Stream of Consciousness: I Want to Date AOC, then Decide I Do Not Want to Date AOC

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I am just going to come out and say it: I want to date AOC. She is cute, ok? I like cute. It is more vulnerable than a "10" hottie. I like vulnerability. She has a nice body. She is what I like to call a "late bloomer", meaning she was not all that when she was younger, but now that she has filled out she is smoking hot. The oddity with her is that for every notch she is over the median on the beauty scale, she is that many notches or more below the median point on the IQ scale. But I am not going to get into her stupid concocted back story, or her leftist bent, or about how she hooked up with the sedition and skeevy Justice Democrats, or just how fucking stupid she is, or how she has zero political instincts, or any other of the myriad of flaws she has. I am just stating that I would bang her.

Come to think of it, all I am really saying her is that I want to bang her. I don't think I could stand dating this dingbat because that implies more than just banging, and conceivably conversation. She cannot converse on a level higher than fifth grade. So any meaningful conversation is out. Then there is that squeaky little girl voice. Yikes!! Unless I can duct tape her mouth shut, then dating this moron is out.

OK, so here is what I am really saying. I want AOC as a booty call for whenever I am in the mood to bang and it is convenient for me. She has beautiful skin. Her jawline is impeccable. My first wife had a jawline like that. The big doe like eyes suggest vulnerability, which I find sexy. If I got to see her cry I would just blast off on my own and would not even need physical contact!

I wonder why she is like she is. Then I start logically analyzing the facts.

1. She talks like a little girl even though she is over 30.
2. Her logic is on the level of a little girl.
3. Her statements and social awkwardness suggest she is mentally retarded.
4. She is dumber than a sack of dildos.
5. The only male she dates is a total cuck boy cock-face.
6. She possesses those "Crazy Bitch eyes".

Then the horror hits me: Mentally she IS a little girl emotionally. A very damaged little girl. She hints at having been violated in her past (though it is just as likely to be lie from her), and rape/power seems to constantly be at the forefront of her mind. THE BITCH IS RETARDED!!!

If she is retarded, can she even form legal consent to screw?!? Imagine bedding this hot piece of ass then getting arrested for rape. It would seem like entrapment. Pussy entrapment. Though I can find no such defense in my legal research. Yikes!!

I have always lived by the motto that there is no piece of ass in the world worth going to jail for, or otherwise worth getting yourself into a serious trouble over. I define "serious trouble" as something I cannot effectively and efficiently extricate myself from. "Serious trouble" keeps you up at night and stresses you out through the day. Sure, I will drop some cash on a woman and take the chance of encountering an irate husband or boyfriend. But that is shit I can deal with. Going to prison is not. That means there is a distinct possibility that I could go from an outy to an inny. I am not going to lie to you. I have a nice ass and a pretty mouth. Prison is NOT where I want to be. I am not a cuck-soy boy. But I have to assume that if 2-3 huge black guys gang up on me, there will not be much I can do (other than piss them off by trying to defend myself).

So I have to think about this. If I ran into AOC (it could happen...maybe I am in DC sometime. I have been there more than once in my life. I even once visited DC to bang some chick I met on the interwebs. I banged her and then never saw her again. LOL!!)... If I ever ran into AOC, would I just admire her bangworthiness, or would I try to seduce her? Admittedly, she is a crazy bitch, so she may completely shut down my seduction attempt, and that is ok. But then, context is vital. If I met her out somewhere that served alcohol and got her liquored up, then she may open herself to my powers of persuasion.

For example, if Riley took her out for drinks and dinner, I could insinuate myself into the conversation, especially after a couple of rounds of drinks I buy for them. I will give Riley a Gameboy or some stupid shit to keep him occupied while I ply AOC with booze and start massaging her high inner thigh. Pretty soon she will blow Riley off, telling him to go back to her apartment and feed her stupid bulldog or some shit. That will be when I set the hook, lead her to some intimate place, and torpedo her cooch! And I mean, I would tear it the fuck up too!! In 9 months poor cuck Riley will be wondering how she had a baby when he and AOC had never even screwed. I will be long gone. Obviously, AOC would have no way to even know who I am, let alone my contact info.

