Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

Joe and his legions of gloom and doom say "FUCK 'RICH' PEOPLE" as fast as their gums can move so why shouldn't the producers say FUCK LAZY POOR PEOPLE also?
Certainly they meet the requirements to become obamacaid navigators....or community organizing beggars....
Joe and his legions of gloom and doom say "FUCK 'RICH' PEOPLE" as fast as their gums can move so why shouldn't the producers say FUCK LAZY POOR PEOPLE also?

Mostly, because the real producers are working folks who watch the 1%er who don't produce jack shit take the fruits of their labors.

One more time. 1% control 43% of the wealth.

They do not produce 43% of the physical labor.
Anyone who denies that the current minimum wage is worth far less than it ever has been before is just stupid. There is no other explanation for it. Simple math proves this point, the minimum wage is far below where it was historically up until about the mid 90s. Certainly, $15 is too high though.

Anyone striking for $15 an hour in my business can

Meaning they can be happy they have a job and are earning money, or they can lose it and make zero money. It's their choice alone.

Dude, you don't have a job. You will probably never have a job.

Seriously, the hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
Oh not only have a I successfully argued my point, I have backed it up with facts.
You show me where I wrote or even implied "fuck poor people". Prove it God dammit.
You make it about yourself with your inane statements and simplistic draconian ideas...
Who the fuck cares what you claim to be paid. Whatever it is, hopefully you are earning it. However, for purpose of this discussion your claimed wages are irrelevant.
You don't know shit about business. You're just in it ( work) for the paycheck.
Just remember, as you go down the road of condemning small businesses, you are condemning yourself.

Actually, small businesses are usually full of shit. I deal with them all day. Most of my job is getting them to do what they promised to do to start with.
Joe and his legions of gloom and doom say "FUCK 'RICH' PEOPLE" as fast as their gums can move so why shouldn't the producers say FUCK LAZY POOR PEOPLE also?

Mostly, because the real producers are working folks who watch the 1%er who don't produce jack shit take the fruits of their labors.

One more time. 1% control 43% of the wealth.

They do not produce 43% of the physical labor.

No they don't provide 43% of the labor you are correct. What they do produce is 100% of the financing and the risk of opening a new business. Something the person being paid by the hour is producing exactly 0% of. Yet the hourly employee is guaranteed 100% OF THAT HE EARNED IN THAT HOUR. The investor is only guaranteed he has to pay that person for the hour and if he loses money well he's on the hook for that too.

It's the difference between someone willing to take a chance and someone just looking for a job.
Joe and his legions of gloom and doom say "FUCK 'RICH' PEOPLE" as fast as their gums can move so why shouldn't the producers say FUCK LAZY POOR PEOPLE also?

Mostly, because the real producers are working folks who watch the 1%er who don't produce jack shit take the fruits of their labors.

One more time. 1% control 43% of the wealth.

They do not produce 43% of the physical labor.

No they don't provide 43% of the labor you are correct. What they do produce is 100% of the financing and the risk of opening a new business. Something the person being paid by the hour is producing exactly 0% of. Yet the hourly employee is guaranteed 100% OF THAT HE EARNED IN THAT HOUR. The investor is only guaranteed he has to pay that person for the hour and if he loses money well he's on the hook for that too.

It's the difference between someone willing to take a chance and someone just looking for a job.

So essentially, because they've managed to accumulate an inordinate share of the wealth, it's kind of okay that they cheat everyone else?

Joe and his legions of gloom and doom say "FUCK 'RICH' PEOPLE" as fast as their gums can move so why shouldn't the producers say FUCK LAZY POOR PEOPLE also?

Mostly, because the real producers are working folks who watch the 1%er who don't produce jack shit take the fruits of their labors.

One more time. 1% control 43% of the wealth.

They do not produce 43% of the physical labor.

And in the absence of those with the resources to open and operate business, there is not need for labor.
You wanna know why more people with the means to start a business choose not to do so?
Because of pricks like you who feel as though a job and a set amount of money for the performance of said job, is an entitlement.
Because assholes like you demand they spend THEIR money to provide jobs then have to listen to malcontent jerks like you criticize every decision made by the owner.
So now you will reply with something stupid such as "well, we don't need people like that owning businesses."....Stow it. In fact, shove it.
Joe and his legions of gloom and doom say "FUCK 'RICH' PEOPLE" as fast as their gums can move so why shouldn't the producers say FUCK LAZY POOR PEOPLE also?

Mostly, because the real producers are working folks who watch the 1%er who don't produce jack shit take the fruits of their labors.

One more time. 1% control 43% of the wealth.

They do not produce 43% of the physical labor.

And in the absence of those with the resources to open and operate business, there is not need for labor.
You wanna know why more people with the means to start a business choose not to do so?
Because of pricks like you who feel as though a job and a set amount of money for the performance of said job, is an entitlement.
Because assholes like you demand they spend THEIR money to provide jobs then have to listen to malcontent jerks like you criticize every decision made by the owner.
So now you will reply with something stupid such as "well, we don't need people like that owning businesses."....Stow it. In fact, shove it.

Again, guy, jobs are not created by rich assholes starting businesses.

Jobs are created by consumers having demands.

Hence- good pay = more demand = more jobs.

It's really pretty simple. But you mopes on the right have convinced yourselves that the enterpenuer fairy will come down with his copy of Ayn Rand, and all we have to do is let them fuck working people just a little bit more, and prosperity happens.

And we've been doing it since that senile old fool Reagan, and it hasn't happened yet.

