Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

Hey you know what.

When someone is preparing something that I am going to put inside my body, I really, really want them to be well compensated and happy with their jobs.

Not sure why you don't. I guess you all like living dangerously.

Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Usually, I do prepare most of my own food, and the only time I go to a Starbucks is when I am meeting a c lient. (It's really not the coffee I'm paying for, it's the WiFi.)

Of course, the fallacy here is that paying a decent wage would really increase prices all that much. A nickel a sandwich? Can't see that being that big of a deal.

Have you done the math?

Can you prove that nickel increase is accurate?

Do you know the overhead cost per minute of that sub shop?

BTW an increase of 5 dollars an hour costs the employer much more than the 200 a week for a full time employee. Payroll taxes unemployment taxes and workman's comp taxes all go up as well. if that employee made 100 sandwiches a week to recoup the increase and break even every sandwich that employee made would have to go up more than 2 dollars each.
This was great news eh? How many got fired? 15?

Now we got 15 more people for food stamps and welfare.

And you asshole rethugs applaud this.


They got fired because they walked off the job.

I don't feel bad about that at all. And btw if you get fired for cause you can't file an unemployment claim.
It's been answered before, you just don't listen. A living wage is enough for one person to pay rent on a crappy apartment, all their utilities, their clothes, transportation and medical. I don't think that's too much to ask for the lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world.

Back in 1968 when my brother worked a minimum wage job, he could pay for his own apartment, buy a brand new car and take college classes part time. That can't be done today. Why do you think the top 1% earn more than 200% increase in their income while the bottom workers deserved to lose spending power?

But Mike lives with Mom and Dad. He doesn't have all those expenses.

There's the scenario. What would you say the "living wage" should be? How much per hour?

$10? $12? $15? $20?


None of the above. I already have a guy who puts the french fries in the oil and then brings then back out when they're done. I'll add the task of salting the fries to his job description and give him a 25 cent p/h raise. My fries will get salted just fine, I'm helping another employee take another step up the corporate ladder, and I'm saving myself the hassle of hiring and paying yet another employee.
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This was great news eh? How many got fired? 15?

Now we got 15 more people for food stamps and welfare.

And you asshole rethugs applaud this.


We also have 15 people who won't be joining a union.
If they weren't getting paid enough why not just quit and find a better job?

Because they want everything but are willing to do nothing. They won't go to collage, won't even attend a night course in an attempt to better themselves; all they do is go on strike at the busiest time of year in an effort to satisfy their greed.

I work full time and get well paid for it.
Because I work hard and I'm willing to do what others won't do, I get fat pay rises every year.
Last year, my pay rise was the same as the lowest paid staff get in total.

I also run a small business, well, in honesty, my wife does but I set the salaries and pay the staff.
They get paid reasonably well and get free food and board. They get paid more than I have to out of kindness but they won't get a penny more unless they prove they're worth it.
They don't manage that so they don't get a rise.
The same goes for this grasping load of lazy sods.
They're 10 a penny monkeys and there is no reason to pay them more.
This was great news eh? How many got fired? 15?

Now we got 15 more people for food stamps and welfare.

And you asshole rethugs applaud this.


They got fired because they walked off the job.

I don't feel bad about that at all. And btw if you get fired for cause you can't file an unemployment claim.

No they did not. They got fired because the business is switching business models. If they were fired for striking they would have a lawsuit for violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

Further, you CAN file a claim if you're fired for cause. It may not be paid, but you can file.
This was great news eh? How many got fired? 15?

Now we got 15 more people for food stamps and welfare.

And you asshole rethugs applaud this.


They got fired because they walked off the job.

I don't feel bad about that at all. And btw if you get fired for cause you can't file an unemployment claim.

No they did not. They got fired because the business is switching business models. If they were fired for striking they would have a lawsuit for violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

Further, you CAN file a claim if you're fired for cause. It may not be paid, but you can file.

from the article

But the move comes less than a month after Snarf's workers rallied for higher wages.

If you're willing to believe that those people didn't get fired because they "rallied" aka refused to work then that's your choice.

And so what if they all got canned? It's the business owners choice after all.
They got fired because they walked off the job.

I don't feel bad about that at all. And btw if you get fired for cause you can't file an unemployment claim.

No they did not. They got fired because the business is switching business models. If they were fired for striking they would have a lawsuit for violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

Further, you CAN file a claim if you're fired for cause. It may not be paid, but you can file.

from the article

But the move comes less than a month after Snarf's workers rallied for higher wages.

If you're willing to believe that those people didn't get fired because they "rallied" aka refused to work then that's your choice.

And so what if they all got canned? It's the business owners choice after all.


You're not very bright are you? First of all, it takes months to come up with a deal to do something like switch a sub shop to a burger joint, if not a year or more. This wasn't something that was done overnight because of a strike

Second of all, GUARANTEE you that the owner would deny it was due to the "striking" because to do so would be to admit that he violated the National Relations Act, which by the way applies no matter what state you are in.

As far as his right, of course it is his right to be a dick and fire people right before Christmas. And to cowardly do it via email
This was great news eh? How many got fired? 15?

