Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

The workers joined a strike demanding 15 bucks an hour to make a sammich?

Give me a break. Some of these illiterates think that making a sammich is a career job. Some jobs aren't worth 15 bucks an hour including making a sammich.

Stay in school, get your education, lay off the drugs and grow a set of testicles. Life isn't fair, never has been never will be. Stack the deck in your own favor by getting an education. The rest will work out on its own.

Silly liberals.


And the choir sings Amen!
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

If you can't afford to pay someone a decent wage, don't hire anyone and do the work yourself.

Seems to me GD has it figured pretty well.
By-the-way, please quantify "decent wage".
Isn't that illegal? I mean, maybe not to pay someone to work for you, but cash in hand?

No, not illegal. It's called contract labor. :eusa_angel:

Interesting. Not sure if cash in hand is illegal here - it wouldn't surprise me if it was. Taxes, and all.

The recipient of the payment is responsible for paying the taxes, all of them, including the portion normally paid by the employer. I've worked as contract labor, it's a real eye opener, I assure you. Employers pay a lot of taxes on behalf of their employees.
The business owner won obviously. He/she 'got rid' of a bunch of semi literate drop outs who demanded to be paid what the business owner did not think was in his businesses' best interest. It's simple.
The 'loss' his business will suffer will be written off for years and the owner will actually make money on his 'loss' tax-wise'.
Don't worry about the owner finding replacement employees. He'll put a sign in the window "Help Wanted" and get a thousand applications of which he will choose the 20 employees with the very best employment records. Win-win.
As an aside re employees. The very best employees like to work with other excellent employees. Makes the work easier when you don't have to work beside a whining/ stoned/drunk/illiterate/Liberal 'male who pees sitting down' 'Metro' all night.

You do realize you are talking about minimum wage employees don't you?

The owner fires everyone and has to spend a week hiring and training new employees. The fired employees spend a week looking for a new low paying job

Nobody wins

Umm..The owner made a decision that will enable him to keep his business going.
The workers have to find new jobs. And they will think twice before engaging in another one of these fruitless job actions.

Each and every one of the affected employees is welcome to establish their own business. They could even form a co-op, employ all of their former co-workers and pay them anything they like, or think is "fair". Nothing stops them.
Again, the issue is not a pony.

It's a fair distribution of wages of an enterprise.


The enterprise sets the wages.

Employee has the right to market their skills elsewhere for greater remuneration.


Not really. They brought in immigrants, both legal and illegal to keep our wages low. We can't just move to another country, it's impossible. They won't take our unskilled labor. We're the only country in the world that doesn't protect the jobs of it's citizens.

If the citizens want to protect their jobs from the alien invasion, they need to STOP voting pro-amnesty legislators into office. Start putting pro-American representatives who will take a hard line against welcoming illegal invaders.
Getting rid of all the employees was one of the many reasons I closed my office. When I opened the dog grooming shop I didn't have any at all. If someone showed up at the door when it opened, they got to work the day, got paid for that day and went on their way. No salary, no benefits, no days off, no raises, nothing. I always had someone at the door. One woman was at the door every day, same time, for two years. I never hired her. She showed up, got paid and went home.

Actually I did give her a raise when she moved from bathing to some basic grooming. But I never hired her.

Isn't that illegal? I mean, maybe not to pay someone to work for you, but cash in hand?

No. It's illegal to pay an employee. Other than that, it's just casual labor because you don't have the same person show up at a designated time with specific job duties.

My husband started it as a way he thought would help the homeless. We had a LOT of homeless in that neighborhood. He thought some homeless person would be interested in doing something to make money. The way it really worked out was like homeless poison. In a few days, the idea got rid of all the homeless. They stayed away rather than be faced with the possibility of working.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.
It is not mine, but one poster described you as "painfully stupid". I cannot top that except to add painfully simplistic, which is really an extension of the former anyway.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.

How does taxing the rich create a single job? I'm curious as to how libturds rationalize this theory.
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

Did you read your own fucking link? They are remodeling dumbass.

'Due to increased competition and losses, ownership has decided to consider remodeling and reconcepting the store at 600 West Chicago Ave." They basically went out of business and are now trying a different format.

Damn you dumb asses make me sick.
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

Did you read your own fucking link? They are remodeling dumbass.

'Due to increased competition and losses, ownership has decided to consider remodeling and reconcepting the store at 600 West Chicago Ave." They basically went out of business and are now trying a different format.

Damn you dumb asses make me sick.

In the article is said that less than a month before the employees "rallied" for $15 an hour.

If you think that has nothing to do with all of them getting canned then that's your choice.

I believe it was a factor in the decision to shitcan them all.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.

How does taxing the rich create a single job? I'm curious as to how libturds rationalize this theory.

And this part of the statement?
"rip up all the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China."
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.

First, most small business owners are NOT rich. It's very few in fact.
Now, please explain how confiscatory taxation would increase the number of private sector jobs...
This should be good.
Oh, you can stow the 1950's unions were strong nonsense. On many levels, there is no quantifiable application to the economy of today.
Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.

How does taxing the rich create a single job? I'm curious as to how libturds rationalize this theory.

And this part of the statement?
"rip up all the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China."

And this would do what?
Stop foreign trade?
Look, it is well documented that trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
In fact, on every level, the US would LOSE any trade war and lose BIG.
Oh, there just are not that many jobs lost to foreign competition.
Manufacturing, for example, will never return to the days of smoke stack industry where unskilled barely educated people could latch on to a job for the rest of their working career.
Manufacturing is largely automated through technology. Only highly skilled people are needed to run the machines that produce the products.
The days of the $25 per hour unionized floor sweeper/ rest room cleaner are over. Cleaning contracts are farmed out to the lowest bidder.
Here's another example where technology has eliminated the necessity for the need of manual labor.
NJ toll collectors fighting to keep jobs on Turnpike, GSP -
Of course the union is whining because management realizes the union will lose membership.
The bottom line is this. The union is claiming jobs/middle class issues.
The reality is this is the same as when Air travel became the preferred method of travel, the need for railroad workers was greatly diminished.
If were a toll collector, I'd be looking into taking courses in electronics and trying to hire on with one of the companies that maintains the EZ- Pass equipment.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

The sheep who listened to the union unicorn piss purveyors lost, the purveyors will move on and pretend they zip to do with this and the owner will hire new folks, being a bus. person I am sure he understood his lost days without help are a necessary time the AstroTurf unicorns show up I bet the employees then tell them no thx I want to keep the job.

Yup, you got to keep them wage slaves in their place. How DARE they demand decent pay.

Oh, by the way, this restruant was in downtown Chicago, and what they were paying in rent or taxes for that tony downtown address was probably no doubt a lot more than they were paying the wage slaves...

The fact you have no business experience permits tolerance of your ignorance.
The "person in charge"? that you keep referring to. Who the hell is that?
The owner has to make A PROFIT because if he does not make A PROFIT then "the person in charge" and everyone else has NO job to protest about.

If he can't pay his workers a decent wage AND make a profit, then he's a shitty business owner.

This comment right here tells me you know not of what you speak. Really, nothing. You would be better off sticking to what you know, but I have yet to be able to determine what that is...

She works at a Mc Donalds. Grossly overpaid due to Australia's stupid wage laws.
Of course she is too stupid to realize that those inflated wages are reflected in the consumer prices. And too stupid to realize those wages are subsidized by taxation.

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