieve happiness you must know yourself. To know yourself is to know your body, your mind, and your spirit. Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and know that both are necessary in your evolution.
Calls to mind you totem thread, Gracie. Did you abandon that?
Nobody was really interested in it, hon. Except strollingbones but she doesn't like me any more. So I was mostly posting for myself and with no interest..I stopped.

For those who are semi new and don't know what this is about...I would meditate on usmb denizens, then draw a totem card FOR everyone, each day, then post the findings of that card for that day that pertained to each member here that day.
I enjoyed following your totems, even if I didn't post often enough (it would seem). Thanks for the effort.
OMG!! I have several recurring dreams. From old, decrepit houses, to tunnels that get progressively narrower, to climbing mountain trails, flying on wind currents, or riding horses through malls...I've been keeping a dream journal for years. What's interesting is, those that occur most commonly are lucid dreams. I control most of the action, and can even go back into the dream if I wake up before it's over.
Astral Projection maybe? Past and current and maybe even future?
I used to practice astral projection. I got quite proficient, too. I haven't done that in years, though. I do have some really curious dreams. How about you? Anything significant?
Oh yeah. I can still do it but I have to be outside...with nature singing (birds, wind, windchimes tinkling, roar of the surf) but mostly..I have to be in the full sun. Then I nap.....and travel.

One time I was in a cave hovering over an open fireplace. There were people in that cave. Kinda like a hut but made of rocks. They wore furs and were brown skinned. My immediate thought was Eskimo...but that was not quite right. Maybe Aboriginals. Just not sure. But it was long long long ago...thousands of years. I stared at them..and they stared at me...hovering over their fire pit. And I knew them. They knew me. All of us surprised at the same time, my arrival. Then poof...I was gone.

Last time I tried it, I attempted to visit a friend I met online that lives in Australia. She sent pics of her home and koi pond. I concentrated but it was a night..not in the sun. And I landed on the beach near her home. I didn't know where it was but when I told her, she said it was a few blocks away..and a very desolate place. I said was a very SAD place. Death was there, and I knew I missed her house and left in a hurry.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I keep having a dream where bears are coming around, and everyone but me is just fine and calm about it, then they only attack me.
Bear is telling you something. Just for funzies...this is Bear Totem:

(Contrary Bear...i.e. bear attacking you in dreams)
Your internal dialogue may have confused your perception of your true goals. In seeking answers or advise from others, you may have placed your own feelings and knowing aside. The time has come to regain your authority, for no one knows better than yourself what is proper and timely for your evolution. Reclaim the power of knowing. Find joy in the silence and richness of the mother's womb. Allow the thoughts of confusion to be lain to rest as clarity emerges from the West, nuturing your dreams as the Earth Mother nourishes us all. Bear in the contrary position is teaching you that only through being your own advisor can you attain your true goals. Anything less than the doing of that which gives you the most joy is denial. To achieve happiness you must know yourself. To know yourself is to know your body, your mind, and your spirit. Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and know that both are necessary in your evolution.
Wow, thank you, you have no idea how "right on the mark" that actualy is.....
I have a recurring dream for decades that when I finished college there was one advanced Calculus course I didn't finish and I have to return to college decades later to finish it. Once I get to college I realize I can no longer do Calculus

I have one very much like that also!
For some reason, not revealed in the dream, I have to go back to college to finish. And i can't find anything, can't find the class I am supposed to go to, can't even find the stairway to go upstairs...I just keep walking around everywhere. Usually it ends with me desperately trying to find a bathroom. And when i find it, there are people everywhere and the toilets are right out in the open with dozens of people all standing around.
And then I wake up having to go to the bathroom!
Bump cuz I have a question:

Anyone dream all the time that they are their younger selves? Every time I have a dream (which is usually the same one but varying situations within it), I am in my 20's, with hair down to my butt like it was then. Weird.
I have. And recurring. I can see it in my mind, but can't remember what it is to put into words...

Oh and another dream I have had recurring for years is one I do remember....going back to my home I grew up in...and visiting every house on the street........starting at my grandmother's, which was on a cross street, and working my way to the house I grew up in. During the dream I am always feels really anxious and uncomfortable, and many times awakened feeling that way.
No likey that dream. AND really weird .... in that dream I say to myself ''I am having that dream again". Huh?
Mine is always the same in genre'.....which is trying to "get home" wherever home is. It's not a nightmare, but it is unpleasant. Every night, I have that dream. But I am always younger.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
I have a recurring dream of that I'm at university, my finals are due and I haven't been going to class. Further, I can't remember how to get to the office to even find where my classes are held.

I had recurring dreams more as a kid than now.

Another one I have now is that I'm in a city and I don't know how to get back home, so it's a real convoluted traveling dream. Great topic

My recurring dreams always involve both body soaring, with no way to do it, and falling off of cliffs in fear with a surprise soft landing.

I am sure the armchair psycho-analysts can explain this stuff.

Flying dreams are considered very positive in Tibetan iconography.

My recurring dreams always involve both body soaring, with no way to do it, and falling off of cliffs in fear with a surprise soft landing.

I am sure the armchair psycho-analysts can explain this stuff.

Flying dreams are considered very positive in Tibetan iconography.
I get ones where I'm not really flying per se, but I can hover about 1-3 feet off the ground.

My recurring dreams always involve both body soaring, with no way to do it, and falling off of cliffs in fear with a surprise soft landing.

I am sure the armchair psycho-analysts can explain this stuff.

Flying dreams are considered very positive in Tibetan iconography.
I get ones where I'm not really flying per se, but I can hover about 1-3 feet off the ground.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ooops cat posting.

I had one once that was so much fun. I was leaping from tree top to tree top.
I am more falling than hovering.

My recurring dreams always involve both body soaring, with no way to do it, and falling off of cliffs in fear with a surprise soft landing.

I am sure the armchair psycho-analysts can explain this stuff.

Flying dreams are considered very positive in Tibetan iconography.
I get ones where I'm not really flying per se, but I can hover about 1-3 feet off the ground.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ooops cat posting.

I had one once that was so much fun. I was leaping from tree top to tree top.'s more like I can bend my knees and not touch the ground and still hover along....odd but seems quite normal in my dreams. I get ones like that almost monthly.
I like flying dreams. Mine are a great wind and I run and jump...then soar with it over treetops until the wind dies down, then I always land outstretched...and off I go again.

I have had falling dreams but I never land. I wake up before I do, and I am scared at first in the dream but as I fall, I know God will catch me. Or at least, that is what my dream mind tells me. And He does.

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