Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.

Oh, bravo.


Bravo, Joe.

Leave it to Joe to not only toss out a completely inane and obvious straw man argument ("a place that has no laws, no rules"), but somehow manage to accuse others of racism. All in the same post. About the minimum wage.

All in the standard attempt to divert and put his targets on the defensive, the typical strategy of those who don't have honest things to say.

Looking through your posts on this thread, it's all anger and emotion and straw men and intellectual dishonesty, Joe. It's clear that you just want to spread your misery to others, and unfortunately, we're not interested.

Racism, wow, great stuff, seriously.

Last edited:
No...You're whining.
You have no skin in the game. Bit you think you have some kind of power to make demands on others, while you get to skate with no responsibilities.

Yeah, I do. It's called "voting for policy".

And in case you guys aren't paying attention, you're "Greed is Good, I've got mine, fuck you" mentality isn't winning elections anymore outside of places populated by dumb rednecks who vote against their own economic interests.

Pay a fair wage or go the fuck out of business. I don't care which.

Why don't you pay a fir wage and be an example instead of whining all the time.

Like I said you are free to hand out 20 dollar tips to anyone who serves you but you won't.

It's not Joe's business to pay up that way. He makes it his business to dictate what other people should pay.
No...You're whining.
You have no skin in the game. Bit you think you have some kind of power to make demands on others, while you get to skate with no responsibilities.

Yeah, I do. It's called "voting for policy".

And in case you guys aren't paying attention, you're "Greed is Good, I've got mine, fuck you" mentality isn't winning elections anymore outside of places populated by dumb rednecks who vote against their own economic interests.

Pay a fair wage or go the fuck out of business. I don't care which.

Why don't you pay a fir wage and be an example instead of whining all the time.

Like I said you are free to hand out 20 dollar tips to anyone who serves you but you won't.

I do tip well when I get good service... but that isn't the point.

But again, keep dancing to the plutocrats tune, I'm sure they'll take care of you when you are old and sick.

"Here, old timer, here's a Ryan-Voucher for $500.00"

"But I have Cancer!"
Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.

Oh, bravo.


Bravo, Joe.

Leave it to Joe to not only toss out a completely inane and obvious straw man argument ("a place that has no laws, no rules"), but somehow manage to accuse others of racism. All in the same post. About the minimum wage.

All in the standard attempt to divert and put his targets on the defensive, the typical strategy of those who don't have honest things to say.

Looking through your posts on this thread, it's all anger and emotion and straw men and intellectual dishonesty, Joe. It's clear that you just want to spread your misery to others, and unfortunately, we're not interested.

Racism, wow, great stuff, seriously.


Hey, Somalia is the Conservative Utopia.

Crazy religion
Everyone has a gun.
No government telling people what to do.

"Freedom" man.

Except for all the darkies...

But I know, you're upset about political correctness not letting you express your inner thoughts...
Yeah, I do. It's called "voting for policy".

And in case you guys aren't paying attention, you're "Greed is Good, I've got mine, fuck you" mentality isn't winning elections anymore outside of places populated by dumb rednecks who vote against their own economic interests.

Pay a fair wage or go the fuck out of business. I don't care which.

Why don't you pay a fir wage and be an example instead of whining all the time.

Like I said you are free to hand out 20 dollar tips to anyone who serves you but you won't.

I do tip well when I get good service... but that isn't the point.

But again, keep dancing to the plutocrats tune, I'm sure they'll take care of you when you are old and sick.

"Here, old timer, here's a Ryan-Voucher for $500.00"

"But I have Cancer!"

It is the point. You said you want the people who serve you food to be happy so then you should make them happy by handing out 20 dollar bills.

I don't expect anyone to take care of me when I'm old and neither should you.

It is the point. You said you want the people who serve you food to be happy so then you should make them happy by handing out 20 dollar bills.

I don't expect anyone to take care of me when I'm old and neither should you.

Quite right.

