"Strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years"

That's what Joe Biden posted on Twitter. I shit you not.

"One analyst" described it as such, Joe Biden tweeted it on Twitter, so it must be true, right? :laughing0301:

President Biden

United States government official
We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. Let’s keep the progress going.

3:58 PM · Dec 29, 2021·The White House

Isn’t Twitter supposed to remove “fake news”?
This is the Republicon theme

Trump’s only claim is the votes were rigged.

Clearly, at least for adults,.,.,.,.,.,. we know how to count numbers


There is this: "After election monitors had left?" Why were they allow or told to leave, if ballots were still being counted?

Biden is still having trouble fixing the Trump Supply Chain fuck up but we are getting there... Trump fucked up so much that it is hard to get all back in order in one year...
Trump had negative GDP, high unemployment, laughed at by the world leaders, pitied by everyone else.... US was never so weak than under Trump and his supporters couldn't even see that... The fucker lost a trade war with China...
Biden didn't name the analyst. You wouldn't know her. She goes to a different school.

Two pieces of evidence contradict this already-laughable claim: Mark Zandi, a reliably Democrat partisan analyst, downgraded the growth outlook from a brisk 5.2% to a low 2.2%.

Further, Larry Summers warns that Brandon has engineered an inflationary spiral that will take "a recession" to unwind.

But whatever, Brandon.
Biden is still having trouble fixing the Trump Supply Chain fuck up but we are getting there... Trump fucked up so much that it is hard to get all back in order in one year...
Trump had negative GDP, high unemployment, laughed at by the world leaders, pitied by everyone else.... US was never so weak than under Trump and his supporters couldn't even see that... The fucker lost a trade war with China...
"Trade wars are easy to win". I do remember that one. World leaders mocking him at that meeting. I remember that one, too.

We'll see in '22 and '24. Maybe we as a country don't deserve better.
So why are you not condemning the summary execution of an unarmed, female trespasser? How about showing a little more than lip service when it comes to compassion? You have your panties in a twist about words on a message board, but you refuse to condemn murder by the democrats. Do you know the definition of "hypocrite?"
"summary execution"


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