Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

Actually, we did read the link.

A guy who owns a shop in downtown Chicago (where the cost of rent is ridiculously high) isn't paying his employees a decent wage.

Now, if you have ever been to downtown Chicago, it's usually a madhouse down there at lunch.

But this guy isn't paying his employees a decent wage in a place where parking for the day costs $30.00 or more.

That's why they went on strike.

They went "on strike" because they bought the party line myth that they are being treated unfairly and that by joining a strike action, they might be able to bully their employer into caving to their demands.


"minimum wage employees aren't people. Why are they thinking they have rights?"

Oh please...So that's where your argument has gone?
It's been answered before, you just don't listen. A living wage is enough for one person to pay rent on a crappy apartment, all their utilities, their clothes, transportation and medical. I don't think that's too much to ask for the lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world.

Back in 1968 when my brother worked a minimum wage job, he could pay for his own apartment, buy a brand new car and take college classes part time. That can't be done today. Why do you think the top 1% earn more than 200% increase in their income while the bottom workers deserved to lose spending power?

Why should one person rent an entire apartment? Why not a room in a boarding house or why not share an apartment with 3 or 4 people?

The problem as I see it it is that people want to only work 40 hours a week and they think that should make them enough to buy a house a car and put their kids through college.

I guarantee you that anyone who has had any success at all worked a hell of a lot more than 40 hours a week.

Because said person deserves to be able to afford their own apartment so that they aren't dependent on a roommate who may or may not stay. You're right, successful people work more than 40 hours a week, however, minimum wage workers have their hours cut back continually, and moved around just to make sure they can't keep 2 jobs.
"Deserves"....That's where your problem lies. You look upon things as entitlements.
And where you get the idea that a business owner would have any interest in preventing their people from working another job is a mystery.
Please cut out the bullshit.
Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Usually, I do prepare most of my own food, and the only time I go to a Starbucks is when I am meeting a c lient. (It's really not the coffee I'm paying for, it's the WiFi.)

Of course, the fallacy here is that paying a decent wage would really increase prices all that much. A nickel a sandwich? Can't see that being that big of a deal.

I remember back in the late 70's, early 80's when Pizza Hut said they couldn't provide health insurance for their employees because it would cost them an extra 50 cents a pizza. Well, everyone I knew was willing to pay that extra 50 cents so they could have health insurance, then it comes out they lied and it would only cost a few cents extra for each Pizza. Don't think they ever did get insurance for their employees.

Adjusted for inflation, that's a lot of money.
And in case you are interested, like most other chain restaurants, these are franchises. Which means that half a buck can dramatically cut into profit margins. So much so, that workers hours will be cut or workers let go.
Everything has a cost. And the first thing to be affected is labor because it is the largest percentage cost of doing business and the easiest to control.
Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Gee, I bought a cup of Chai tea this year, and I bought one about 7 years ago too. Guess I really shouldn't have spent that extra money.

You know it would be a lot cheaper if you'd grow your own tea leaves, or just drank hot water, that way your employer could cut your pay and up their profits.

I also suggest making your own soap, and bathing in the creek. No reason to be so greedy as to want to able to afford such "luxuries" as running hot and cold water and soap.
That drivel does not dignify a response.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job
The business owner won obviously. He/she 'got rid' of a bunch of semi literate drop outs who demanded to be paid what the business owner did not think was in his businesses' best interest. It's simple.
The 'loss' his business will suffer will be written off for years and the owner will actually make money on his 'loss' tax-wise'.
Don't worry about the owner finding replacement employees. He'll put a sign in the window "Help Wanted" and get a thousand applications of which he will choose the 20 employees with the very best employment records. Win-win.
As an aside re employees. The very best employees like to work with other excellent employees. Makes the work easier when you don't have to work beside a whining/ stoned/drunk/illiterate/Liberal 'male who pees sitting down' 'Metro' all night.

You do realize you are talking about minimum wage employees don't you?

The owner fires everyone and has to spend a week hiring and training new employees. The fired employees spend a week looking for a new low paying job

Nobody wins

Have you ever owned a business? Evidently not. The owner wins. the loser whiners lose.
If they weren't getting paid enough why not just quit and find a better job?

Because they want everything but are willing to do nothing. They won't go to collage, won't even attend a night course in an attempt to better themselves; all they do is go on strike at the busiest time of year in an effort to satisfy their greed.