Now what you need to do is put down the Ayn Rand and find out how the real world works.

Here's a hint. That old bag Ayn Rand, when she was dying of cancer because she didn't believe the government when it told her smoking was bad for her, took social security and medicare...
No, I just want to make sure they ARE doing it the right way.

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.
No...You're whining.
You have no skin in the game. Bit you think you have some kind of power to make demands on others, while you get to skate with no responsibilities.

Yeah, I do. It's called "voting for policy".

And in case you guys aren't paying attention, you're "Greed is Good, I've got mine, fuck you" mentality isn't winning elections anymore outside of places populated by dumb rednecks who vote against their own economic interests.

Pay a fair wage or go the fuck out of business. I don't care which.
You live in a strange world.
pay a fair wage....
What the hell is that supposed to mean..

BTW, you're not voting for policy. You make threats based on emotion.
No politician worth his salt would run a campaign based on your nutty ideas.

You are just an angry individual who because of his own lack of successes and no self worth blames every one else for your faults.
Your solution is to take a baseball bat to the front window of every business because you believe self determination, entrepreneurial spirit and thinking outside the box are evil .
Meanwhile you go off on these tangents, lashing out at everyone in sight.
You're just a troll. And angry troll.
No one wants to associate with a malcontent.
Yeah, I do. It's called "voting for policy".

And in case you guys aren't paying attention, you're "Greed is Good, I've got mine, fuck you" mentality isn't winning elections anymore outside of places populated by dumb rednecks who vote against their own economic interests.

Pay a fair wage or go the fuck out of business. I don't care which.

Why don't you pay a fir wage and be an example instead of whining all the time.

Like I said you are free to hand out 20 dollar tips to anyone who serves you but you won't.

I do tip well when I get good service... but that isn't the point.

But again, keep dancing to the plutocrats tune, I'm sure they'll take care of you when you are old and sick.

"Here, old timer, here's a Ryan-Voucher for $500.00"

"But I have Cancer!"
Where you get this stuff from is a mystery.
Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.

Oh, bravo.


Bravo, Joe.

Leave it to Joe to not only toss out a completely inane and obvious straw man argument ("a place that has no laws, no rules"), but somehow manage to accuse others of racism. All in the same post. About the minimum wage.

All in the standard attempt to divert and put his targets on the defensive, the typical strategy of those who don't have honest things to say.

Looking through your posts on this thread, it's all anger and emotion and straw men and intellectual dishonesty, Joe. It's clear that you just want to spread your misery to others, and unfortunately, we're not interested.

Racism, wow, great stuff, seriously.


Hey, Somalia is the Conservative Utopia.

Crazy religion
Everyone has a gun.
No government telling people what to do.

"Freedom" man.

Except for all the darkies...

But I know, you're upset about political correctness not letting you express your inner thoughts...

Can you stay on point, please?

It is the point. You said you want the people who serve you food to be happy so then you should make them happy by handing out 20 dollar bills.

I don't expect anyone to take care of me when I'm old and neither should you.

Quite right.

Now what you need to do is put down the Ayn Rand and find out how the real world works.

Here's a hint. That old bag Ayn Rand, when she was dying of cancer because she didn't believe the government when it told her smoking was bad for her, took social security and medicare...

Ayn Rand? What the fuck are you yammering about?

It is the point. You said you want the people who serve you food to be happy so then you should make them happy by handing out 20 dollar bills.

I don't expect anyone to take care of me when I'm old and neither should you.

Quite right.

Now what you need to do is put down the Ayn Rand and find out how the real world works.

Here's a hint. That old bag Ayn Rand, when she was dying of cancer because she didn't believe the government when it told her smoking was bad for her, took social security and medicare...

Never read Rand.

And if she was forced to pay into Social Security why shouldn't she have taken it?

And if you think SS will be enough to take care of you when you're old you're even more of a moron than I thought.
Oh, bravo.


Bravo, Joe.

