We have all been lied to about Lyndon Johnson

Tonkin Gulf crisis put American Troops in Vietnam and he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. After the V.C. was finally defeated in the Tet offensive, LBJ threw in the towel and gave them the opportunity to regroup.

fter U.S. forces defeated the V.C. after the Tet the
"Kill off the Other Whites and Take Away Their Pride"

LBJ got his political policies from his richgirl wife. Though race treason and chickenhawkery didn't arise in her generation; nevertheless, she kept up with the latest guillotine-fodder fads of the Preppy Pipsqueaks.

Your motivation for your fake news is to justify the draft-dodging of your Masters and their Diploma Dumbo flunkies. I asked a friend of Dan Quayle why that Kokomo Commando sissied out of fighting the Communists. His excuse: "We weren't trying to win."

The reason for our stab-in-the-back war policy was that the ruling class's sons didn't have to do their duty, as usual. Even in World War II, if truth could be told instead of auctioned off to the highest bidder, 99% of those born in the 1% sat out the war shuffling papers in Washington, DC.
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"Kill off the Other Whites and Take Away Their Pride"

LBJ got his political policies from his richgirl wife. Though race treason and chickenhawkery didn't arise in her generation; nevertheless, she kept up with the latest guillotine-fodder fads of the Preppy Pipsqueaks.

Your motivation for your fake news is to justify the draft-dodging of your Masters and their Diploma Dumbo flunkies. I asked a friend of Dan Quayle why that Kokomo Commando sissied out of fighting the Communists. His excuse: "We weren't trying to win."

The reason for our stab-in-the-back war policy was that the ruling class's sons didn't have to do their duty, as usual. Even in World War II, if truth could be told instead of auctioned off to the highest bidder, 99% of those born in the 1% sat out the war shuffling papers in Washington, DC.
JFK screwed up his post in Navy Intell. by fraternizing with a female Nazi spy. His stint in the PT Boats was lackluster until his boat was run over by a Japanese destroyer while idling in the shipping channel at night. After being rescued JFK was facing a court martial but his rich father intervened with a brilliant plan. Old Joe Kennedy had connections to the rich Hollywood elite and he managed to hire a screenwriter to rewrite the PT109 saga and Hollywood made a movie that turned a disaster into a heroic event. They even made a freaking song. The Navy backed off in a court martial and JFK was elected president.

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