But scenario 2 is that I do all of this, then AOC cries rape so Riley does not leave her. He is most likely responsible for keeping her on her anti-crazy meds. This has the potential to fuck up my shit. Scenario 3 is even scarier. In this ending it is deemed that AOC is not sui juris and, therefore, cannot form the requisite consent to have sex. Essentially, this is like statutory rape. In this case I have no defense except to prove that AOC is not a retard. This is, of course, a mountain far too high for any mortal to climb.

So this gives me a 1 in 3 shot of bagging her cooter and making it out alive. No cooch hole is worth dying for. That is an absolute. If a man violates this rule, then he has absolutely fucked up. But, the odds ARE 33% (which is almost half!) that you will make it out of the situation ok and have gotten your dick wet with some of that sweet, sweet Puerto Rican nectar.

My final decision on AOC is this: No, I would not bang AOC out of fear for my life and well-being. But there is a caveat to this. If I do happen upon a chance meeting with her, could I exercise sufficient will power to refrain from trying to nail her? Not a chance. I would see that fine ass and big titties and become mesmerized. I would be doomed to seek carnal satisfaction in a zombie like trance. My fate would be in God's hands at that point. Hopefully, AOC would be merciful and shoo me away, which would save me. I would just go home and rape my left hand while thinking about her image. But, if the demon within me is not promptly shut down, it will only grow stronger and stronger. If I can get 10 minutes with you, then chances are you will be impaled on my shaft at some point before the night is over!

So when I say I would not bang AOC, what I really mean is that, yes, I would bang AOC, but only under certain circumstances, and because I simply cannot help myself. I have made a lot of poor decisions in the arena of love over the years. Never once have I chosen a suitable mate for myself, that could have provided me with a lifetime of love and satisfaction, where I did not fuck it up. Instead, I hooked up with crazies. BUT, I have had amazing sexual experiences! Life is a trade-off like that. No regrets whatsoever!
I am just going to come out and say it: I want to date AOC. She is cute, ok? I like cute. It is more vulnerable than a "10" hottie. I like vulnerability. She has a nice body. She is what I like to call a "late bloomer", meaning she was not all that when she was younger, but now that she has filled out she is smoking hot. The oddity with her is that for every notch she is over the median on the beauty scale, she is that many notches or more below the median point on the IQ scale. But I am not going to get into her stupid concocted back story, or her leftist bent, or about how she hooked up with the sedition and skeevy Justice Democrats, or just how fucking stupid she is, or how she has zero political instincts, or any other of the myriad of flaws she has. I am just stating that I would bang her.

Come to think of it, all I am really saying her is that I want to bang her. I don't think I could stand dating this dingbat because that implies more than just banging, and conceivably conversation. She cannot converse on a level higher than fifth grade. So any meaningful conversation is out. Then there is that squeaky little girl voice. Yikes!! Unless I can duct tape her mouth shut, then dating this moron is out.

OK, so here is what I am really saying. I want AOC as a booty call for whenever I am in the mood to bang and it is convenient for me. She has beautiful skin. Her jawline is impeccable. My first wife had a jawline like that. The big doe like eyes suggest vulnerability, which I find sexy. If I got to see her cry I would just blast off on my own and would not even need physical contact!

I wonder why she is like she is. Then I start logically analyzing the facts.

1. She talks like a little girl even though she is over 30.
2. Her logic is on the level of a little girl.
3. Her statements and social awkwardness suggest she is mentally retarded.
4. She is dumber than a sack of dildos.
5. The only male she dates is a total cuck boy cock-face.
6. She possesses those "Crazy Bitch eyes".

Then the horror hits me: Mentally she IS a little girl emotionally. A very damaged little girl. She hints at having been violated in her past (though it is just as likely to be lie from her), and rape/power seems to constantly be at the forefront of her mind. THE BITCH IS RETARDED!!!

If she is retarded, can she even form legal consent to screw?!? Imagine bedding this hot piece of ass then getting arrested for rape. It would seem like entrapment. Pussy entrapment. Though I can find no such defense in my legal research. Yikes!!