Leave it to Joe to not only toss out a completely inane and obvious straw man argument ("a place that has no laws, no rules"), but somehow manage to accuse others of racism. All in the same post. About the minimum wage.

All in the standard attempt to divert and put his targets on the defensive, the typical strategy of those who don't have honest things to say.

Looking through your posts on this thread, it's all anger and emotion and straw men and intellectual dishonesty, Joe. It's clear that you just want to spread your misery to others, and unfortunately, we're not interested.

Racism, wow, great stuff, seriously.


Hey, Somalia is the Conservative Utopia.

Crazy religion
Everyone has a gun.
No government telling people what to do.

"Freedom" man.

Except for all the darkies...

But I know, you're upset about political correctness not letting you express your inner thoughts...

Can you stay on point, please?

Oh, doubtful.

Remember, they leverage Political Correctness in an attempt to put their target on the defensive and control the conversation. They're even more likely to use it when they are cornered in a debate. When you're intellectually dishonest and you're out of rhetorical weapons, you need to somehow divert the conversation.

So, regardless of the actual topic at hand, when in doubt, just blurt "well, you're a racist". It's a natural action for them, like breathing or blinking their eyes.

Joe hasn't yet caught on to the fact that this tactic is no longer working as it used to. Before, it was like clockwork - call them a racist and they cower, the conversation was over. Now it just makes us laugh because we have figured out the game.

Last edited:
You live in a strange world.
pay a fair wage....
What the hell is that supposed to mean..

BTW, you're not voting for policy. You make threats based on emotion.
No politician worth his salt would run a campaign based on your nutty ideas.

You are just an angry individual who because of his own lack of successes and no self worth blames every one else for your faults.
Your solution is to take a baseball bat to the front window of every business because you believe self determination, entrepreneurial spirit and thinking outside the box are evil .
Meanwhile you go off on these tangents, lashing out at everyone in sight.
You're just a troll. And angry troll.
No one wants to associate with a malcontent.

I do love how you can't argue your point, which seems to be, "Fuck Poor People, let them get shitty wages", you always want to make it about me.

Guy, I get paid three times the minimum wage, this isn't even an issue.

But frankly, I deal with small business types every day... big ego and small performance. I've even had to fire a couple of them. So seriously, not really getting all misty eyed about the small businessman.
Hey, Somalia is the Conservative Utopia.

Crazy religion
Everyone has a gun.
No government telling people what to do.

"Freedom" man.

Except for all the darkies...

But I know, you're upset about political correctness not letting you express your inner thoughts...

Can you stay on point, please?

Oh, doubtful.

Remember, they leverage Political Correctness in an attempt to put their target on the defensive and control the conversation. They're even more likely to use it when they are cornered in a debate. When you're intellectually dishonest and you're out of rhetorical weapons, you need to somehow divert the conversation.

So, regardless of the actual topic at hand, when in doubt, just blurt "well, you're a racist". It's a natural action for them, like breathing or blinking their eyes.

Joe hasn't yet caught on to the fact that this tactic is no longer working as it used to. Before, it was like clockwork - call them a racist and they cower, the conversation was over. Now it just makes us laugh because we have figured out the game.


Guy, the fact you whine about "political correctness" proves that we've successfully outed you guys.

Blow those dog whistles and duck calls all day, people are starting to finally get wise to you.
Can you stay on point, please?

Oh, doubtful.

Remember, they leverage Political Correctness in an attempt to put their target on the defensive and control the conversation. They're even more likely to use it when they are cornered in a debate. When you're intellectually dishonest and you're out of rhetorical weapons, you need to somehow divert the conversation.

So, regardless of the actual topic at hand, when in doubt, just blurt "well, you're a racist". It's a natural action for them, like breathing or blinking their eyes.

Joe hasn't yet caught on to the fact that this tactic is no longer working as it used to. Before, it was like clockwork - call them a racist and they cower, the conversation was over. Now it just makes us laugh because we have figured out the game.


