Strong Link Found Between Supporting Communism And Never Once Having Opened A History Book


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

CAMBRIDGE, MA—A study performed by researchers at Harvard University found a strong link between supporting the idea of communism and never once having even briefly opened a history book, sources confirmed Tuesday.

The study appears to imply that would-be communists are deterred from supporting the political theory the moment they encounter any real-life examples of communism in world history and read about the tens of millions of people murdered or slaughtered under communist rulers.

“We found that of the people who advocate communism today, over 97% slept all the way through each of their history classes in elementary school, high school, and college,” head researcher Todd Devlin said in a statement accompanying the release of the study’s findings. “Without exception, not a single supporter of communism in the study had ever opened any kind of history textbook or scholarly work covering the 20th century.”

“They do occasionally catch a special on Nazis on the History Channel, but usually turn it off before the piece begins to break down the horrific regimes of Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao,” the paper continued.

The study also found that the majority of modern communists who do happen across a stray piece of information showing the horrors and atrocities of real-life communism are able to quickly rationalize the historical facts away by labeling those examples “not real communism.”
I would agree with that. Communism is great in theory but abysmal in practice.
Funny but true.

Communism is where individual liberty ends. Fight the good fight if you love being an individual.
Funny but true.

Communism is where individual liberty ends. Fight the good fight if you love being an individual.

Kinda depends.

The opposite is the sweatshop ideology.

What is best is a balance.

A moral compass.
well that is kind of hard to believe as if ur in school for a certain amount of time they have to mention communism in the history books at least in the realm of the cold war.

Now I believe with history it is a class that goes in one ear and out the other to many assuming that they are still awake

And depending on your age who remembers anything that was taught in the public school system. Now I am sure some do but it would be a interesting survey question

if u thru out the name Gerald Ford, Warren Harding, Thomas Dewey, Hubert Humphrey, without looking them up who would be able to pick out the ones who were president
You don't need to read government abuses in history books, it's happening in Canada at an alarming rate. I've said it before, it's not hyperbole to suggest that Canadian system has a excessive amount of East German tactics within it's system. With an alarming amount of nepotism and Fiefdom within the system which separates it from the Stasi.

If I listed all I have experienced and know of, Americans wouldn't believe it, I think I have outlined enough in my time here. Canadian police try to stay ahead of and control the narrative but it's a fallacy. We are a system that the antithesis of the U.S Republic. You can be sure, even just by osmosis, Americans are having this system exported.

That, in itself, creates a large number of security threats to the U.S. Both internally and from foreign sources who enter Canada.

Socialism/communism has evolved. It's not about state controlling the means of production, but rather controlling the operations of these companies through covert means. Tampering with HR and management in a company is a primary method. The Three Stooges in Canada: Toronto Police Services, Ontario Provincial Police and RCMP all engage in this. If you open a business in Toronto, you are basically, as with owning property here; simply a leaseholder.

Sounds similar to China doesn't it? Except, in the case of China, they are more overt about it.
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The opposite is the sweatshop ideology.

Because communists don't have sweatshops?


Does capitalism have a moral compass?

I believe it does. Thoroughly in fact.

True capitalism is about rewarding risk taking, innovation and progress. I have little interest in Crony Capitalism, nor nations masquerading as capitalism when they are much closer to socialism, especially socially (Canada).

When you are free to pursue your dreams, succeed and fail on merit, you are human. When you are not free to do so, you're just a glorified dog with an un-benevolent owner.
The opposite is the sweatshop ideology.

Because communists don't have sweatshops?


Does capitalism have a moral compass?

Does Communism?


I wouldn't pull on that thread if I were you.
But I knew that right?

Capitalism is a purely economic ideology. There is no moral compass. That said, don’t take it to mean I don’t think capitalism is the best form of economics, because I do. But it needs regulated. That is why I also support a certain amount of socialism: strong safety net, worker rights and protections etc.

Communism in theory has more of a moral compass than capitalism because it takes into account the rights of the traditionally powerless individual. But that is nice on paper it never works out in practice because it ignores human nature.

Communism is an economic failure and despite it’s theory has ended up developing into totalitarian states.
The opposite is the sweatshop ideology.

Because communists don't have sweatshops?


Does capitalism have a moral compass?

I believe it does. Thoroughly in fact.

True capitalism is about rewarding risk taking, innovation and progress. I have little interest in Crony Capitalism, nor nations masquerading as capitalism when they are much closer to socialism, especially socially (Canada).

When you are free to pursue your dreams, succeed and fail on merit, you are human. When you are not free to do so, you're just a glorified dog with an un-benevolent owner.

I agree, but on who’s backs and what cost? What is the value of a human life?

The fact is, capitalism places a monetary value on human life, and if that value is less than the potential profit, human life is expendable.
The opposite is the sweatshop ideology.

Because communists don't have sweatshops?


Does capitalism have a moral compass?

Does Communism?


I wouldn't pull on that thread if I were you.
But I knew that right?

Communism in theory has more of a moral compass than capitalism because it takes into account the rights of the traditionally powerless individual. .

If I had a theory that gas cans turn into flowers when exposed to flame, I would test that theory.

After a few dozen incinerated laboratories, I'd go back to the chalkboard and revise my theory.

In both theory and practice, Communism is the ideology that allows one segment of society to control the reins of power by using the masses to eliminate the existing power structure.

It does this by making promises that Communism can't deliver and leaves those masses worse off than they were before. The morality of Communism is based on sowing hatred for an imaginary oppressor so he can be replaced with a cabal of revolutionaries who can then exploit the same masses for their own good.