I have always lived by the motto that there is no piece of ass in the world worth going to jail for, or otherwise worth getting yourself into a serious trouble over. I define "serious trouble" as something I cannot effectively and efficiently extricate myself from. "Serious trouble" keeps you up at night and stresses you out through the day. Sure, I will drop some cash on a woman and take the chance of encountering an irate husband or boyfriend. But that is shit I can deal with. Going to prison is not. That means there is a distinct possibility that I could go from an outy to an inny. I am not going to lie to you. I have a nice ass and a pretty mouth. Prison is NOT where I want to be. I am not a cuck-soy boy. But I have to assume that if 2-3 huge black guys gang up on me, there will not be much I can do (other than piss them off by trying to defend myself).

So I have to think about this. If I ran into AOC (it could happen...maybe I am in DC sometime. I have been there more than once in my life. I even once visited DC to bang some chick I met on the interwebs. I banged her and then never saw her again. LOL!!)... If I ever ran into AOC, would I just admire her bangworthiness, or would I try to seduce her? Admittedly, she is a crazy bitch, so she may completely shut down my seduction attempt, and that is ok. But then, context is vital. If I met her out somewhere that served alcohol and got her liquored up, then she may open herself to my powers of persuasion.

For example, if Riley took her out for drinks and dinner, I could insinuate myself into the conversation, especially after a couple of rounds of drinks I buy for them. I will give Riley a Gameboy or some stupid shit to keep him occupied while I ply AOC with booze and start massaging her high inner thigh. Pretty soon she will blow Riley off, telling him to go back to her apartment and feed her stupid bulldog or some shit. That will be when I set the hook, lead her to some intimate place, and torpedo her cooch! And I mean, I would tear it the fuck up too!! In 9 months poor cuck Riley will be wondering how she had a baby when he and AOC had never even screwed. I will be long gone. Obviously, AOC would have no way to even know who I am, let alone my contact info.

But scenario 2 is that I do all of this, then AOC cries rape so Riley does not leave her. He is most likely responsible for keeping her on her anti-crazy meds. This has the potential to fuck up my shit. Scenario 3 is even scarier. In this ending it is deemed that AOC is not sui juris and, therefore, cannot form the requisite consent to have sex. Essentially, this is like statutory rape. In this case I have no defense except to prove that AOC is not a retard. This is, of course, a mountain far too high for any mortal to climb.

So this gives me a 1 in 3 shot of bagging her cooter and making it out alive. No cooch hole is worth dying for. That is an absolute. If a man violates this rule, then he has absolutely fucked up. But, the odds ARE 33% (which is almost half!) that you will make it out of the situation ok and have gotten your dick wet with some of that sweet, sweet Puerto Rican nectar.

My final decision on AOC is this: No, I would not bang AOC out of fear for my life and well-being. But there is a caveat to this. If I do happen upon a chance meeting with her, could I exercise sufficient will power to refrain from trying to nail her? Not a chance. I would see that fine ass and big titties and become mesmerized. I would be doomed to seek carnal satisfaction in a zombie like trance. My fate would be in God's hands at that point. Hopefully, AOC would be merciful and shoo me away, which would save me. I would just go home and rape my left hand while thinking about her image. But, if the demon within me is not promptly shut down, it will only grow stronger and stronger. If I can get 10 minutes with you, then chances are you will be impaled on my shaft at some point before the night is over!

So when I say I would not bang AOC, what I really mean is that, yes, I would bang AOC, but only under certain circumstances, and because I simply cannot help myself. I have made a lot of poor decisions in the arena of love over the years. Never once have I chosen a suitable mate for myself, that could have provided me with a lifetime of love and satisfaction, where I did not fuck it up. Instead, I hooked up with crazies. BUT, I have had amazing sexual experiences! Life is a trade-off like that. No regrets whatsoever!
I doubt she would look at you. Now go back to wanking your pud.
I am just going to come out and say it: I want to date AOC. She is cute, ok? I like cute. It is more vulnerable than a "10" hottie. I like vulnerability. She has a nice body. She is what I like to call a "late bloomer", meaning she was not all that when she was younger, but now that she has filled out she is smoking hot. The oddity with her is that for every notch she is over the median on the beauty scale, she is that many notches or more below the median point on the IQ scale. But I am not going to get into her stupid concocted back story, or her leftist bent, or about how she hooked up with the sedition and skeevy Justice Democrats, or just how fucking stupid she is, or how she has zero political instincts, or any other of the myriad of flaws she has. I am just stating that I would bang her.