Guy, the fact you whine about "political correctness" proves that we've successfully outed you guys.

Blow those dog whistles and duck calls all day, people are starting to finally get wise to you.
Your truncated intellect is no doubt unable to grasp the irony of your latter statement. You, in all your convoluted dogma, are the proverbial boy who cried wolf. Like the race pimps Jackson and Sharpton, no one cares anymore.
Oh, doubtful.

Remember, they leverage Political Correctness in an attempt to put their target on the defensive and control the conversation. They're even more likely to use it when they are cornered in a debate. When you're intellectually dishonest and you're out of rhetorical weapons, you need to somehow divert the conversation.

So, regardless of the actual topic at hand, when in doubt, just blurt "well, you're a racist". It's a natural action for them, like breathing or blinking their eyes.

Joe hasn't yet caught on to the fact that this tactic is no longer working as it used to. Before, it was like clockwork - call them a racist and they cower, the conversation was over. Now it just makes us laugh because we have figured out the game.


Guy, the fact you whine about "political correctness" proves that we've successfully outed you guys.

Blow those dog whistles and duck calls all day, people are starting to finally get wise to you.
Your truncated intellect is no doubt unable to grasp the irony of your latter statement. You, in all your convoluted dogma, are the proverbial boy who cried wolf. Like the race pimps Jackson and Sharpton, no one cares anymore.

Yup. They really, really don't see it. I can hold it right up to their face and they will not see it. So they come along and prove my point, right after I freakin' make it.

Understandable in a way. It has worked so well for so long that they're in denial.

Anyone who denies that the current minimum wage is worth far less than it ever has been before is just stupid. There is no other explanation for it. Simple math proves this point, the minimum wage is far below where it was historically up until about the mid 90s. Certainly, $15 is too high though.
You live in a strange world.
pay a fair wage....
What the hell is that supposed to mean..

BTW, you're not voting for policy. You make threats based on emotion.
No politician worth his salt would run a campaign based on your nutty ideas.

You are just an angry individual who because of his own lack of successes and no self worth blames every one else for your faults.
Your solution is to take a baseball bat to the front window of every business because you believe self determination, entrepreneurial spirit and thinking outside the box are evil .
Meanwhile you go off on these tangents, lashing out at everyone in sight.
You're just a troll. And angry troll.
No one wants to associate with a malcontent.

I do love how you can't argue your point, which seems to be, "Fuck Poor People, let them get shitty wages", you always want to make it about me.

Guy, I get paid three times the minimum wage, this isn't even an issue.

But frankly, I deal with small business types every day... big ego and small performance. I've even had to fire a couple of them. So seriously, not really getting all misty eyed about the small businessman.

Oh not only have a I successfully argued my point, I have backed it up with facts.
You show me where I wrote or even implied "fuck poor people". Prove it God dammit.
You make it about yourself with your inane statements and simplistic draconian ideas...
Who the fuck cares what you claim to be paid. Whatever it is, hopefully you are earning it. However, for purpose of this discussion your claimed wages are irrelevant.
You don't know shit about business. You're just in it ( work) for the paycheck.
Just remember, as you go down the road of condemning small businesses, you are condemning yourself.
Anyone who denies that the current minimum wage is worth far less than it ever has been before is just stupid. There is no other explanation for it. Simple math proves this point, the minimum wage is far below where it was historically up until about the mid 90s. Certainly, $15 is too high though.

Anyone striking for $15 an hour in my business can


Meaning they can be happy they have a job and are earning money, or they can lose it and make zero money. It's their choice alone.
OK Joe, what is a "fair wage" in your work?
I do not know.
And what is a "fair wage" for an auto mechanic in Hahira, Ga.?
And what is a "fair wage" for a fry cook at Bubba's BBQ Emporium in Climax, Ga.?
And what is a "fair wage" for a real estate appraiser in Ball Ground, Ga.? (10 miles from where I live!)

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