I work full time and get well paid for it.
Because I work hard and I'm willing to do what others won't do, I get fat pay rises every year.
Last year, my pay rise was the same as the lowest paid staff get in total.

I also run a small business, well, in honesty, my wife does but I set the salaries and pay the staff.
They get paid reasonably well and get free food and board. They get paid more than I have to out of kindness but they won't get a penny more unless they prove they're worth it.
They don't manage that so they don't get a rise.
The same goes for this grasping load of lazy sods.
They're 10 a penny monkeys and there is no reason to pay them more.

How are they suppose to take a night course on minimum wage when it doesn't even put a roof over your head?

Get a second job. It is not the employer's problem.
I cannot understand the thickness of the liberal mind.
It's as though you people believe business owners have access to this magic pot of money.
You know it would be a lot cheaper if you'd grow your own tea leaves, or just drank hot water, that way your employer could cut your pay and up their profits.

I also suggest making your own soap, and bathing in the creek. No reason to be so greedy as to want to able to afford such "luxuries" as running hot and cold water and soap.

Well, I do already make my own laundry detergent, no joke.

I have to make a combo blend. Husband with allergies and a lot of grease from the yard.

(trucking) Nice to know someone else out there is pulling a hell in the cell ring doing laundry.

Oh and our water is so freaking hard Palmolive doesn't even bubble up. Now that tells you something.


Hard water like that reminds me of the visits I made to family in western New York State...Talk about some stinky limestone and sulfur filled swill.

Have you ever asked yourself why employers often keep minimum wage employees on short hours, less than a full-time work schedule? You don't think that government interference in the employer-employee relationship has even the tiniest bit to do with that?

Again, that's like blaming a short dress for rape.

Looks like the only thing short here is the bus you rode to "special" school.
It really puzzles me that this is such a bizarre and foreign concept to so many people.

I would strongly support required fundamental economics courses in every year of high school. When a populace doesn't understand the painfully simple concept of "supply and demand", something has gone off the rails somewhere.


We don't live in a capitalistic society. If we did, all those banks would have failed and our tax dollars wouldn't have bailed them out. Our tax dollars would not provide benefits to corporations either. And our immigration wouldn't have increased to make up for our lower birth rate which would have raised the low skilled wages to much more than they are today.

A good solution to this is for people to not go to their business. Support living wage jobs for low wage workers.

Define "living wage"...

You know how many of us have asked them to define "living wage"? We are still waiting for an answer. Until someone can come up with a clear, quantifiable definition, the term remains nothing but empty, emotional rhetoric.
Frankly, if you are working in a sub shop and not making at least 100 sandwiches a week, no wonder the place is going out of business.

so for your nickel increase to cover the 200 plus dollars a week that one employee would have to make more than 4000 sandwiches a week.

That's just for one employee I don't know too many corner sub shops that make 4000 sandwiches a week. At 5 bucks a sandwich that shop would be pulling in over a million a year on one full time employee.

Like I said you don't bother to do the math you just pick a number out of your ass.

I still think your math is off. But that's okay, most people would pay an extra nickel.

Or he could try moving his sandwich shop to a place where they don't charge tens of thousands in rent a month...

Of course, the guy should probably give up now, since he now has a reputation as being anti-worker in a Union town.

You are going to believe what you wish. Those of us who think you have a room temperature IQ respond because it is so much fun tormenting you.
BTW, do you ever tire of being wrong all the time?
Obviously, if employees don't report for work, their job doesn't mean much to them. Companies that are subject to collective bargaining are called 'union shops' and no business is required to be a union shop. It is a choice the owner gets to make.

The people who are on the bottom rung of the pay scale are there for a reason. This certainly illustrates that salient point.

Actually, the employees decide to become union. The employer has little choice in the matter other than closing the doors, reestablish the business later.

it is important to remember that the employer must agree to the terms of a contract between the union and the business.
Yes, years ago, if a business owner refused to bargain, the employees could walk and shut down the business. That no longer is the case.
For example. A branch of Dish Network Service Corp( DNSC) in Maryland, terminated all of it's technicians because they elected to join a union.
The company simply refused to bargain with the union management. they simply waited out the employees who voted to for the union. The company went by the book. They fired people for being late. For declining work assignments. For incorrect paperwork. For working unauthorized overtime...After about a month, the entire technician corps was turned over.
Unions simply do not have the kind of clout they once had.

