Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

And business owners have the right to tell you to piss off.

And these people are not talking about minimum wage they want $15 an hour to lay slices of cold cuts on bread.

So if you think that slapping cold cuts on a bun is worth $15 an hour then you open your own place and pay it

Of course they have the right to tell them to piss off. Isn't it funny that no one has said that they don't have that right, the ONLY people who have been told they don't have a right by anyone in this thread is the people who wanted $15?

Well guess what, BOTH sides have the right to voice their opinions.

Actually we are pretty lucky these guys can't read. If they knew the history of labor movements they might have a clue as to what is going on. Low wage workers (garment workers, truck drivers, factory workers, miners) are always easy to replace, until they aren't. "Don't get mad, ORGANIZE!"
No one is listening to you. 6.6% of the private sector is unionized. That number keeps falling.
Unions will be dead soon.
Good. Not needed any longer.
I do construction and my starting pay is just below that. You want someone who spreads mustaed 9n your bread to make what I pay someone to run the jack hammer?

You are out of your mind
Most of the posters on this board have NO IDEA what the value of the dollar is. All they clearly know is the value of their cubicle. Trust me, you're clueless.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job
The business owner won obviously. He/she 'got rid' of a bunch of semi literate drop outs who demanded to be paid what the business owner did not think was in his businesses' best interest. It's simple.
The 'loss' his business will suffer will be written off for years and the owner will actually make money on his 'loss' tax-wise'.
Don't worry about the owner finding replacement employees. He'll put a sign in the window "Help Wanted" and get a thousand applications of which he will choose the 20 employees with the very best employment records. Win-win.
As an aside re employees. The very best employees like to work with other excellent employees. Makes the work easier when you don't have to work beside a whining/ stoned/drunk/illiterate/Liberal 'male who pees sitting down' 'Metro' all night.

"the owner will actually make money one "loss" tax-wise"----Man, not sure if you've ever been in business for yourself, but losing money sucks, even if it's a write off. Please show me one business person you've ever met who "makes money" on his loss. I always get people who say "buy me a bike" in my motorcycle business, because "it's a write off!". They have no idea how business works, and I don't think you do either. Sorry.
The minimum wage needs to go the way of the buggy whip. It is now so high it's in the harmful range. It needs to ge replaced by a graduated and categorized structure.

It has the lowest spending power it's ever had in history, how can it be so high it's in the harmful range?
If any of you people want to pay someone $15 an hour to put cold cuts on bread you are welcome to pony up 50 or 60K of your own money to rent, furnish and renovate a place then make sure it is OSHA compliant, EPA compliant, FDA compliant pay to heat cool and light the space buy all the ingredients pay all the taxes involved etc.

Until you do that you have no right to tell someone else they should pay people 15 bucks an hour.

It's MUCH easier to stand on the sidelines and throw out platitudes like "living wage".

Why go through the risk, expense, headaches and effort of actually starting a business?


If any of you people want to pay someone $15 an hour to put cold cuts on bread you are welcome to pony up 50 or 60K of your own money to rent, furnish and renovate a place then make sure it is OSHA compliant, EPA compliant, FDA compliant pay to heat cool and light the space buy all the ingredients pay all the taxes involved etc.

Until you do that you have no right to tell someone else they should pay people 15 bucks an hour.

It's MUCH easier to stand on the sidelines and throw out platitudes like "living wage".

Why go through the risk, expense, headaches and effort of actually starting a business?



Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.
If any of you people want to pay someone $15 an hour to put cold cuts on bread you are welcome to pony up 50 or 60K of your own money to rent, furnish and renovate a place then make sure it is OSHA compliant, EPA compliant, FDA compliant pay to heat cool and light the space buy all the ingredients pay all the taxes involved etc.

Until you do that you have no right to tell someone else they should pay people 15 bucks an hour.

It's MUCH easier to stand on the sidelines and throw out platitudes like "living wage".

Why go through the risk, expense, headaches and effort of actually starting a business?



Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.

Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.
It's MUCH easier to stand on the sidelines and throw out platitudes like "living wage".

Why go through the risk, expense, headaches and effort of actually starting a business?



Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.

Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.

It's always easier to complain from a position of pure ignorance.


Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.

Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.

It's always easier to complain from a position of pure ignorance.



Guy, if that person is preparing food I'm going to put in my body, I want him to be happy with his job.

Maybe what we need is to set up a bunch of "government free" resturants. No minimum wage, no safety standards, no health standards...

And then require conservatives to eat there. I mean, being a bunch of rugged individualists, I'm sure you will be happy to eat a sandwhich where a guy making $3.00 an hour just picked up the meat he dropped on the floor.

If you're not willing to put your mouth where your money is, maybe you should shut the fuck up.

But you'll eat at a resturant that forces a minimum wage, forces a health standard, forces a safety standard, doesn't have cockroaches scuttling across the floor.
Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.

It's always easier to complain from a position of pure ignorance.



Guy, if that person is preparing food I'm going to put in my body, I want him to be happy with his job.

Maybe what we need is to set up a bunch of "government free" resturants. No minimum wage, no safety standards, no health standards...

And then require conservatives to eat there. I mean, being a bunch of rugged individualists, I'm sure you will be happy to eat a sandwhich where a guy making $3.00 an hour just picked up the meat he dropped on the floor.

If you're not willing to put your mouth where your money is, maybe you should shut the fuck up.

But you'll eat at a resturant that forces a minimum wage, forces a health standard, forces a safety standard, doesn't have cockroaches scuttling across the floor.