Come to think of it, all I am really saying her is that I want to bang her. I don't think I could stand dating this dingbat because that implies more than just banging, and conceivably conversation. She cannot converse on a level higher than fifth grade. So any meaningful conversation is out. Then there is that squeaky little girl voice. Yikes!! Unless I can duct tape her mouth shut, then dating this moron is out.

OK, so here is what I am really saying. I want AOC as a booty call for whenever I am in the mood to bang and it is convenient for me. She has beautiful skin. Her jawline is impeccable. My first wife had a jawline like that. The big doe like eyes suggest vulnerability, which I find sexy. If I got to see her cry I would just blast off on my own and would not even need physical contact!

I wonder why she is like she is. Then I start logically analyzing the facts.

1. She talks like a little girl even though she is over 30.
2. Her logic is on the level of a little girl.
3. Her statements and social awkwardness suggest she is mentally retarded.
4. She is dumber than a sack of dildos.
5. The only male she dates is a total cuck boy cock-face.
6. She possesses those "Crazy Bitch eyes".

Then the horror hits me: Mentally she IS a little girl emotionally. A very damaged little girl. She hints at having been violated in her past (though it is just as likely to be lie from her), and rape/power seems to constantly be at the forefront of her mind. THE BITCH IS RETARDED!!!

If she is retarded, can she even form legal consent to screw?!? Imagine bedding this hot piece of ass then getting arrested for rape. It would seem like entrapment. Pussy entrapment. Though I can find no such defense in my legal research. Yikes!!

I have always lived by the motto that there is no piece of ass in the world worth going to jail for, or otherwise worth getting yourself into a serious trouble over. I define "serious trouble" as something I cannot effectively and efficiently extricate myself from. "Serious trouble" keeps you up at night and stresses you out through the day. Sure, I will drop some cash on a woman and take the chance of encountering an irate husband or boyfriend. But that is shit I can deal with. Going to prison is not. That means there is a distinct possibility that I could go from an outy to an inny. I am not going to lie to you. I have a nice ass and a pretty mouth. Prison is NOT where I want to be. I am not a cuck-soy boy. But I have to assume that if 2-3 huge black guys gang up on me, there will not be much I can do (other than piss them off by trying to defend myself).

So I have to think about this. If I ran into AOC (it could happen...maybe I am in DC sometime. I have been there more than once in my life. I even once visited DC to bang some chick I met on the interwebs. I banged her and then never saw her again. LOL!!)... If I ever ran into AOC, would I just admire her bangworthiness, or would I try to seduce her? Admittedly, she is a crazy bitch, so she may completely shut down my seduction attempt, and that is ok. But then, context is vital. If I met her out somewhere that served alcohol and got her liquored up, then she may open herself to my powers of persuasion.

For example, if Riley took her out for drinks and dinner, I could insinuate myself into the conversation, especially after a couple of rounds of drinks I buy for them. I will give Riley a Gameboy or some stupid shit to keep him occupied while I ply AOC with booze and start massaging her high inner thigh. Pretty soon she will blow Riley off, telling him to go back to her apartment and feed her stupid bulldog or some shit. That will be when I set the hook, lead her to some intimate place, and torpedo her cooch! And I mean, I would tear it the fuck up too!! In 9 months poor cuck Riley will be wondering how she had a baby when he and AOC had never even screwed. I will be long gone. Obviously, AOC would have no way to even know who I am, let alone my contact info.

But scenario 2 is that I do all of this, then AOC cries rape so Riley does not leave her. He is most likely responsible for keeping her on her anti-crazy meds. This has the potential to fuck up my shit. Scenario 3 is even scarier. In this ending it is deemed that AOC is not sui juris and, therefore, cannot form the requisite consent to have sex. Essentially, this is like statutory rape. In this case I have no defense except to prove that AOC is not a retard. This is, of course, a mountain far too high for any mortal to climb.