The morality of Capitalism is rooted in the ethos that hard work and smart investment not only benefits the individual, but society at large.

Capitalism has delivered a higher standard of living, higher literacy rates, more free time, and more disposable income for the masses than any other system in the history of mankind.
The opposite is the sweatshop ideology.

Because communists don't have sweatshops?


Does capitalism have a moral compass?

Does Communism?


I wouldn't pull on that thread if I were you.
But I knew that right?

Communism in theory has more of a moral compass than capitalism because it takes into account the rights of the traditionally powerless individual. .

If I had a theory that gas cans turn into flowers when exposed to flame, I would test that theory.

After a few dozen incinerated laboratories, I'd go back to the chalkboard and revise my theory.

In both theory and practice, Communism is the ideology that allows one segment of society to control the reins of power by using the masses to eliminate the existing power structure.

It does this by making promises that Communism can't deliver and leaves those masses worse off than they were before. The morality of Communism is based on sowing hatred for an imaginary oppressor so he can be replaced with a cabal of revolutionaries who can then exploit the same masses for their own good.

The morality of Capitalism is rooted in the ethos that hard work and smart investment not only benefits the individual, but society at large.

Capitalism has delivered a higher standard of living, higher literacy rates, more free time, and more disposable income for the masses than any other system in the history of mankind.
For a bunch of capitalists, the GOP sure has been happy when Trump introduces massive socialist policies.
The opposite is the sweatshop ideology.

Because communists don't have sweatshops?


Does capitalism have a moral compass?

Does Communism?


I wouldn't pull on that thread if I were you.
But I knew that right?

Communism in theory has more of a moral compass than capitalism because it takes into account the rights of the traditionally powerless individual. .

If I had a theory that gas cans turn into flowers when exposed to flame, I would test that theory.

After a few dozen incinerated laboratories, I'd go back to the chalkboard and revise my theory.

In both theory and practice, Communism is the ideology that allows one segment of society to control the reins of power by using the masses to eliminate the existing power structure.

It does this by making promises that Communism can't deliver and leaves those masses worse off than they were before. The morality of Communism is based on sowing hatred for an imaginary oppressor so he can be replaced with a cabal of revolutionaries who can then exploit the same masses for their own good.

The morality of Capitalism is rooted in the ethos that hard work and smart investment not only benefits the individual, but society at large.

Capitalism has delivered a higher standard of living, higher literacy rates, more free time, and more disposable income for the masses than any other system in the history of mankind.
Capitalism only did that with regulation, and some socialism. Unadulterated it lead to a divide between those who had and those who did not. The only difference was that instead of a hereditary had a wealthy business aristocracy, but you still had a mass of people at the bottom who couldn’t get out.
Communism is just a political theory and thus it is interpreted and implemented by people

It usually fails like most political theories when people in the government become corrupt and want to beat people over the head with whatever floats

Even democracy has corruption and it by people who have no business being in power

The main difference is how easy or hard is it to get rid of corrupt people
Communism is just a political theory and thus it is interpreted and implemented by people

It usually fails like most political theories when people in the government become corrupt and want to beat people over the head with whatever floats

Even democracy has corruption and it by people who have no business being in power

The main difference is how easy or hard is it to get rid of corrupt people
I think communism fails because it does not account for human nature. We need something in it for ourselves, incentive,reward. It is all fine and dandy to do it all for the collective...except we don’t. And we don’t want to be forced to when we get no individual rewards.
The fact is, capitalism places a monetary value on human life, and if that value is less than the potential profit, human life is expendable.

In fact, the exact opposite is true. Capitalism is a system where the individual makes choices about their lives. What I study, what skills I acquire, where I work, what I do with the money I earn, where I live, what I eat, what I read, and how I think, are all choices the individual makes. In essence, the individual decides their own worth to society. They determine how they best want to make (or not make) a contribution to society.

In a Communist system, the value of any person is determined by their usefulness to the state. The state decides the value of a person based on what the state can get out of them.
Because communists don't have sweatshops?


Does capitalism have a moral compass?

Does Communism?


I wouldn't pull on that thread if I were you.
But I knew that right?

Communism in theory has more of a moral compass than capitalism because it takes into account the rights of the traditionally powerless individual. .

If I had a theory that gas cans turn into flowers when exposed to flame, I would test that theory.

After a few dozen incinerated laboratories, I'd go back to the chalkboard and revise my theory.

In both theory and practice, Communism is the ideology that allows one segment of society to control the reins of power by using the masses to eliminate the existing power structure.

It does this by making promises that Communism can't deliver and leaves those masses worse off than they were before. The morality of Communism is based on sowing hatred for an imaginary oppressor so he can be replaced with a cabal of revolutionaries who can then exploit the same masses for their own good.

The morality of Capitalism is rooted in the ethos that hard work and smart investment not only benefits the individual, but society at large.

Capitalism has delivered a higher standard of living, higher literacy rates, more free time, and more disposable income for the masses than any other system in the history of mankind.
Capitalism only did that with regulation, and some socialism. Unadulterated it lead to a divide between those who had and those who did not. The only difference was that instead of a hereditary had a wealthy business aristocracy, but you still had a mass of people at the bottom who couldn’t get out.

Bill Gates, Alan Gerry, Oprah Winfrey, Do Wang Chang, Howard Schultz, and thousands of other individuals have begun their lives with literally nothing and built successful financial empires, allowing millions of others to earn their own livings, because they were allowed to make their own choices and utilized their own talents in ways they felt would benefit them the most.

None of these thousands of success stories would have been possible in a Communist society.

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