Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody


Joe, the fact that you feel you have to toss out straw man arguments tells me all I need to know. I'm not saying any of the above, as you well know. But that doesn't stop you.

I've seen you do this many times - go off on a dishonest tangent - when you can't use facts. And how could you? You clearly have no idea what it takes to create, grow, operate and maintain a business. No clue whatsoever. None, zero.

Holy crap, I could make a better argument for a minimum wage increase than you can.


I'm being perfectly honest.

You Conservatards are all for government when it benefits you. You just don't want it benefitting the other guy.

Here's the best argument for raising the minimum wage.

I'm sick and fucking tired of having to subsidize the health care, food and housing of employees of Capitalist wannabes.

.... followed, of course, by the traditional name-calling and simplistic platitudes, with yet another helping of straw men.

Joe, at least you're dependable.

Spambots usually are!
If any of you people want to pay someone $15 an hour to put cold cuts on bread you are welcome to pony up 50 or 60K of your own money to rent, furnish and renovate a place then make sure it is OSHA compliant, EPA compliant, FDA compliant pay to heat cool and light the space buy all the ingredients pay all the taxes involved etc.

Until you do that you have no right to tell someone else they should pay people 15 bucks an hour.

It's MUCH easier to stand on the sidelines and throw out platitudes like "living wage".

Why go through the risk, expense, headaches and effort of actually starting a business?



Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.
Holy shit...That's a whole bunch of straw man crap right there..
Proof positive that your argument is completely out of steam.
Here's an idea..Start your own business. Then you can be a pioneer of the "un" dick small business owner.
You whiny little bitches are swell at giving others commands, but to do this yourself? Hell no!....That's someone else's responsibility.
Responsibility....A word none of you lefty crack lickers can even define.
It's MUCH easier to stand on the sidelines and throw out platitudes like "living wage".

Why go through the risk, expense, headaches and effort of actually starting a business?



Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.

Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.
This is what voters get when they elect socialists. This is also what people get when they vote with other people's money.

Apparently they do in Seattle. yep, the voters by a mere 43 votes passed a referendum mandating a $15 per hour min wage for all full time workers.

already there are business owners reporting they will cut hours and lay off workers.
Some companies such as a hotelier have renounced plans to build.
Other firms are either threatening or planning on leaving the city.
Businesses brace for 'serious cuts' as city enacts highest-in-nation $15 minimum wage | Fox News

Washington Town Braces for Impact of Nation's Highest Minimum Wage -
The minimum wage needs to go the way of the buggy whip. It is now so high it's in the harmful range. It needs to ge replaced by a graduated and categorized structure.

talk about a ridiculous statement. I don't think you understand economics if you believe what you just wrote.

The minimum wage is worth FAR less now than it ever has been.
The minimum wage needs to go the way of the buggy whip. It is now so high it's in the harmful range. It needs to ge replaced by a graduated and categorized structure.

It has the lowest spending power it's ever had in history, how can it be so high it's in the harmful range?

Because it can cripple the business trying to pay it.

Sure if it's set TOO high, which $15 an hour is, but you said the CURRENT minimum wage is too high. That's ridiculous.
The minimum wage needs to go the way of the buggy whip. It is now so high it's in the harmful range. It needs to ge replaced by a graduated and categorized structure.

It has the lowest spending power it's ever had in history, how can it be so high it's in the harmful range?

And? What's your point?.
She she....Nobody lives on a min wage salary!

Lot's of people live on a minimum wage salary, most with help from the taxpayer. And I'm still waiting for an answer as to how it can be so high it's in the harmful range when it has the lowest sending power in history. Good way to avoid the question though....

Is Joe implying that if you pay higher wages you won't need health codes?


What I'm stating is that the same people who would pay resturant workers poverty wages are the same ones who'd probably get rid of those pesky health codes if they could. Man, all that paperwork and stuff is cutting into their profit margins, those rugged individualists. Ayn Rand is turning in the grave Social Security bought for her.
It has the lowest spending power it's ever had in history, how can it be so high it's in the harmful range?

And? What's your point?.
She she....Nobody lives on a min wage salary!

Lot's of people live on a minimum wage salary, most with help from the taxpayer. And I'm still waiting for an answer as to how it can be so high it's in the harmful range when it has the lowest sending power in history. Good way to avoid the question though....

Not they do not....According to BLS statistics, the typical min wage earner lives in household with an avg income of $65k per year.
Very few of the less than 2% of total earners in the US actually support themselves on min wage jobs. And an even smaller portion of those have but ONE job.
What is 'sending" power? If it were your intent to state "spending" power....the answer to that is 'false'. The issue is not how much low wage earners have to spend, but how they spend what they have.

Is Joe implying that if you pay higher wages you won't need health codes?