So this gives me a 1 in 3 shot of bagging her cooter and making it out alive. No cooch hole is worth dying for. That is an absolute. If a man violates this rule, then he has absolutely fucked up. But, the odds ARE 33% (which is almost half!) that you will make it out of the situation ok and have gotten your dick wet with some of that sweet, sweet Puerto Rican nectar.

My final decision on AOC is this: No, I would not bang AOC out of fear for my life and well-being. But there is a caveat to this. If I do happen upon a chance meeting with her, could I exercise sufficient will power to refrain from trying to nail her? Not a chance. I would see that fine ass and big titties and become mesmerized. I would be doomed to seek carnal satisfaction in a zombie like trance. My fate would be in God's hands at that point. Hopefully, AOC would be merciful and shoo me away, which would save me. I would just go home and rape my left hand while thinking about her image. But, if the demon within me is not promptly shut down, it will only grow stronger and stronger. If I can get 10 minutes with you, then chances are you will be impaled on my shaft at some point before the night is over!

So when I say I would not bang AOC, what I really mean is that, yes, I would bang AOC, but only under certain circumstances, and because I simply cannot help myself. I have made a lot of poor decisions in the arena of love over the years. Never once have I chosen a suitable mate for myself, that could have provided me with a lifetime of love and satisfaction, where I did not fuck it up. Instead, I hooked up with crazies. BUT, I have had amazing sexual experiences! Life is a trade-off like that. No regrets whatsoever!

Take her to Home Depot and show off the garbage disposals. In like Flynn...
I am just going to come out and say it: I want to date AOC. She is cute, ok? I like cute. It is more vulnerable than a "10" hottie. I like vulnerability. She has a nice body. She is what I like to call a "late bloomer", meaning she was not all that when she was younger, but now that she has filled out she is smoking hot. The oddity with her is that for every notch she is over the median on the beauty scale, she is that many notches or more below the median point on the IQ scale. But I am not going to get into her stupid concocted back story, or her leftist bent, or about how she hooked up with the sedition and skeevy Justice Democrats, or just how fucking stupid she is, or how she has zero political instincts, or any other of the myriad of flaws she has. I am just stating that I would bang her.

Come to think of it, all I am really saying her is that I want to bang her. I don't think I could stand dating this dingbat because that implies more than just banging, and conceivably conversation. She cannot converse on a level higher than fifth grade. So any meaningful conversation is out. Then there is that squeaky little girl voice. Yikes!! Unless I can duct tape her mouth shut, then dating this moron is out.

OK, so here is what I am really saying. I want AOC as a booty call for whenever I am in the mood to bang and it is convenient for me. She has beautiful skin. Her jawline is impeccable. My first wife had a jawline like that. The big doe like eyes suggest vulnerability, which I find sexy. If I got to see her cry I would just blast off on my own and would not even need physical contact!

I wonder why she is like she is. Then I start logically analyzing the facts.

1. She talks like a little girl even though she is over 30.
2. Her logic is on the level of a little girl.
3. Her statements and social awkwardness suggest she is mentally retarded.
4. She is dumber than a sack of dildos.
5. The only male she dates is a total cuck boy cock-face.
6. She possesses those "Crazy Bitch eyes".

Then the horror hits me: Mentally she IS a little girl emotionally. A very damaged little girl. She hints at having been violated in her past (though it is just as likely to be lie from her), and rape/power seems to constantly be at the forefront of her mind. THE BITCH IS RETARDED!!!

If she is retarded, can she even form legal consent to screw?!? Imagine bedding this hot piece of ass then getting arrested for rape. It would seem like entrapment. Pussy entrapment. Though I can find no such defense in my legal research. Yikes!!

