Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody


Joe, the fact that you feel you have to toss out straw man arguments tells me all I need to know. I'm not saying any of the above, as you well know. But that doesn't stop you.

I've seen you do this many times - go off on a dishonest tangent - when you can't use facts. And how could you? You clearly have no idea what it takes to create, grow, operate and maintain a business. No clue whatsoever. None, zero.

Holy crap, I could make a better argument for a minimum wage increase than you can.


I'm being perfectly honest.

You Conservatards are all for government when it benefits you. You just don't want it benefitting the other guy.

Here's the best argument for raising the minimum wage.

I'm sick and fucking tired of having to subsidize the health care, food and housing of employees of Capitalist wannabes.

Newsflash...Conservatives want government to stand in the shadows. To perform only those essential functions for which it was intended.

Hey dipstick I never said anything about government did I?

In fact I specifically said that if any of you idiots want to you can pony up your own money to rent a space, renovate it make it OSHA, EPA and FDA compliant, heat , cool and light it buy all the ingredients and pay people as much as you want to put meat on a bun.

So instead of whining that everyone else does it wrong why don't you do it the right way

But you won't because all you want to do is bitch and whine.

No, I just want to make sure they ARE doing it the right way.

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.
No...You're whining.
You have no skin in the game. Bit you think you have some kind of power to make demands on others, while you get to skate with no responsibilities.

If the shop is open they are compliant with regulations. They have to be so they are doing it right.

They pay their help what the job is worth.

If you think the job is worth more then every time you buy a sandwich give the guy making it a $15 tip or employ them yourself.

That's right. They are COMPLIANT with regulations.

And when the regulations says, "You have to pay the hired help a living wage", they'd better fucking comply with that as well.

Living wage is a theory based on inflated figures..
Such as in LA County, Ca. the calculator says a family of 5 requires $786 per month for 'transportation'...
Another $300 for "other expenses"....
$2000 per month for housing...Yeah, if one decided they are entitled to a house in Bel Aire.
Living wage is an idea. Living wage calculators state what one would require to maintain a middle class standard of living. They are not meant to state a "minimum" standard of living.
They will...simply by sayng: "You're fired. Have a nice day!"

And no one will miss them when they aer out of business. Someone else will just move into their shop.

You shitheads really need to stop reading Ayn Rand. The world will get by without the wannabes...

No..They won't. Because no other small or medium sized business can survive with such high cost of labor.

That's funny.

BTW the owner of a rinky dink sandwich shop isn't a plutocrat he's a working stiff who most likely puts in more hours than you ever did at a job as well as risking his own money to open a business.

Yeah, but he wants to be a plutocrat.

So this is like a plutocrat abortion.

Which I'm all for.

Yes..I am sure every business owner wants to be evil..
Do you have any idea how ridiculous your posts are?

No he wants to work for himself and not for a dipshit like you.

He will never get rich owning a sub shop, he will most likely pay far more in taxes than you and he will give other people jobs.

All in all he's much better for society than you.

Not really.

The country is not better off because we have thousands of shop selling unhealthy foods to people who are too rushed making the country work to stop and prepare their own food.

You're hysterical.
TYou'd prefer to see small business out of business.
Gee Joe, what happens to all those people who work in these businesses, the suppliers, the meat packing plants, the farmers that grow the crops, the drivers that deliver the good to market, the pilots and crews that fly the good across country, the engineers and crews of the rail systems.....all because you have a hard on for business owners that employ SIXTY per cent of American workers.
You don't rise to the level of stupid.
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No he wants to work for himself and not for a dipshit like you.

He will never get rich owning a sub shop, he will most likely pay far more in taxes than you and he will give other people jobs.

All in all he's much better for society than you.

Not really.

The country is not better off because we have thousands of shop selling unhealthy foods to people who are too rushed making the country work to stop and prepare their own food.

How do you know the food he sells in unhealthy? Even if it was he's not forcing anyone to eat it he is merely giving the people what they want.

If they don't want to eat out they don't have to that's not for you to say because it's not any of your business how other people choose to live, what they eat or do for fun now is it?
Because Joey 'have you ever seen a grown man naked' B 131 SAYS SO...That's why.
Then why are you so against raising it? I mean, it only affects 3% of the working public.

Where did I say I was against it?

It's pretty much a red herring. This thread is more about raising a bun stuffer's salary to $15 and hour when that job is not worth that much.

