Strzok Confirms To Congress FBI Guilty of Obstruction

DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe

The Republicans in Congress yesterday just proved that they are guilty of attempted obstruction of justice and interference in a federal investigation.

Those are actual crimes.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand

Maybe, you could say the same thing about Trump?
Naaa, you'd never do that!
I would be glad to...if you could ever present any actual evidence to support any of the BS claims you and other snowflakes continue to make.

Why did Trumpster pay a Playboy Playmate ( Karen McDougal) and Stromy Daniels six figures to stay quiet. And then there's Summer Zervos, who filed a defamation case filed one of the assortment of women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess Trump forgot the same thing that Paula Jones did to Bill Clinton.
This coming from the shameless pieces of crap who defended Slick Willy by declaring a President's sexual / personal life is no one's business..

...and how does this have anything to do with you snowflakes' claim of illegal Russian collusion? :p
seems he included bill n paula in his rants. doesn't seem one sided here to me.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
problem is i can put bill clinton in there too. depending on who you talk to everyone's an asshole.

makes you wonder where we go from here.
If Strzok really wanted to undermine Trump’s candidacy, he could have leaked to the press that the Trump Campaign was under investigation for its ties to the Russian government interference in the US election. But he didn’t.
Except there were no ties to Trump and the Russians. ZERO.

I can't believe this ass-clown declares, "I could have leaked links between Trump and Russia but chose not to do it' - without ever producing any evidence of any links or to support his BS, and you snowflakes swallow hard like a $2 whore.


Well you idiot Russians post all kinds of bullshit and lies with no evidence of Hillary’s ties to Russia and expect the rest of us to believe them. Trumpbots love your lies. They want this stuff to be true. But it’s not.

The Trump Family has admitted to collusion with the Russian government. Don Jr.’s Trump Tower Meeting is an admission of collusion.

Trump admitted to obstruction of justice when he said he fired Jim Comey to end the Russia investigation.

Mueller has Papadopolous, Gates and everyone at Don Jr.’s meeting with collusion, so just stop pretending.
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe
Does Vladimir pay you for your treason or are you a traitor for no fee?
It was so clear with anyone with eyes and ears that the Republicans grandstanding was strictly for trying to get anyone without a brain to think the entire FBI is biased so when Trump is indicted, they AND YOU will cry foul!

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