Now we got 15 more people for food stamps and welfare.

And you asshole rethugs applaud this.


This is another problem...see this post?
This is a perfect example of the "low information" American.
Obviously did not read the link (let's hope not)
Must have read the headline and already made up his/her mind that the evil business owner fires everyone for no good reason and we all laugh in the background with a big bwhaaaaahahahahaha.
Jesus....THIS is how a person with zero experience, who never held a job outside of academia, has never ran a business or even worked in one BECAME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

Actually, we did read the link.

A guy who owns a shop in downtown Chicago (where the cost of rent is ridiculously high) isn't paying his employees a decent wage.

Now, if you have ever been to downtown Chicago, it's usually a madhouse down there at lunch.

But this guy isn't paying his employees a decent wage in a place where parking for the day costs $30.00 or more.

That's why they went on strike.

They went "on strike" because they bought the party line myth that they are being treated unfairly and that by joining a strike action, they might be able to bully their employer into caving to their demands.
This is another problem...see this post?
This is a perfect example of the "low information" American.
Obviously did not read the link (let's hope not)
Must have read the headline and already made up his/her mind that the evil business owner fires everyone for no good reason and we all laugh in the background with a big bwhaaaaahahahahaha.
Jesus....THIS is how a person with zero experience, who never held a job outside of academia, has never ran a business or even worked in one BECAME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

Actually, we did read the link.

A guy who owns a shop in downtown Chicago (where the cost of rent is ridiculously high) isn't paying his employees a decent wage.

Now, if you have ever been to downtown Chicago, it's usually a madhouse down there at lunch.

But this guy isn't paying his employees a decent wage in a place where parking for the day costs $30.00 or more.

That's why they went on strike.

They went "on strike" because they bought the party line myth that they are being treated unfairly and that by joining a strike action, they might be able to bully their employer into caving to their demands.


"minimum wage employees aren't people. Why are they thinking they have rights?"

Point is those that make the minimum wage have BELOW the minimum smarts level on average. We know kids now that sell shoes at the mall and get commission averaging around $12 a hour.

Getting rid of all the Who cares, stuff, this is bullshit.

kids getting minimum wage get that because that's what managers think they can get away with.

The purpose of the minimum wage was to prevent managers from using a recession to fire all staff and hire a bunch of hungry waifs willing to work for less. Because the Minimum Wage has not kept up with inflation, it's original purpose has been defeated.

Maybe what we need is to link CEO Pay. No CEO can make more than 100 Times the minimum wage.

Betcha they push for a higher minimum wage after that.

10 times, I see no need for them to make more than 10 times what their workers make.
Okay, I'm going to ask this question again - I've tried many times on many threads, and I never get an answer. One more shot, here's the (very typical) scenario:

We have a McDonald's in a city, county and state in which the cost of living is average for the country. At the low end of the pay scale, we have the following three people:

Mike, who is single and 18 and living with Mom & Dad. All his needs are paid for and he just wants some extra cash for the next four years of college.

John, who is 24 and never really gotten his act together. He is single but has run up credit card bills and online personal loans, he definitely likes to buy some weed now and then and needs to make quite a bit more than Mike.

Jeff, who is 32 with a wife and two kids to support. He just wants to take care of his family.

Each of them just got hired on at the low end of the totem pole. Their job is to put the salt on the french fries.

There's the scenario. What would you say the "living wage" should be? How much per hour?

$10? $12? $15? $20?


It's been answered before, you just don't listen. A living wage is enough for one person to pay rent on a crappy apartment, all their utilities, their clothes, transportation and medical. I don't think that's too much to ask for the lowest paid worker in the richest country in the world.

Back in 1968 when my brother worked a minimum wage job, he could pay for his own apartment, buy a brand new car and take college classes part time. That can't be done today. Why do you think the top 1% earn more than 200% increase in their income while the bottom workers deserved to lose spending power?

Why should one person rent an entire apartment? Why not a room in a boarding house or why not share an apartment with 3 or 4 people?

The problem as I see it it is that people want to only work 40 hours a week and they think that should make them enough to buy a house a car and put their kids through college.

I guarantee you that anyone who has had any success at all worked a hell of a lot more than 40 hours a week.

Because said person deserves to be able to afford their own apartment so that they aren't dependent on a roommate who may or may not stay. You're right, successful people work more than 40 hours a week, however, minimum wage workers have their hours cut back continually, and moved around just to make sure they can't keep 2 jobs.

Point is those that make the minimum wage have BELOW the minimum smarts level on average. We know kids now that sell shoes at the mall and get commission averaging around $12 a hour.

Getting rid of all the Who cares, stuff, this is bullshit.

kids getting minimum wage get that because that's what managers think they can get away with.

The purpose of the minimum wage was to prevent managers from using a recession to fire all staff and hire a bunch of hungry waifs willing to work for less. Because the Minimum Wage has not kept up with inflation, it's original purpose has been defeated.

Maybe what we need is to link CEO Pay. No CEO can make more than 100 Times the minimum wage.

Betcha they push for a higher minimum wage after that.

10 times, I see no need for them to make more than 10 times what their workers make.

I think that's the wrong approach to take.

