"Strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years"

I'm not like you. I do not need or want a leader. The president is merely the most senior public servant. The government should be run like a utility and politics should be boring. It does not need it's entertainment level bumped up like some retarded reality show. I feel the country is much better off with boring Biden. That's my opinion. I base it mostly on how things are going for me right now but also on the certainty that Biden is not going to wake up tomorrow and do something nuts.
What do you need from a president then?
The government should stay out of constituents way.
You say that but you don't mean it. Trying to reverse the social progress of the last 70 years is going to get in the way of a lot of people.
That's what Joe Biden posted on Twitter. I shit you not.

"One analyst" described it as such, Joe Biden tweeted it on Twitter, so it must be true, right? :laughing0301:

President Biden

United States government official
We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years. Let’s keep the progress going.

3:58 PM · Dec 29, 2021·The White House

I assume their metric for success is high inflation.
Nothing more than to do their job in a thoughtful and deliberate fashion never forgetting that they are serving as President.
That is eloquent. But that is not the fact of most Presidents in the modern era.
Living in reality always does. You should try it sometime.


What’s their job? That’s the ask
Their duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined in the constitution. Other than that they pursue the agenda they were elected to advance within the limits of their power and the law. It was once understood that acting like a king was a disgrace to the office of president. For that reason we gave the president broad powers in the belief that no man that had imperial ambitions could ever get elected. It worked just fine until Trump rot set into the republican party.
When told to try reality, you come back with fantasy.

Poor effort. I give you 2/10. :itsok:

You would not know reality if it bit you on the ass. Your whole life is a GOP fueled delusion
Their duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined in the constitution. Other than that they pursue the agenda they were elected to advance within the limits of their power and the law. It was once understood that acting like a king was a disgrace to the office of president. For that reason we gave the president broad powers in the belief that no man that had imperial ambitions could ever get elected. It worked just fine until Trump rot set into the republican party.
And so what has xiden done he campaigned on?
People not looking for work are not included in that count, genius.
Is that new?
Nope, they have never counted babies, young children, school age children, people that choose not to work because their spouse makes enough, and the retired or disabled.

Oh I get it, you want to say that the stimulus is the sole cause for low unemployment numbers. Got it.
Damn the first POTUS to start the stimulus during the pandemic.
Is that new?
Nope, they have never counted babies, young children, school age children, people that choose not to work because their spouse makes enough, and the retired or disabled.

Oh I get it, you want to say that the stimulus is the sole cause for low unemployment numbers. Got it.
Damn the first POTUS to start the stimulus during the pandemic.
The issue is that I never bring up how low unemployment is when I know it's because people don't want to work.
Only LibTards bring up stuff they know is bullshit.

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