What I'm stating is that the same people who would pay resturant workers poverty wages are the same ones who'd probably get rid of those pesky health codes if they could. Man, all that paperwork and stuff is cutting into their profit margins, those rugged individualists. Ayn Rand is turning in the grave Social Security bought for her.

you have an overactive imagination.
Put down the pipe.

Is Joe implying that if you pay higher wages you won't need health codes?


What I'm stating is that the same people who would pay resturant workers poverty wages are the same ones who'd probably get rid of those pesky health codes if they could. Man, all that paperwork and stuff is cutting into their profit margins, those rugged individualists. Ayn Rand is turning in the grave Social Security bought for her.

Sure it is
It has the lowest spending power it's ever had in history, how can it be so high it's in the harmful range?

And? What's your point?.
She she....Nobody lives on a min wage salary!

Lot's of people live on a minimum wage salary, most with help from the taxpayer. And I'm still waiting for an answer as to how it can be so high it's in the harmful range when it has the lowest sending power in history. Good way to avoid the question though....

Only about 3% of workers make the federal minimum wage that means 97% of workers earn more than minimum wage.

It's not the problem you think it is.

Is Joe implying that if you pay higher wages you won't need health codes?


What I'm stating is that the same people who would pay resturant workers poverty wages are the same ones who'd probably get rid of those pesky health codes if they could. Man, all that paperwork and stuff is cutting into their profit margins, those rugged individualists. Ayn Rand is turning in the grave Social Security bought for her.

way to backpedal.

Is Joe implying that if you pay higher wages you won't need health codes?


What I'm stating is that the same people who would pay resturant workers poverty wages are the same ones who'd probably get rid of those pesky health codes if they could. Man, all that paperwork and stuff is cutting into their profit margins, those rugged individualists. Ayn Rand is turning in the grave Social Security bought for her.

way to backpedal.

No backpeddling at all, Comic-boy.

As much as you people talk shit about how government is messing up your lives and of course' Freedom", you totally want it to look out for your sorry asses.

But stick up for poor people. Naw, fuck them.
What I'm stating is that the same people who would pay resturant workers poverty wages are the same ones who'd probably get rid of those pesky health codes if they could. Man, all that paperwork and stuff is cutting into their profit margins, those rugged individualists. Ayn Rand is turning in the grave Social Security bought for her.

way to backpedal.

No backpeddling at all, Comic-boy.

As much as you people talk shit about how government is messing up your lives and of course' Freedom", you totally want it to look out for your sorry asses.

But stick up for poor people. Naw, fuck them.

Hey dipstick I never said anything about government did I?

In fact I specifically said that if any of you idiots want to you can pony up your own money to rent a space, renovate it make it OSHA, EPA and FDA compliant, heat , cool and light it buy all the ingredients and pay people as much as you want to put meat on a bun.

So instead of whining that everyone else does it wrong why don't you do it the right way

But you won't because all you want to do is bitch and whine.

Hey dipstick I never said anything about government did I?

In fact I specifically said that if any of you idiots want to you can pony up your own money to rent a space, renovate it make it OSHA, EPA and FDA compliant, heat , cool and light it buy all the ingredients and pay people as much as you want to put meat on a bun.

So instead of whining that everyone else does it wrong why don't you do it the right way

But you won't because all you want to do is bitch and whine.

No, I just want to make sure they ARE doing it the right way.

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.

Hey dipstick I never said anything about government did I?

In fact I specifically said that if any of you idiots want to you can pony up your own money to rent a space, renovate it make it OSHA, EPA and FDA compliant, heat , cool and light it buy all the ingredients and pay people as much as you want to put meat on a bun.

So instead of whining that everyone else does it wrong why don't you do it the right way

But you won't because all you want to do is bitch and whine.

No, I just want to make sure they ARE doing it the right way.

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.

If the shop is open they are compliant with regulations. They have to be so they are doing it right.

They pay their help what the job is worth.

If you think the job is worth more then every time you buy a sandwich give the guy making it a $15 tip or employ them yourself.

Hey dipstick I never said anything about government did I?

In fact I specifically said that if any of you idiots want to you can pony up your own money to rent a space, renovate it make it OSHA, EPA and FDA compliant, heat , cool and light it buy all the ingredients and pay people as much as you want to put meat on a bun.

So instead of whining that everyone else does it wrong why don't you do it the right way

But you won't because all you want to do is bitch and whine.

No, I just want to make sure they ARE doing it the right way.

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.
Or he could go the Chicago. Not all black. We'll call it plan B.

Probably safer too, I doubt they had 22 shot in Somalia last weekend.
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If the shop is open they are compliant with regulations. They have to be so they are doing it right.

They pay their help what the job is worth.

If you think the job is worth more then every time you buy a sandwich give the guy making it a $15 tip or employ them yourself.

That's right. They are COMPLIANT with regulations.

And when the regulations says, "You have to pay the hired help a living wage", they'd better fucking comply with that as well.

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