Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Do what I do. When I interview a candidate for a particular job, I describe the job and tell them what it pays. They don't have to take the job or the salary that is paid as recompense. They are free to get up and walk out the door, just as I am free to hire (or not) the person of my choosing.

I farm it out now, do nothing and get 15% commission.
I am 59 going on 60, own 3 companies with 1 that I use to have an employee.
Done with that. Semi retired. In my work I am responsible for their training, their liability insurance, their bond, everything as I am in a highly regulated industry.
Going rate is $20 a hour but still they are more concerned with benefits.
I HATE THAT FUCKING WORD. BENEFITS has ruined and spoiled the American work force.
Benefits....Yeah...They used to be called "fringe benefits"...Employers used these are a concession to attract the better candidates for their company.
Once the majority of larger firms offered them, employees came to EXPECT them.
Then the perception of benefits became entitlements. and that's where the wheels came off. Now we have a President telling the American people that health insurance is a "right"...
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

If you can't afford to pay someone a decent wage, don't hire anyone and do the work yourself.

BINGO! Employees are a pain in the ass.
I have a small business. I do that work myself.
It's MY money. MY investment....I don't want to share...
How's that grab ya?
Does anyone bother to read the links before they start a thread?

Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email
They were notified the drastic action was effective immediately
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they reconcept the business into a burger joint

It comes less than a month after Snarf's workers rallied for higher wages

Read more: Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online
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Workers Fired via e-mail...a conservative dream come true.
Getting rid of all the employees was one of the many reasons I closed my office. When I opened the dog grooming shop I didn't have any at all. If someone showed up at the door when it opened, they got to work the day, got paid for that day and went on their way. No salary, no benefits, no days off, no raises, nothing. I always had someone at the door. One woman was at the door every day, same time, for two years. I never hired her. She showed up, got paid and went home.

Actually I did give her a raise when she moved from bathing to some basic grooming. But I never hired her.

Isn't that illegal? I mean, maybe not to pay someone to work for you, but cash in hand?

Nope. Certain businesses use contract labor.
And if you think there are not workers who are not paid in cash, known as day laborers, you're nuts.
The kid down the street that knocks on your door asking to cut your grass or shovel snow from the driveway, wash your car....Yep, I did that. I made money. I was just a kid.
MY friend's mom owns a pet grooming shop. IN that business as well as the hair grooming business, the workers are not employees. They rent a booth from the shop owner. The owner gets the rent and takes a percentage of the earnings. The worker keeps all tips.
Mostly a cash business.
The valet car parkers at racetracks, casinos, restaurants, etc...Contractors, paid a small age plus tips. Mostly a cash business.
These are the best businesses to own. The business owner gives no raises or has to deal with all the garbage associated with hiring full time employees. And the workers get to decide how much they are paid. The more they produce, the more they earn.
Same for commission only sales people. They earn what they are paid.
Again, the issue is not a pony.

It's a fair distribution of wages of an enterprise.


The enterprise sets the wages.

Employee has the right to market their skills elsewhere for greater remuneration.


Not really. They brought in immigrants, both legal and illegal to keep our wages low. We can't just move to another country, it's impossible. They won't take our unskilled labor. We're the only country in the world that doesn't protect the jobs of it's citizens.
And ironically it is you libs that cheer lead for the illegals.
Umm..The owner made a decision that will enable him to keep his business going.
The workers have to find new jobs. And they will think twice before engaging in another one of these fruitless job actions.

But who is going to want to work for someone who will fire you at the drop of a hat?

You may think that is what happens, but it doesn't.
Most small business operators do what they must to keep their best workers happy.
There is nothing more painful than having to let someone go. There is no more bothersome activity than to pour through resumes and interview people. Especially those on the lower end of the skill level range. The people that come through the doors can be downright scary.
This comment right here tells me you know not of what you speak. Really, nothing. You would be better off sticking to what you know, but I have yet to be able to determine what that is...

She works at a Mc Donalds. Grossly overpaid due to Australia's stupid wage laws.
Of course she is too stupid to realize that those inflated wages are reflected in the consumer prices. And too stupid to realize those wages are subsidized by taxation.

Check out the price of a movie ticket in Perth. Incredible! Beer? Rent?