Joe, the fact that you feel you have to toss out straw man arguments tells me all I need to know. I'm not saying any of the above, as you well know. But that doesn't stop you.

I've seen you do this many times - go off on a dishonest tangent - when you can't use facts. And how could you? You clearly have no idea what it takes to create, grow, operate and maintain a business. No clue whatsoever. None, zero.

Holy crap, I could make a better argument for a minimum wage increase than you can.


Joe, the fact that you feel you have to toss out straw man arguments tells me all I need to know. I'm not saying any of the above, as you well know. But that doesn't stop you.

I've seen you do this many times - go off on a dishonest tangent - when you can't use facts. And how could you? You clearly have no idea what it takes to create, grow, operate and maintain a business. No clue whatsoever. None, zero.

Holy crap, I could make a better argument for a minimum wage increase than you can.


I'm being perfectly honest.

You Conservatards are all for government when it benefits you. You just don't want it benefitting the other guy.

Here's the best argument for raising the minimum wage.

I'm sick and fucking tired of having to subsidize the health care, food and housing of employees of Capitalist wannabes.
Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.

It's always easier to complain from a position of pure ignorance.



Guy, if that person is preparing food I'm going to put in my body, I want him to be happy with his job.

Maybe what we need is to set up a bunch of "government free" resturants. No minimum wage, no safety standards, no health standards...

And then require conservatives to eat there. I mean, being a bunch of rugged individualists, I'm sure you will be happy to eat a sandwhich where a guy making $3.00 an hour just picked up the meat he dropped on the floor.

If you're not willing to put your mouth where your money is, maybe you should shut the fuck up.

But you'll eat at a resturant that forces a minimum wage, forces a health standard, forces a safety standard, doesn't have cockroaches scuttling across the floor.


Is there ever a time during the day when this guys feet are actually firmly planted on the floor?:eusa_shifty:

Joe, the fact that you feel you have to toss out straw man arguments tells me all I need to know. I'm not saying any of the above, as you well know. But that doesn't stop you.

I've seen you do this many times - go off on a dishonest tangent - when you can't use facts. And how could you? You clearly have no idea what it takes to create, grow, operate and maintain a business. No clue whatsoever. None, zero.

Holy crap, I could make a better argument for a minimum wage increase than you can.


I'm being perfectly honest.

You Conservatards are all for government when it benefits you. You just don't want it benefitting the other guy.

Here's the best argument for raising the minimum wage.

I'm sick and fucking tired of having to subsidize the health care, food and housing of employees of Capitalist wannabes.

tough shit on you dumbass........we're quite happy with it. Go organic.......I cant help you!!:lol:

Joe, the fact that you feel you have to toss out straw man arguments tells me all I need to know. I'm not saying any of the above, as you well know. But that doesn't stop you.

I've seen you do this many times - go off on a dishonest tangent - when you can't use facts. And how could you? You clearly have no idea what it takes to create, grow, operate and maintain a business. No clue whatsoever. None, zero.

Holy crap, I could make a better argument for a minimum wage increase than you can.


I'm being perfectly honest.

You Conservatards are all for government when it benefits you. You just don't want it benefitting the other guy.

Here's the best argument for raising the minimum wage.

I'm sick and fucking tired of having to subsidize the health care, food and housing of employees of Capitalist wannabes.

.... followed, of course, by the traditional name-calling and simplistic platitudes, with yet another helping of straw men.

Joe, at least you're dependable.

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Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.

It's always easier to complain from a position of pure ignorance.



Guy, if that person is preparing food I'm going to put in my body, I want him to be happy with his job.

then open a shop and make them happy yourself.

Maybe what we need is to set up a bunch of "government free" resturants. No minimum wage, no safety standards, no health standards...

If you actually knew what it costs to get a food service shop compliant you'd realize that paying some moron $15 an hour for making a PB and J would price you out of the market.

And no one here has even suggested getting rid of food safety laws.

And then require conservatives to eat there. I mean, being a bunch of rugged individualists, I'm sure you will be happy to eat a sandwhich where a guy making $3.00 an hour just picked up the meat he dropped on the floor.

Being a frugal rugged individualist means I make my own sandwiches at home

If you're not willing to put your mouth where your money is, maybe you should shut the fuck up.

But you'll eat at a resturant that forces a minimum wage, forces a health standard, forces a safety standard, doesn't have cockroaches scuttling across the floor.

Again no one is talking about health codes here but you
It's always easier to complain from a position of pure ignorance.



Guy, if that person is preparing food I'm going to put in my body, I want him to be happy with his job.

then open a shop and make them happy yourself.

If you actually knew what it costs to get a food service shop compliant you'd realize that paying some moron $15 an hour for making a PB and J would price you out of the market.

And no one here has even suggested getting rid of food safety laws.

And then require conservatives to eat there. I mean, being a bunch of rugged individualists, I'm sure you will be happy to eat a sandwhich where a guy making $3.00 an hour just picked up the meat he dropped on the floor.

Being a frugal rugged individualist means I make my own sandwiches at home

If you're not willing to put your mouth where your money is, maybe you should shut the fuck up.

But you'll eat at a resturant that forces a minimum wage, forces a health standard, forces a safety standard, doesn't have cockroaches scuttling across the floor.

Again no one is talking about health codes here but you

Is Joe implying that if you pay higher wages you won't need health codes?

The minimum wage needs to go the way of the buggy whip. It is now so high it's in the harmful range. It needs to ge replaced by a graduated and categorized structure.

It has the lowest spending power it's ever had in history, how can it be so high it's in the harmful range?

And? What's your point?.
She she....Nobody lives on a min wage salary!

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