Who cares if the CEO of Wal Mart makes $22M a year, as long as their employees are also taken care of? The math of how much more the CEO makes is irrelevant.

I just wish to see companies FORCED to pay people wages which keep them off welfare.

I've seen multiple studies that show that if wages are raised 25% prices will rise 2%. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
Hey you know what.

When someone is preparing something that I am going to put inside my body, I really, really want them to be well compensated and happy with their jobs.

Not sure why you don't. I guess you all like living dangerously.

Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Gee, I bought a cup of Chai tea this year, and I bought one about 7 years ago too. Guess I really shouldn't have spent that extra money.
Hey you know what.

When someone is preparing something that I am going to put inside my body, I really, really want them to be well compensated and happy with their jobs.

Not sure why you don't. I guess you all like living dangerously.

Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Usually, I do prepare most of my own food, and the only time I go to a Starbucks is when I am meeting a c lient. (It's really not the coffee I'm paying for, it's the WiFi.)

Of course, the fallacy here is that paying a decent wage would really increase prices all that much. A nickel a sandwich? Can't see that being that big of a deal.

I remember back in the late 70's, early 80's when Pizza Hut said they couldn't provide health insurance for their employees because it would cost them an extra 50 cents a pizza. Well, everyone I knew was willing to pay that extra 50 cents so they could have health insurance, then it comes out they lied and it would only cost a few cents extra for each Pizza. Don't think they ever did get insurance for their employees.
Hey you know what.

When someone is preparing something that I am going to put inside my body, I really, really want them to be well compensated and happy with their jobs.

Not sure why you don't. I guess you all like living dangerously.

Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Gee, I bought a cup of Chai tea this year, and I bought one about 7 years ago too. Guess I really shouldn't have spent that extra money.

You know it would be a lot cheaper if you'd grow your own tea leaves, or just drank hot water, that way your employer could cut your pay and up their profits.

I also suggest making your own soap, and bathing in the creek. No reason to be so greedy as to want to able to afford such "luxuries" as running hot and cold water and soap.
If they weren't getting paid enough why not just quit and find a better job?

Because they want everything but are willing to do nothing. They won't go to collage, won't even attend a night course in an attempt to better themselves; all they do is go on strike at the busiest time of year in an effort to satisfy their greed.

I work full time and get well paid for it.
Because I work hard and I'm willing to do what others won't do, I get fat pay rises every year.
Last year, my pay rise was the same as the lowest paid staff get in total.

I also run a small business, well, in honesty, my wife does but I set the salaries and pay the staff.
They get paid reasonably well and get free food and board. They get paid more than I have to out of kindness but they won't get a penny more unless they prove they're worth it.
They don't manage that so they don't get a rise.
The same goes for this grasping load of lazy sods.
They're 10 a penny monkeys and there is no reason to pay them more.

How are they suppose to take a night course on minimum wage when it doesn't even put a roof over your head?
Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Gee, I bought a cup of Chai tea this year, and I bought one about 7 years ago too. Guess I really shouldn't have spent that extra money.

You know it would be a lot cheaper if you'd grow your own tea leaves, or just drank hot water, that way your employer could cut your pay and up their profits.

I also suggest making your own soap, and bathing in the creek. No reason to be so greedy as to want to able to afford such "luxuries" as running hot and cold water and soap.

Well, I do already make my own laundry detergent, no joke.
Then why don't you just go to the most expensive places to eat instead of a sub shop?

In all honesty it's cheaper to make your own sandwiches than it is to order out.

That's another of my pet peeves. How many people whining that they don't make enough buy coffee every day at 2-5 dollars a cup when they could fill a thermos up at home for a few cents?

Usually, I do prepare most of my own food, and the only time I go to a Starbucks is when I am meeting a c lient. (It's really not the coffee I'm paying for, it's the WiFi.)

Of course, the fallacy here is that paying a decent wage would really increase prices all that much. A nickel a sandwich? Can't see that being that big of a deal.

I remember back in the late 70's, early 80's when Pizza Hut said they couldn't provide health insurance for their employees because it would cost them an extra 50 cents a pizza. Well, everyone I knew was willing to pay that extra 50 cents so they could have health insurance, then it comes out they lied and it would only cost a few cents extra for each Pizza. Don't think they ever did get insurance for their employees.

That is a joke anyway.

Let's use McDonalds as an example. Let's assume the local franchise makes say a $1 in profit on a number 2 meal which is like $6 . How much more are people going to be willing to pay regardless of McDonalds costs? Not much, in fact I've seen studies that say that if the minimum wage were raised to $9 an hour people would be willing to pay 50 cents more for their meal. So even if the expenses costs McD 75 cents a meal, they could only charge 50 cents more, because that is all people are willing to pay, and no one in their right mind sells products for more than their customers are willing to pay.

They would just have to eat that other quarter. Oh boo hoo.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

How are they losing business?

Now I've done retail big time apres the music business. You have to prove to me why they lost business and how that happened.

I won't have a problem if you can show me how they lost business. But I want facts and figures.

Otherwise like any other whack job on the internet you are just giving another opinion.

I used to run stores so lay it on the line here for me.
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