Yep, and thank goodness for small favors. Of course, it doesn't stop the union mobs from trying to coerce others into toeing their line, or stop them from extorting member dues to use to buy off politicians.
I worked for one union shop, a 'closed shop' at that. During company indoctrination, the local union representative showed up, passed out some forms for us to sign, and explained to us that if we did not sign those forms authorizing initiation fees and union dues to be automatically withheld from our pay by a certain deadline, they would report us to the company and we would be terminated. I raised my hand, asked him if what he was saying was that if we did not pay their dues and fees, we could not hold a job with the company? Yes, that's right, he says. I explain to him that making us pay to hold a job, or be fired, was extortion in my dictionary. The guy went apoplectic.
Needless to say, if the place I work now goes union, I will quit. I will not be forced to pay extorted fees to keep my job.
Frankly, if you are working in a sub shop and not making at least 100 sandwiches a week, no wonder the place is going out of business.

Possibly and thank you for providing the best reason to date why the employer should fire all of them ASAP.
Good point Joe.

Yes, this guy was a pretty shitty businessman, who shouldn't be in business.

Can't run with the big dogs.

Maybe he can move down south and serve sandwiches to Cleetus and Billy-Bob.

The business will open and be successful. The owner closed up to change the place to fit the marketplace.
Of course that is difficult for you to understand.
You think businesses should be required by law to retain employees even if there is no work for them to do. After all, in your little twisted world, a job is an entitlement.

Then they need to train and educate themselves for a job that markets their skills that pays enough to pay their rent.
Not my responsibility to pay their rent.
And if their 2nd job is not enough to pay the rent then get a damn 3rd job or a 4th.

Or we just stop putting up with it and vote in raises.

OOOOPS. there it is.

Vote in raises? Really dude?
And just under what authority would government have to regulate market labor rates?
You must be even more stupid than once thought.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.
It is not mine, but one poster described you as "painfully stupid". I cannot top that except to add painfully simplistic, which is really an extension of the former anyway.

Guy, once again, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the workforce was unionized, the minimum wage law had teeth, and teh rich paid excessive taxes.

It really is pretty fucking simple. Everything the Conservatives say about Economics is as wrong as three left nuts.

Then they need to train and educate themselves for a job that markets their skills that pays enough to pay their rent.
Not my responsibility to pay their rent.
And if their 2nd job is not enough to pay the rent then get a damn 3rd job or a 4th.

Or we just stop putting up with it and vote in raises.

OOOOPS. there it is.

Vote in raises? Really dude?
And just under what authority would government have to regulate market labor rates?
You must be even more stupid than once thought.

World War II and after they regulated labor rates and wages, and it worked just fine.

Again, greatest prosperity when we were unionized and everyone worked for a living wage.
So how much should sandwich maker earn ?

A living wage, just like everyone else.

Quantify a living wage.
Do you see working in a sandwich shop as a career?

Enough to pay rent and pay for food.

I don't care if it's a career or not.

There should not be a class of jobs of second class workers that it is okay to abuse and underpay.

Oh, one more thing you jerkwads don't seem to get.

When those sandwich makers have to go on Medicaid to get medical care, and get food stamps to put food on the table, and apply for section 8 vouchers to put a roof over their heads, who do you think is PAYING for that?

Well, working on the assumption you have a real job, you are, dumbass.
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Again, the issue is not a pony.

It's a fair distribution of wages of an enterprise.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Ya wanna know what would be fair..
When ungrateful workers who bitch and moan they are underpaid are given a chance to operate their employer's business for one month. They get to administer the paperwork, pay bills, meet payroll, order materials, see prospective clients, put out fires, explain why an order was not shipped on time, field phone calls from customers, pay for vehicle or equipment maintenance...
Then come back and try bitching about being paid more money "just because"...
Again, the issue is not a pony.

It's a fair distribution of wages of an enterprise.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Ya wanna know what would be fair..
When ungrateful workers who bitch and moan they are underpaid are given a chance to operate their employer's business for one month. They get to administer the paperwork, pay bills, meet payroll, order materials, see prospective clients, put out fires, explain why an order was not shipped on time, field phone calls from customers, pay for vehicle or equipment maintenance...Then come back and try bitching about being paid more money "just because"...

Frankly, who do you think is doing most of those things in most businesses? It's usually the wage slaves.
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

Yeah that'll show those pesky bastards that just want a wage they can live off of! DAMN THEM! HAIL CAPITALISM!

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