Strange recurring dreams...

ugh my husband does too.
LOL Yeah, like shake the whole bed and scare you half to death if you are just about asleep.
Ah. I have that. But...I have a rocking chair that is a recliner as well. It won't rock when reclined, thankfully. When my legs start in....I just put them to use rocking me. ;)
I had one once that was so much fun. I was leaping from tree top to tree top.'s more like I can bend my knees and not touch the ground and still hover along....odd but seems quite normal in my dreams. I get ones like that almost monthly.[/QUOTE]

I do that too!
I dream that often...and like the dream it is perfectly normal to just float around a few feet off the ground.
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
Speaking of the 60s/70s my recurring nightmare is that elephant bells, platform shoes and leisure suits come back into style........ :eusa_whistle:
Most people have at least one..
I was reminded of one of mine in the "Photos of abandon places thread"... I have this dream where I live in a big old house that we bought (funny because I actually live in a big old house) and the whole upstairs has been left untouched since the 1960's. Literally like one day everyone went downstairs and no one ever went back up.
There is a coat rack with a Fedora on it, the bathroom has those old metal twist-open razors, a shelf with ladies hats on them...all very 60's looking.
I have had this dream dozens of times.
Speaking of the 60s/70s my recurring nightmare is that elephant bells, platform shoes and leisure suits come back into style........ :eusa_whistle:

Hey I had a pair of platform shoes in grade I was so proud of them things... :D
I had a horrendous pair of american flag bell bottoms. I thought I was stylin' in those fugly things!
OMG!! I have several recurring dreams. From old, decrepit houses, to tunnels that get progressively narrower, to climbing mountain trails, flying on wind currents, or riding horses through malls...I've been keeping a dream journal for years. What's interesting is, those that occur most commonly are lucid dreams. I control most of the action, and can even go back into the dream if I wake up before it's over.
Astral Projection maybe? Past and current and maybe even future?
Quite possibly. In my younger years, I would use astral projection to "visit" home or people I missed. I haven't actively pursued it for a long time, though. Have you ever tried astral projection?
OMG!! I have several recurring dreams. From old, decrepit houses, to tunnels that get progressively narrower, to climbing mountain trails, flying on wind currents, or riding horses through malls...I've been keeping a dream journal for years. What's interesting is, those that occur most commonly are lucid dreams. I control most of the action, and can even go back into the dream if I wake up before it's over.
Astral Projection maybe? Past and current and maybe even future?
Quite possibly. In my younger years, I would use astral projection to "visit" home or people I missed. I haven't actively pursued it for a long time, though. Have you ever tried astral projection?
Yep. Done it, too. Last time it was not very pleasant and I haven't tried it since.

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