"Strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years"

You lied about Trump ruining the economy or you're plain ignorant from watching CNN.
81 million Americans felt otherwise.

Who are you trying to convince? This post proves it is not true. He lives, larger than life, rent-free in your empty head. He is becoming immortal due to the actions of morons like you, Piglosi, Schumer and Biden. Thanks--more entertainment. Could be better than watching a dementia addled moron stumble all over himself on TV.
Oh really. Who won the 2020 Presidential Election?
You are boring and pointless and if we were sitting at a table you would have walked out crying and ranting after 10 minutes like all the other Liberatarians I have debated at various meals.
You can do better than that. C'mon. Get with the program. You must have some really choice insults for when you're losing. Anything but discuss the topic. That will just make you look stupid.
That's what Joe Biden posted on Twitter. I shit you not.

"One analyst" described it as such, Joe Biden tweeted it on Twitter, so it must be true, right? :laughing0301:

President Biden

United States government official

We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. Let’s keep the progress going.

3:58 PM · Dec 29, 2021·The White House

The dementia riddled pedophile can get away with it because the media covers for him and his voters are the dumbest MFers on the planet.
Climate change, economic and racial inequality, free shit, tax the rich, and "Republicans are de debbil."

Those are my predictions for the next 100 years for the future of Democrats.
Of course. Why would the next 100 years be any different than the last 50? Then demleftists only alternative is to tell the truth of their agenda and thats not going to get them many votes.
One analysts? Out of 20,000? Sounds like Biden is a complete failure if his economy has only convinced 1 economic analyst.

That so-called "analyst" was probably some party crony who writes propaganda for ShareBlue, Media Matters, or Correct the Record. I bet he or she even has an account on here.
When the media lies like this, who do they think they are fooling?

Do these manipulators think people cannot see their own bills and everything costing so much more?

If your grocery bill is twice as high as it was a year ago, is a CHART in an article going to convince you that you are wrong?

Sadly, when it comes to democratic voters the answer is yes.

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