Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody


Psssst: Don't make this too complicated, don't point out how business has to react to regulations and costs and myriad other issues. Joe doesn't know the first thing about running a business, nor does he care to.


I probably know more the the fuckwits who gave us the worst recession in 80 years...

You see, this is the thing. My attitude is, if the Economic Right says to do something, We do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of that.

Because I don't hear a thing your side has to say anymore on this issue. Everything you said to do was wrong, why should I listen to you now?

We kept wages low, we signed free trade treaties, we deregulated the banks, and you pretty much fucked it all up. We did everything you said and we got disasterious results.

Well Joe, that's a very good, concise, convincing argument.

You clearly don't know where I stand on most of those issues, but if you were actually correct, you'd really have me nailed, big time.


And? What's your point?.
She she....Nobody lives on a min wage salary!

Lot's of people live on a minimum wage salary, most with help from the taxpayer. And I'm still waiting for an answer as to how it can be so high it's in the harmful range when it has the lowest sending power in history. Good way to avoid the question though....

Only about 3% of workers make the federal minimum wage that means 97% of workers earn more than minimum wage.

It's not the problem you think it is.

Then why are you so against raising it? I mean, it only affects 3% of the working public.
Lot's of people live on a minimum wage salary, most with help from the taxpayer. And I'm still waiting for an answer as to how it can be so high it's in the harmful range when it has the lowest sending power in history. Good way to avoid the question though....

Only about 3% of workers make the federal minimum wage that means 97% of workers earn more than minimum wage.

It's not the problem you think it is.

Then why are you so against raising it? I mean, it only affects 3% of the working public.

Where did I say I was against it?

It's pretty much a red herring. This thread is more about raising a bun stuffer's salary to $15 and hour when that job is not worth that much.

It all boils down to choice. If you only want to work for MW that's your choice. If you're working for minimum wage for years and years and you never got a raise or found a better job it's no one's fault but your own
Only about 3% of workers make the federal minimum wage that means 97% of workers earn more than minimum wage.

It's not the problem you think it is.

Then why are you so against raising it? I mean, it only affects 3% of the working public.

Where did I say I was against it?

It's pretty much a red herring. This thread is more about raising a bun stuffer's salary to $15 and hour when that job is not worth that much.

It all boils down to choice. If you only want to work for MW that's your choice. If you're working for minimum wage for years and years and you never got a raise or found a better job it's no one's fault but your own

Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.
Then why are you so against raising it? I mean, it only affects 3% of the working public.

Where did I say I was against it?

It's pretty much a red herring. This thread is more about raising a bun stuffer's salary to $15 and hour when that job is not worth that much.

It all boils down to choice. If you only want to work for MW that's your choice. If you're working for minimum wage for years and years and you never got a raise or found a better job it's no one's fault but your own

Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.

So called special needs people aren't usually living on their own and many of them get some sort of government benefit.

Let's keep the discussion to average able bodied people.
There will always be people who cannot rise above min wage, some thru no fault of their own. This is not the economic wonderland of our forefathers but the stagnation economy of the future.

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Striking under such dangerous business conditions was not a terribly intelligent thing to do.

Reminds me of the petulant workers at Hostess Bakeries, before the strike closed them down for good, and forced the sale of various brands and assets to other business folk.

These strikers were not exactly the brightest crayons in the box...
Striking under such dangerous business conditions was not a terribly intelligent thing to do.

Reminds me of the petulant workers at Hostess Bakeries, before the strike closed them down for good, and forced the sale of various brands and assets to other business folk.

These strikers were not exactly the brightest crayons in the box...

What do you expect? They were probably baked most of the time...

The country is not better off because we have thousands of shop selling unhealthy foods to people who are too rushed making the country work to stop and prepare their own food.
Have you seen stats on how many hours people spend watching TV and surfing the internet?

Are all those hours the ones you mean for no time to prepare food?
Where did I say I was against it?

It's pretty much a red herring. This thread is more about raising a bun stuffer's salary to $15 and hour when that job is not worth that much.

It all boils down to choice. If you only want to work for MW that's your choice. If you're working for minimum wage for years and years and you never got a raise or found a better job it's no one's fault but your own

Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.

So called special needs people aren't usually living on their own and many of them get some sort of government benefit.

Let's keep the discussion to average able bodied people.

Why? Do special needs people not exist in your world? Do they all get government subsidies? I can name several that do not and that have always worked minimum wage jobs.
Why? Do special needs people not exist in your world? Do they all get government subsidies? I can name several that do not and that have always worked minimum wage jobs.

Define the type of special needs people you are referring to, please
Why? Do special needs people not exist in your world? Do they all get government subsidies? I can name several that do not and that have always worked minimum wage jobs.

Define the type of special needs people you are referring to, please

I wouldn't use the word "define" because nobody is defined by their special needs. One of them has tourettes, another ADHD, another Asperger's another depression...the list goes on and on.
Lot's of people live on a minimum wage salary, most with help from the taxpayer. And I'm still waiting for an answer as to how it can be so high it's in the harmful range when it has the lowest sending power in history. Good way to avoid the question though....

Only about 3% of workers make the federal minimum wage that means 97% of workers earn more than minimum wage.

It's not the problem you think it is.

Then why are you so against raising it? I mean, it only affects 3% of the working public.

The reason is simple. Min wage workers are employed by the smallest of small businesses.
These businesses operate on small margins.
Additional expenses are carefully dealt with. Most times, the owners do not even take a paycheck. Needless to say, they are not swimming in money.
Does that get your attention?
Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.

It's always easier to complain from a position of pure ignorance.



Guy, if that person is preparing food I'm going to put in my body, I want him to be happy with his job.

Maybe what we need is to set up a bunch of "government free" resturants. No minimum wage, no safety standards, no health standards...

And then require conservatives to eat there. I mean, being a bunch of rugged individualists, I'm sure you will be happy to eat a sandwhich where a guy making $3.00 an hour just picked up the meat he dropped on the floor.

If you're not willing to put your mouth where your money is, maybe you should shut the fuck up.

But you'll eat at a resturant that forces a minimum wage, forces a health standard, forces a safety standard, doesn't have cockroaches scuttling across the floor.

You are an expert at bullshit.

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