It all boils down to choice. If you only want to work for MW that's your choice. If you're working for minimum wage for years and years and you never got a raise or found a better job it's no one's fault but your own

Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.
Ahh boy..Here we go...The latest ongoing liberal "cause"....Special Needs....What a bunch of buillshit.
Look, one is either disabled and unable to work or they are not.
Those cannot work and function in the general population require our help..
Special needs is a concept invented by bleeding heart do gooders who like to make themselves feel good.
If they are too proud seek the help to which they are entitled, then they have no one to blame but themselves.
How is it you can put their negligence on small business owners?
Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.

So called special needs people aren't usually living on their own and many of them get some sort of government benefit.

Let's keep the discussion to average able bodied people.

Why? Do special needs people not exist in your world? Do they all get government subsidies? I can name several that do not and that have always worked minimum wage jobs.

SO what?...If they refuse the social assistance to which they are clearly entitled, that is their choice. That should not fall on the shoulders of business.
If any of you people want to pay someone $15 an hour to put cold cuts on bread you are welcome to pony up 50 or 60K of your own money to rent, furnish and renovate a place then make sure it is OSHA compliant, EPA compliant, FDA compliant pay to heat cool and light the space buy all the ingredients pay all the taxes involved etc.

Until you do that you have no right to tell someone else they should pay people 15 bucks an hour.

It's MUCH easier to stand on the sidelines and throw out platitudes like "living wage".

Why go through the risk, expense, headaches and effort of actually starting a business?



Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.

My, you must have had some really nice jobs. Too bad. You might find life much more rewarding and pleasant if you had never had to go through all that grief.
Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.

So called special needs people aren't usually living on their own and many of them get some sort of government benefit.

Let's keep the discussion to average able bodied people.

Why? Do special needs people not exist in your world? Do they all get government subsidies? I can name several that do not and that have always worked minimum wage jobs.
When I hear "my child has special needs" it's usually some yuppie helicopter parent who thinks because their kid is a klutz or has these goofy allergies, they should get special treatment.
These are the same people who want all of the rules changed at the inconvenience of everyone else to accommodate THEIR KID....
These are the same pricks that when they forget to send their kid to school with their Epi pen, sue the school when their kid has a fit because he saw a wrapper from a Snickers laying on the ground.
Now you will shout back in spittle expectorating anger because I guess this special needs thing hits close to home. Would I be correct?
Why? Do special needs people not exist in your world? Do they all get government subsidies? I can name several that do not and that have always worked minimum wage jobs.

Define the type of special needs people you are referring to, please

I wouldn't use the word "define" because nobody is defined by their special needs. One of them has tourettes, another ADHD, another Asperger's another depression...the list goes on and on.

Who?...And so what?
All of the maladies you mentioned are not the crippling conditions you would like them to be.
In fact, ADHD is being looked at for reclassification by the psychiatric community.
Tourette's is not a disability unless the ticks are so severe, the person cannot function in normal society. At that point, they most likely would qualify for public assistance.
If they refuse it, their choice.
Depression? Come on....Cut the bullshit.
Hey, why stop there.

How dare we tell those wonderful, gift from God, legend in their own minds small business dicks that they have to have a safe workplace?

How dare we tell them they can't sell food laced with E.Coli, the Ebola Virus and AIDS? Bunch of nitpickers!

How dare we tell them they can't demand a blow job from the minimum wage wage slave? I mean, shit, fuckin' government telling us what to do, how dare they. Don't we know that we are the "job creators".

not the people who do the actual fucking work.

Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.
This is what voters get when they elect socialists. This is also what people get when they vote with other people's money.

Apparently they do in Seattle. yep, the voters by a mere 43 votes passed a referendum mandating a $15 per hour min wage for all full time workers.

already there are business owners reporting they will cut hours and lay off workers.
Some companies such as a hotelier have renounced plans to build.
Other firms are either threatening or planning on leaving the city.
Businesses brace for 'serious cuts' as city enacts highest-in-nation $15 minimum wage | Fox News

Washington Town Braces for Impact of Nation's Highest Minimum Wage -

So, no job is better than a lower-paying job how?
Where did I say I was against it?

It's pretty much a red herring. This thread is more about raising a bun stuffer's salary to $15 and hour when that job is not worth that much.

It all boils down to choice. If you only want to work for MW that's your choice. If you're working for minimum wage for years and years and you never got a raise or found a better job it's no one's fault but your own

Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.
Ahh boy..Here we go...The latest ongoing liberal "cause"....Special Needs....What a bunch of buillshit.
Look, one is either disabled and unable to work or they are not.
Those cannot work and function in the general population require our help..
Special needs is a concept invented by bleeding heart do gooders who like to make themselves feel good.
If they are too proud seek the help to which they are entitled, then they have no one to blame but themselves.
How is it you can put their negligence on small business owners?

