"Strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years"

Anyone who thinks the government can keep all the balloons in the air by printing money is the bigger fool

I concede that the dire predictions of economic doom caused by deficit spending have not come true

But someday it will happen and I cant wait to hear what the usual know-it-alls will have to say about it

The usual know it alls will believe and say why there told to. They always do.
It was better 3 years into Trump's presidency before covid decimated our economy. It is better now than it was at this same point in Trump's presidency. And the economy is still improving, so it could turn out even better than what Trump took nearly 3 years to accomplish.

Here’s your problem my little leftists friend, every conservative on this board can explain in detail exactly what Trump did to grow the economy and you can not and never will be able to explain what Skidmark *Joe did.
A lot of good numbers, especially considering all the distortions. If/when we see inflation looking like it's peaking and stabilizing, we could be in great shape. The markets would love that, particularly the NASDAQ.

Not even the best minds in the industry know what's coming.

Anyone who thinks they can see the future is a fool engaging in ignorant noise, just to hear themselves talk.
Biden is still having trouble fixing the Trump Supply Chain fuck up but we are getting there... Trump fucked up so much that it is hard to get all back in order in one year...
Trump had negative GDP, high unemployment, laughed at by the world leaders, pitied by everyone else.... US was never so weak than under Trump and his supporters couldn't even see that... The fucker lost a trade war with China...

Biden: I Have the ‘Strongest First-Year Economic Track Record’ of Any Recent President

30 Dec 2021 ~~ By Paul Bois
President Joe Biden declared on Wednesday that despite record inflation and a record trade deficit, he has the “strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years.”
“We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years,” the president tweeted, adding, “Let’s keep the progress going”:

On the same day, the Commerce Department released a dismal trade deficit report showing that the gap between the cost of imported goods exceeded the value of exported at a record high and would likely continue for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic. One economist said the report showed that the U.S. economy “has never been weaker”:

In another tweet Wednesday, Biden touted himself as a hero of the working class, citing his passage of the infrastructure bill while ignoring the implosion of his Build Back Better agenda. However, as CNBC also noted on Wednesday, the current record inflation has further widened the gap between rich and poor, as lower-income “households bear the brunt of rising prices”:
Chris Wimer, co-director of the Center on Poverty & Social Policy at Columbia University, told CNBC that lower-income households are increasingly being forced to choose between essential items such as gas and food.
“They’re essentially looking to stretch a dollar most days,” said Wimer. “It’s going to lead to difficult choices between putting gas in the car or paying for your kids’ child care or putting food on the table.”

The best economy this country ever had was under Trump including energy Independence.
That was until the Wuhan bioweapon was released by China to destroy him and destroyed a lot of lives with it.
That's why there's no investigations as to the origin of the Chinese bioweapon. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists and RINOs alike are good with the outcome of the stolen election. Back to business as usual and destruction of the middle class.
Really, anyone else with half a brain would have stopped halfway through reading the teleprompter and said, "I just can't say this". However, Joey Xi Bai Dung as truly delusional as he or his handlers actually believe what he just said.
That's what Joe Biden posted on Twitter. I shit you not.

"One analyst" described it as such, Joe Biden tweeted it on Twitter, so it must be true, right? :laughing0301:

President Biden

United States government official
We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. Let’s keep the progress going.

3:58 PM · Dec 29, 2021·The White House

Trump made a lot of outlandish claims and Bidet looks to top him.
I voted for Biden because I believe he would/does represent the moral culture, law abiding core of the American people.

Where “hate” has no place

Except on dump land, a swampy place in Florida with pock marked holes 18 or more and aligators watching your every swing.

I voted for Biden because I believe he would/does represent the moral culture, law abiding core of the American people.

Where “hate” has no place

Except on dump land, a swampy place in Florida with pock marked holes 18 or more and aligators watching your every swing.

HaHaHa! Hateful frustration is not a good look on you. But you better get used to it--I don't see anything happy in your future.
Biden doesn't have the charisma to even attempt that. He's flat as a fuckin' pancake compared to Trump.
Trump lost
Biden won

Nominee ,,,.,.,.,, Joe Biden,.,.,., Donald Trump
Electoral vote,.,..,.,.,.,,. 306..,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,.,. 232
Popular vote.,.,.,.,.,.,.,81,268,924.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,74,216,154
Percentage .,.,.,.,.,,.,.,..,.51.3% .,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.46.9%
2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
Facts are facts, are facts
I pray you can live with the truth
I want to be your friend too
That's what Joe Biden posted on Twitter. I shit you not.

"One analyst" described it as such, Joe Biden tweeted it on Twitter, so it must be true, right? :laughing0301:

President Biden

United States government official
We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. Let’s keep the progress going.

3:58 PM · Dec 29, 2021·The White House

Never mind the fact that most of everything in the growth column is due to the following:

1. People getting back to work.
2. Policies that were enacted during Trumps last two years. This includes the D majority in the House R majority in the Senate.

Also, this high inflation is mostly due to Trump & Pelosi's over spending. Coupled with Biden and Pelosi's overspending.

They need to get that bitch out of congress.
I voted for Biden because I believe he would/does represent the moral culture, law abiding core of the American people.

Where “hate” has no place

Except on dump land, a swampy place in Florida with pock marked holes 18 or more and aligators watching your every swing.

HaHaHa! Hateful frustration is not a good look on you. But you better get used to it--I don't see anything happy in your future
Trump lost
Biden won
How is this remotely relevant to the discussion that one misguided anal yst decided to make dementia Joe and his moron's days? Please stay on topic.
Trump lost
Biden won

Nominee ,,,.,.,.,, Joe Biden,.,.,., Donald Trump
Electoral vote,.,..,.,.,.,,. 306..,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,.,. 232
Popular vote.,.,.,.,.,.,.,81,268,924.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,74,216,154
Percentage .,.,.,.,.,,.,.,..,.51.3% .,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.46.9%
2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
Facts are facts, are facts
I pray you can live with the truth
I want to be your friend too

Why are you changing the subject to irrelevant facts? Facts they are. But still irrelevant. Is this all the democrats have to brag about? Biden winning? That's it.

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