I just looked at a COL website. Jesus Christ even with the higher wages mandated by the Aussie government, the cost of living in that country is very high.
Some 35% higher than here in the US.
Cost of Living
Actually, the employees decide to become union. The employer has little choice in the matter other than closing the doors, reestablish the business later.

it is important to remember that the employer must agree to the terms of a contract between the union and the business.
Yes, years ago, if a business owner refused to bargain, the employees could walk and shut down the business. That no longer is the case.
For example. A branch of Dish Network Service Corp( DNSC) in Maryland, terminated all of it's technicians because they elected to join a union.
The company simply refused to bargain with the union management. they simply waited out the employees who voted to for the union. The company went by the book. They fired people for being late. For declining work assignments. For incorrect paperwork. For working unauthorized overtime...After about a month, the entire technician corps was turned over.
Unions simply do not have the kind of clout they once had.

Yep, and thank goodness for small favors. Of course, it doesn't stop the union mobs from trying to coerce others into toeing their line, or stop them from extorting member dues to use to buy off politicians.
I worked for one union shop, a 'closed shop' at that. During company indoctrination, the local union representative showed up, passed out some forms for us to sign, and explained to us that if we did not sign those forms authorizing initiation fees and union dues to be automatically withheld from our pay by a certain deadline, they would report us to the company and we would be terminated. I raised my hand, asked him if what he was saying was that if we did not pay their dues and fees, we could not hold a job with the company? Yes, that's right, he says. I explain to him that making us pay to hold a job, or be fired, was extortion in my dictionary. The guy went apoplectic.
Needless to say, if the place I work now goes union, I will quit. I will not be forced to pay extorted fees to keep my job.

I would imagine you reside in forced union state?
Again, why we need massive taxation on the rich to create jobs and to rip up alll the free trade treaties and tax the slave labor shit coming in from China.

Problem solved.
It is not mine, but one poster described you as "painfully stupid". I cannot top that except to add painfully simplistic, which is really an extension of the former anyway.

Guy, once again, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when the workforce was unionized, the minimum wage law had teeth, and teh rich paid excessive taxes.

It really is pretty fucking simple. Everything the Conservatives say about Economics is as wrong as three left nuts.

Actually our most prosperous decade was the 1990's.
The workforce was never unionized. This has been explained to you many times.
Once again you demonstrate a propensity to distort the facts . You resort to spewing the most brain dead shit house rhetoric known to exist in USMB
Or we just stop putting up with it and vote in raises.

OOOOPS. there it is.

Vote in raises? Really dude?
And just under what authority would government have to regulate market labor rates?
You must be even more stupid than once thought.

World War II and after they regulated labor rates and wages, and it worked just fine.

Again, greatest prosperity when we were unionized and everyone worked for a living wage.
They? You mean government?
Ok, prove it. I want to see a link to a news item and a link to a federal law which states all labor rates are to be regulated by the federal government.
I know you are full of shit. But you can try real hard to convince me these laws exist.
Oh yes! If they existed then, they would exist now.
Let's see you squirm your way out of this one.
I want to see for myself. So I can go to my boss tomorrow and tell him he owes me so much money instead of what he's paying, because a guy on a message board said so.
A living wage, just like everyone else.

Quantify a living wage.
Do you see working in a sandwich shop as a career?

Enough to pay rent and pay for food.

I don't care if it's a career or not.

There should not be a class of jobs of second class workers that it is okay to abuse and underpay.

Oh, one more thing you jerkwads don't seem to get.

When those sandwich makers have to go on Medicaid to get medical care, and get food stamps to put food on the table, and apply for section 8 vouchers to put a roof over their heads, who do you think is PAYING for that?

Well, working on the assumption you have a real job, you are, dumbass.

Underpay? Here's a newsflash. NO ONE is underpaid.
Enough to afford rent and food? For whom? And at who's expense? The business owner is not a baby sitter. He or she is not responsible for the choices made by his or her employees.
You are grasping at straws here. You have no substantive argument so you spout off with these oversimplifications believing they will just "happen".
BTW, the wage a person is paid is not connected to whether or not they can be abused. As a matter of fact, the more one makes, the more subject they are to this alleged 'abuse'...Why? Because the employer expects more from their higher paid people, that's why.
For the last time.
The percentage of people actually having to live unsupported on low and minimum wage is so low, the number is inconsequential...
Who Earns the Minimum Wage? Suburban Teenagers, Not Single Parents
Oh and how about got it's info from......The US Bureau Of Labor Statistics.....How wonderful....
Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012

Now I suppose you're going to shoot back with some dopey comment about the BLS stats being wrong and the Heritage Foundation put them up to it...
Does anyone bother to read the links before they start a thread?

Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email
They were notified the drastic action was effective immediately
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they reconcept the business into a burger joint

It comes less than a month after Snarf's workers rallied for higher wages

Read more: Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Workers Fired via e-mail...a conservative dream come true.
Once again, you've demonstrated that you have nothing to add.
Now you are going to put on your feminazi cap and make this into a women's issue...
I can't wait.
It was not two days ago that liberals were saying that displeasing qn employer was grounds for firing.

These employees weren't fired. They were let go on a necessary pretext.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

If you can't afford to pay someone a decent wage, don't hire anyone and do the work yourself.

Seems to me GD has it figured pretty well.
By-the-way, please quantify "decent wage".

Enough to live, and not starve.
If you can't afford to pay someone a decent wage, don't hire anyone and do the work yourself.

Seems to me GD has it figured pretty well.
By-the-way, please quantify "decent wage".

Enough to live, and not starve.

One can starve if they insist on eating meals away from home or eating junk food.
I can make 30 bucks last me nearly a week just using a little creativity in the kitchen.
Stay away from convenience foods such as instant anything.

Actually our most prosperous decade was the 1990's.

You mean when Clinton gave the unions everything they wanted and raised taxes on the rich?

The workforce was never unionized. This has been explained to you many times.

Good jobs were unionized. Mediocre jobs paid a good wage to prevent a union forming and because- again- the minimum wage actually meant something up until 1980 or so.

Once again you demonstrate a propensity to distort the facts . You resort to spewing the most brain dead shit house rhetoric known to exist in USMB

The fact is, the America I grew up in was a much better place to live than the one we do now.

And it was Reagan and the Bushes who fucked it up for the rest of us.

Actually our most prosperous decade was the 1990's.

You mean when Clinton gave the unions everything they wanted and raised taxes on the rich?

The workforce was never unionized. This has been explained to you many times.

Good jobs were unionized. Mediocre jobs paid a good wage to prevent a union forming and because- again- the minimum wage actually meant something up until 1980 or so.

Once again you demonstrate a propensity to distort the facts . You resort to spewing the most brain dead shit house rhetoric known to exist in USMB

The fact is, the America I grew up in was a much better place to live than the one we do now.

And it was Reagan and the Bushes who fucked it up for the rest of us.

SO you believe that before the equal rights amendment that Pres. Johnson created-- The USA was a better place.
You know a time with less Government, true competition, rewards for accomplishments. "that Era"
Yep there was a housing boom, industry boom USA oil boom and we did not believe in such bull as Global Warming Gay Rights, Woman's rights and green cards just to name a few of the stupid things.
Is that the era--you know when you wanted to advance your education you paid for it and property taxes were under control--and doctors were cheap.
Was it the era when there was no Wall Mart and things from China were considered Junk? Maybe you even shopped at Macy's or Gimbals. Wow it sure seems like a couple of hundred years ago. Happy New Year
glad I'm getting old.

SO you believe that before the equal rights amendment that Pres. Johnson created-- The USA was a better place.
You know a time with less Government, true competition, rewards for accomplishments. "that Era"
Yep there was a housing boom, industry boom USA oil boom and we did not believe in such bull as Global Warming Gay Rights, Woman's rights and green cards just to name a few of the stupid things.
Is that the era--you know when you wanted to advance your education you paid for it and property taxes were under control--and doctors were cheap.
Was it the era when there was no Wall Mart and things from China were considered Junk? Maybe you even shopped at Macy's or Gimbals. Wow it sure seems like a couple of hundred years ago. Happy New Year
glad I'm getting old.

Equal Rights Amendment President Johnson Created? WHich "amendment" was that?

Okay, to be fair, it kind of sucked to be black in the 1960's. (But again, they could get jobs, that was a key thing.)

But what you did have was working people getting paid a fair wage and the rich paid their fair share and the government spent a LOT of money on infrastructure and that sort of thing.
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

Just saw this......and Im laughing my balls off.

How appropo is this gem?? >>>

If any of you people want to pay someone $15 an hour to put cold cuts on bread you are welcome to pony up 50 or 60K of your own money to rent, furnish and renovate a place then make sure it is OSHA compliant, EPA compliant, FDA compliant pay to heat cool and light the space buy all the ingredients pay all the taxes involved etc.

Until you do that you have no right to tell someone else they should pay people 15 bucks an hour.

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