I have always lived by the motto that there is no piece of ass in the world worth going to jail for, or otherwise worth getting yourself into a serious trouble over. I define "serious trouble" as something I cannot effectively and efficiently extricate myself from. "Serious trouble" keeps you up at night and stresses you out through the day. Sure, I will drop some cash on a woman and take the chance of encountering an irate husband or boyfriend. But that is shit I can deal with. Going to prison is not. That means there is a distinct possibility that I could go from an outy to an inny. I am not going to lie to you. I have a nice ass and a pretty mouth. Prison is NOT where I want to be. I am not a cuck-soy boy. But I have to assume that if 2-3 huge black guys gang up on me, there will not be much I can do (other than piss them off by trying to defend myself).

So I have to think about this. If I ran into AOC (it could happen...maybe I am in DC sometime. I have been there more than once in my life. I even once visited DC to bang some chick I met on the interwebs. I banged her and then never saw her again. LOL!!)... If I ever ran into AOC, would I just admire her bangworthiness, or would I try to seduce her? Admittedly, she is a crazy bitch, so she may completely shut down my seduction attempt, and that is ok. But then, context is vital. If I met her out somewhere that served alcohol and got her liquored up, then she may open herself to my powers of persuasion.

For example, if Riley took her out for drinks and dinner, I could insinuate myself into the conversation, especially after a couple of rounds of drinks I buy for them. I will give Riley a Gameboy or some stupid shit to keep him occupied while I ply AOC with booze and start massaging her high inner thigh. Pretty soon she will blow Riley off, telling him to go back to her apartment and feed her stupid bulldog or some shit. That will be when I set the hook, lead her to some intimate place, and torpedo her cooch! And I mean, I would tear it the fuck up too!! In 9 months poor cuck Riley will be wondering how she had a baby when he and AOC had never even screwed. I will be long gone. Obviously, AOC would have no way to even know who I am, let alone my contact info.

But scenario 2 is that I do all of this, then AOC cries rape so Riley does not leave her. He is most likely responsible for keeping her on her anti-crazy meds. This has the potential to fuck up my shit. Scenario 3 is even scarier. In this ending it is deemed that AOC is not sui juris and, therefore, cannot form the requisite consent to have sex. Essentially, this is like statutory rape. In this case I have no defense except to prove that AOC is not a retard. This is, of course, a mountain far too high for any mortal to climb.

So this gives me a 1 in 3 shot of bagging her cooter and making it out alive. No cooch hole is worth dying for. That is an absolute. If a man violates this rule, then he has absolutely fucked up. But, the odds ARE 33% (which is almost half!) that you will make it out of the situation ok and have gotten your dick wet with some of that sweet, sweet Puerto Rican nectar.

My final decision on AOC is this: No, I would not bang AOC out of fear for my life and well-being. But there is a caveat to this. If I do happen upon a chance meeting with her, could I exercise sufficient will power to refrain from trying to nail her? Not a chance. I would see that fine ass and big titties and become mesmerized. I would be doomed to seek carnal satisfaction in a zombie like trance. My fate would be in God's hands at that point. Hopefully, AOC would be merciful and shoo me away, which would save me. I would just go home and rape my left hand while thinking about her image. But, if the demon within me is not promptly shut down, it will only grow stronger and stronger. If I can get 10 minutes with you, then chances are you will be impaled on my shaft at some point before the night is over!

So when I say I would not bang AOC, what I really mean is that, yes, I would bang AOC, but only under certain circumstances, and because I simply cannot help myself. I have made a lot of poor decisions in the arena of love over the years. Never once have I chosen a suitable mate for myself, that could have provided me with a lifetime of love and satisfaction, where I did not fuck it up. Instead, I hooked up with crazies. BUT, I have had amazing sexual experiences! Life is a trade-off like that. No regrets whatsoever!

I couldn't read beyond the first couple paragraphs.

i guess I think it's wrong to sexualize and therefore de-humanize people

(yeh, even if they are liberals)
What's the difference between AOC and a washing machine?

A washing machine won't follow you around for 3 weeks after you dump a load in it....

She's fucking nasty... the bad kind of nasty....

aoc young.jpg
Those tits look a little big to be AOC. I estimate her to be a C-cup. The ones in this photo appear to be D-cups.
It may be a photoshop…. not by my doing, though. I think she has a smoking body, and a cute face, attractive until the horse-toothed smile and ignorant Marxist drivel she spews.

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