First you object to people who get help from the government, then you complain about those that refuse to get help from the government. You just can't win, can you?
Do you really think slapping some meat on a bun is worth $15 an hour?

If you do then feel free to pony up your own money and open a shop so you can pay people $15 an hour to make a fucking sandwich.

If you're not willing to put your money where you big fat mouth is then shut the fuck up.
This is what voters get when they elect socialists. This is also what people get when they vote with other people's money.

Apparently they do in Seattle. yep, the voters by a mere 43 votes passed a referendum mandating a $15 per hour min wage for all full time workers.

already there are business owners reporting they will cut hours and lay off workers.
Some companies such as a hotelier have renounced plans to build.
Other firms are either threatening or planning on leaving the city.
Businesses brace for 'serious cuts' as city enacts highest-in-nation $15 minimum wage | Fox News

Washington Town Braces for Impact of Nation's Highest Minimum Wage -

So, no job is better than a lower-paying job how?
Good question. The logic escapes me as well.
Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.
Ahh boy..Here we go...The latest ongoing liberal "cause"....Special Needs....What a bunch of buillshit.
Look, one is either disabled and unable to work or they are not.
Those cannot work and function in the general population require our help..
Special needs is a concept invented by bleeding heart do gooders who like to make themselves feel good.
If they are too proud seek the help to which they are entitled, then they have no one to blame but themselves.
How is it you can put their negligence on small business owners?

First you object to people who get help from the government, then you complain about those that refuse to get help from the government. You just can't win, can you?
Never stated or implied that.
One more time. Now pay attention.
For those who through no fault of their own, or those who've suffered a debilitating injury or disease, we as a people have set up social safety nets. These are essential components of a civilized society.
Your argument is that those who are not able and are eligible for these programs, yet choose not to partake, should have an expectation that the next person in line take care of them. In this case the business owner.
How make that leap is a mystery.
What you propose is a private sector welfare system in which employers are mandated to identify those with these conditions and pay them more based solely on the condition.
That able bodied workers are treated less equally.
Pity you that you cannot establish the difference between observation and complaint.
Not necessarily. There are lots of special needs people that never advance past minimum wage but still don't get help from the government because they are too proud. The lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world should make a living wage and everything should go up from there.

So called special needs people aren't usually living on their own and many of them get some sort of government benefit.

Let's keep the discussion to average able bodied people.

Why? Do special needs people not exist in your world? Do they all get government subsidies? I can name several that do not and that have always worked minimum wage jobs.

So you want to base your decisions for everyone on a fraction of a percent of people.

Hey dipstick I never said anything about government did I?

In fact I specifically said that if any of you idiots want to you can pony up your own money to rent a space, renovate it make it OSHA, EPA and FDA compliant, heat , cool and light it buy all the ingredients and pay people as much as you want to put meat on a bun.

So instead of whining that everyone else does it wrong why don't you do it the right way

But you won't because all you want to do is bitch and whine.

No, I just want to make sure they ARE doing it the right way.

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.
No...You're whining.
You have no skin in the game. Bit you think you have some kind of power to make demands on others, while you get to skate with no responsibilities.

Yeah, I do. It's called "voting for policy".

And in case you guys aren't paying attention, you're "Greed is Good, I've got mine, fuck you" mentality isn't winning elections anymore outside of places populated by dumb rednecks who vote against their own economic interests.

Pay a fair wage or go the fuck out of business. I don't care which.
No, I just want to make sure they ARE doing it the right way.

Now, hey, guy, I think that if you wingnuts really want to live in a place that has no laws, no rules, everyone has a gun and a crazy religion, then you all ought to move to Somalia.

Oh, wait. Too many black people there. Never mind.
No...You're whining.
You have no skin in the game. Bit you think you have some kind of power to make demands on others, while you get to skate with no responsibilities.

Yeah, I do. It's called "voting for policy".

And in case you guys aren't paying attention, you're "Greed is Good, I've got mine, fuck you" mentality isn't winning elections anymore outside of places populated by dumb rednecks who vote against their own economic interests.

Pay a fair wage or go the fuck out of business. I don't care which.

Why don't you pay a fair wage and be an example instead of whining all the time.

Like I said you are free to hand out 20 dollar tips to anyone who serves you but you won't.
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