Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody


Then they need to train and educate themselves for a job that markets their skills that pays enough to pay their rent.
Not my responsibility to pay their rent.
And if their 2nd job is not enough to pay the rent then get a damn 3rd job or a 4th.

Or we just stop putting up with it and vote in raises.

OOOOPS. there it is.

Yes vote in raises.

Lets vote in a car, house, vacation, retirement, healthcare, education and a pony on a sandwich makers earnings.

Why the fuck not?

If the rich can vote themselves tax cuts... why not vote higher wages?
Joey-to-English translation: "I have no fucking idea and will instead mouth meaningless buzzwords and talking points. If called, I will attempt to distract by flinging feces."
Or we just stop putting up with it and vote in raises.

OOOOPS. there it is.

Yes vote in raises.

Lets vote in a car, house, vacation, retirement, healthcare, education and a pony on a sandwich makers earnings.

Why the fuck not?

If the rich can vote themselves tax cuts... why not vote higher wages?


Then they need to train and educate themselves for a job that markets their skills that pays enough to pay their rent.
Not my responsibility to pay their rent.
And if their 2nd job is not enough to pay the rent then get a damn 3rd job or a 4th.

Or we just stop putting up with it and vote in raises.

OOOOPS. there it is.

The moocher class is gaining strength Joe. You guys have learned how to vote yourselves a paycheck.

And look at your city and Detroit and see what happens when we allow you and your union goons to "vote in raises".
The producers leave. That is what you really want as your envy and jealousy can not stand someone working harder than you and having more money.
Instead of working for it you would rather vote in someone to give it to you.
The creed of the moocher class:
Someone that is allowed to keep more of the money THEY EARNED is looked down upon and labeled as bad and the role model for all is someone that makes bad choices, fails to educate themselves to the skills that the market demands, has little to no skills, has bad work habits and is a net taker from the taxpayer.

No wonder the labor participation rate is at a 70 year low. People would rather blame their dependence on government, bad attitude and plundering on "rich people".
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Do what I do. When I interview a candidate for a particular job, I describe the job and tell them what it pays. They don't have to take the job or the salary that is paid as recompense. They are free to get up and walk out the door, just as I am free to hire (or not) the person of my choosing.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

Do what I do. When I interview a candidate for a particular job, I describe the job and tell them what it pays. They don't have to take the job or the salary that is paid as recompense. They are free to get up and walk out the door, just as I am free to hire (or not) the person of my choosing.

I farm it out now, do nothing and get 15% commission.
I am 59 going on 60, own 3 companies with 1 that I use to have an employee.
Done with that. Semi retired. In my work I am responsible for their training, their liability insurance, their bond, everything as I am in a highly regulated industry.
Going rate is $20 a hour but still they are more concerned with benefits.
I HATE THAT FUCKING WORD. BENEFITS has ruined and spoiled the American work force.
I will just freelance as I can bill $75-$100 a hour for my work.
Fuck employees, just farm out what I can not get to and get 15% for nothing.
Getting rid of all the employees was one of the many reasons I closed my office. When I opened the dog grooming shop I didn't have any at all. If someone showed up at the door when it opened, they got to work the day, got paid for that day and went on their way. No salary, no benefits, no days off, no raises, nothing. I always had someone at the door. One woman was at the door every day, same time, for two years. I never hired her. She showed up, got paid and went home.

Actually I did give her a raise when she moved from bathing to some basic grooming. But I never hired her.
Most small business people earn LESS than the minimum wage.
They put their life savings AT RISK, work 80 hour weeks and are expected to also provide a "living wage", whatever the hell that is, on top of that.
No wonder jobs are scarce. I refuse to hire anyone now. Done with that.
People believe they have a right to a job.
But fuck them, do not need them.

If you can't afford to pay someone a decent wage, don't hire anyone and do the work yourself.
Getting rid of all the employees was one of the many reasons I closed my office. When I opened the dog grooming shop I didn't have any at all. If someone showed up at the door when it opened, they got to work the day, got paid for that day and went on their way. No salary, no benefits, no days off, no raises, nothing. I always had someone at the door. One woman was at the door every day, same time, for two years. I never hired her. She showed up, got paid and went home.

Actually I did give her a raise when she moved from bathing to some basic grooming. But I never hired her.

Isn't that illegal? I mean, maybe not to pay someone to work for you, but cash in hand?
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

Of course the owner shut the doors because of the job action.
He was forced to close for 4 days, losing business.
"Furious members of the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago gathered outside the store Monday morning demanding severance pay and re-employment for the fired staff.
Demanded severance pay...That's amusing. Did they think they were employed by a large company such as Verizon?

Communications director Deivid Rojas told the website: 'Three days before Christmas and not even a call. It's not fair that management and the corporation is treating (employees) this way.'
Not fair? Hey Rojas...Explain the definition of 'fair"...
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

Of course. The workers have no skin in the game.
The employer takes all of the risks. The workers can walk away any time they wish.
That's the point.
The employer is going to pay a wage which is appropriate for the skill level of the job and the available labor pool for low skill work.
This $15 per hour thing will never succeed.

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