Structural engineer Kamal Obeid on the need for a new 9/11 investigation and more....

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
When corporations, government and the media are aligned together to spread lies and hide the truth, it's called fascism. Fortunately most people don't trust the media anymore.....

Unfortunately in a chaotic, lawless and divided society on the brink of collapse because its' government has it $33 trillion in debt probably won't matter soon. Maybe they're on to plan C which will be start World War 3 and hide in a bunker for 10 years, although being a 'conspiracy theorist' I like to joke about it hoping that way... it won't happen.

22 years after 9/11, asking questions about it is more important than ever.

New interview .

Normally I go ahead and post my 911 threads in the conspiracy theory section but this time I thought it'd be interesting to see how long it takes for it to be moved there.
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When corporations, government and the media are aligned together to spread lies and hide the truth, it's called fascism. Fortunately most people don't trust the media anymore.....

The undeniable proof of a conspiracy was when we saw video footage of building 7 collapsing before it collapsed!

In order to fake that it had to be a conspiracy at the highest levels of government!
The undeniable proof of a conspiracy was when we saw video footage of building 7 collapsing before it collapsed!

In order to fake that it had to be a conspiracy at the highest levels of government!
Exactly. Then there's Lucky Larry S.... and his daughter who miraculously did not show up at the World Trade Center for work that day.

Everyone knows Mr Silverstein ...famous for saying "pull it".
Exactly. Then there's Lucky Larry S.... and his daughter who miraculously did not show up at the World Trade Center for work that day.

Everyone knows Mr Silverstein ...famous for saying "pull it".
How did the government fake that video? Could it have been lazar generated images, or did it have to be the work of God?
Exactly. Then there's Lucky Larry S.... and his daughter who miraculously did not show up at the World Trade Center for work that day.

Everyone knows Mr Silverstein ...famous for saying "pull it".
Irrefutable proof for all Americans!

But the video almost had to be real? The building came down later in exactly the same manner as it did before it came down?

I can only imagine it being the work of a higher Being.
Irrefutable proof for all Americans!

But the video almost had to be real? The building came down later in exactly the same manner as it did before it came down?

I can only imagine it being the work of a higher Being.
What happened is there was a female BBC reporter on the ground in New York City--with Building 7 in the background--- talking about the "third Tower " (bldg 7 )collapsing as if it had already happened.
Irrefutable proof for all Americans!

But the video almost had to be real? The building came down later in exactly the same manner as it did before it came down?

I can only imagine it being the work of a higher Being.

What happened is there was a female BBC reporter on the ground in New York City--with Building 7 in the background--- talking about the "third Tower " (bldg 7 )collapsing as if it had already happened.
I saw it collapse behind her back before it collapsed.

The official story can never be accepted as being true!

As if a few Israeli terrorists with box cutters could bring down the twin towers?? LOL

I'm just thankful the moderators haven't dumped this topic into 'conpiracy theories'!

Some mods may be believers too?
What happened is there was a female BBC reporter on the ground in New York City--with Building 7 in the background--- talking about the "third Tower " (bldg 7 )collapsing as if it had already happened.

Wow that's some strong evidence right there.
I'm just thankful the moderators haven't dumped this topic into 'conpiracy theories'!
They will.
All news boards are essentially under a non-disclosure agreement if you will so it's either have a conspiracy theory board or censor the topic altogether.
Look closer at the BBC fake lady doing the announcing. Why is it that the events going on behind her can be seen through the image of her head?
So, you denounce the evidence?
I don't play semantics games when it comes to this subject, but call Paul Bremer and ask him about that company that used to make those radio controlled military-grade nanothermite detonation devices.

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