In fact, we had our best performance under Bill Clinton, who rose taxes and the minimum wage.
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

They were going out of business even though the owners were barely paying their like putrid low lives they fired all of the employees through an email before Christmas, blame it on the strike and now they are attempting to change over to a burger joint. Sounds like a failed business trying to save face. Fuck em.
Who answers consumers having demands?
A guy like Joe unwilling to take one cent out of his stingy back pocket or someone like me that is willing to risk his wealth to create jobs?
CAPITAL creates the jobs.
The demand is the reason capital flows.
Demand does not leave the country.
Capital does and IS.
Who answers consumers having demands?
A guy like Joe unwilling to take one cent out of his stingy back pocket or someone like me that is willing to risk his wealth to create jobs?
CAPITAL creates the jobs.
The demand is the reason capital flows.
Demand does not leave the country.
Capital does and IS.

Again, a capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you he's a vital organ.
Who answers consumers having demands?
A guy like Joe unwilling to take one cent out of his stingy back pocket or someone like me that is willing to risk his wealth to create jobs?
CAPITAL creates the jobs.
The demand is the reason capital flows.
Demand does not leave the country.
Capital does and IS.

Again, a capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you he's a vital organ.

So if you demand a hamburger that you can go buy that someone else makes for you where does it come from?
Who built the building that you buy it at?
A capitalist
Who bought the land the building sits on?
A capitalist
Who developed the land that the business is on?
A capitalist
Who raised the beef you are eating?
A capitalist
Who grew the potatoes and the vegetables your Happy Meal comes with?
A capitalist
Who put the money up for the franchise?
A capitalist
Who paved the parking lot there?
A capitalist

You live in a capitalist country. You claim to hate it here but you stay.
Because you are a catfish capitalist. You claim to be against capitalism all the while you bottom feed off of it.
Who answers consumers having demands?
A guy like Joe unwilling to take one cent out of his stingy back pocket or someone like me that is willing to risk his wealth to create jobs?
CAPITAL creates the jobs.
The demand is the reason capital flows.
Demand does not leave the country.
Capital does and IS.

Again, a capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you he's a vital organ.

So if you demand a hamburger that you can go buy that someone else makes for you where does it come from?
Who built the building that you buy it at?
A capitalist
Who bought the land the building sits on?
A capitalist
Who developed the land that the business is on?
A capitalist
Who raised the beef you are eating?
A capitalist
Who grew the potatoes and the vegetables your Happy Meal comes with?
A capitalist
Who put the money up for the franchise?
A capitalist
Who paved the parking lot there?
A capitalist

You live in a capitalist country. You claim to hate it here but you stay.
Because you are a catfish capitalist. You claim to be against capitalism all the while you bottom feed off of it.

Well put.

And I'm gonna steal that "catfish capitalist" line!

Who answers consumers having demands?
A guy like Joe unwilling to take one cent out of his stingy back pocket or someone like me that is willing to risk his wealth to create jobs?
CAPITAL creates the jobs.
The demand is the reason capital flows.
Demand does not leave the country.
Capital does and IS.

Again, a capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you he's a vital organ.

Workers sell their labor if there was no market for their labor what would they do?

Who is in the market for labor? Business owners.

If people don't like what a business owner is willing to pay for their labor they are certainly free not to accept the job aren't they?
Mostly, because the real producers are working folks who watch the 1%er who don't produce jack shit take the fruits of their labors.

One more time. 1% control 43% of the wealth.

They do not produce 43% of the physical labor.

No they don't provide 43% of the labor you are correct. What they do produce is 100% of the financing and the risk of opening a new business. Something the person being paid by the hour is producing exactly 0% of. Yet the hourly employee is guaranteed 100% OF THAT HE EARNED IN THAT HOUR. The investor is only guaranteed he has to pay that person for the hour and if he loses money well he's on the hook for that too.

It's the difference between someone willing to take a chance and someone just looking for a job.

So essentially, because they've managed to accumulate an inordinate share of the wealth, it's kind of okay that they cheat everyone else?


So you never earned any of the wealth you have in your life.
You "accumulated" it.

So if you demand a hamburger that you can go buy that someone else makes for you where does it come from?
Who built the building that you buy it at?
A capitalist
Who bought the land the building sits on?
A capitalist
Who developed the land that the business is on?
A capitalist
Who raised the beef you are eating?
A capitalist
Who grew the potatoes and the vegetables your Happy Meal comes with?
A capitalist
Who put the money up for the franchise?
A capitalist
Who paved the parking lot there?
A capitalist

You live in a capitalist country. You claim to hate it here but you stay.
Because you are a catfish capitalist. You claim to be against capitalism all the while you bottom feed off of it.

Guy, all those things were done by WORKING PEOPLE.

The Capitalists just collected an inordinate share of the proceeds.
No they don't provide 43% of the labor you are correct. What they do produce is 100% of the financing and the risk of opening a new business. Something the person being paid by the hour is producing exactly 0% of. Yet the hourly employee is guaranteed 100% OF THAT HE EARNED IN THAT HOUR. The investor is only guaranteed he has to pay that person for the hour and if he loses money well he's on the hook for that too.

It's the difference between someone willing to take a chance and someone just looking for a job.

So essentially, because they've managed to accumulate an inordinate share of the wealth, it's kind of okay that they cheat everyone else?


So you never earned any of the wealth you have in your life.
You "accumulated" it.

No, I've earned my fair share, and I pay my fair share.

Time for the 1%ers to do the same.

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