Strzok Confirms To Congress FBI Guilty of Obstruction

If Strzok really wanted to undermine Trump’s candidacy, he could have leaked to the press that the Trump Campaign was under investigation for its ties to the Russian government interference in the US election. But he didn’t.

What are the chances that will penetrate the skull of a Trumplodyte?
No, dude, I was asking what they did. What actions did they take to harm candidate Trump?
Here are a few. Let me type SLOWER so you can keep up this time....

1) Obstruction of Justice:
The FBI altered the 2016 US Presidential Election by protecting the DNC Candidate from deserved / warranted indictment / prosecution. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, perp-walked, and facing prison time instead of being protected and kept on the ballot. Trump should have had to face Bernie Sanders (who many believe could have beaten Trump).

2) Illegal Acquisition of Warrants / FISA ABUSE
The US IG reports have already exposed the fact that the FBI illegally used unsubstantiated opposition research obtained from foreign spies and Russians from the DNC political party's candidate to abuse the FISA court and illegally obtain warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate during an election. This literally makes Watergate look like a case of kids stealing candy by comparison.

3) Strzok conducted a Counter-Intelligence Operation against the GOP Presidential candidate with the help of the DNC candidate and her supporters and donors.

- It has been revealed that the whole set up with Papadopoulos was part of the Counter-Intelligence Operation, KNOWING that others in the FBI were monitoring Trump associates / workers for possible contact with Russians, a Hillary supporter and donor - The Australian Rep who met with Papa, set up a meeting with Papa. He then, as evidence shows, called the TBI and gave them a 'tip' that a member of Trump's team was going to meet with a foreign rep to obtain dirt on Hillary. The FBI brought Papa in for questioning based on the 'overheard drunken conversation between an Australian Rep and Papa in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The person who gave Strzok's team the 'tip' was later identified as the same Australian Rep - and Hillary supporter / donor - who had set up the meeting to begin with.

- MORE evidence of Strzok's Counter-Intelligence Op WITH BARRY'S HELP:
Liberals went nuts trying to criminalize a member of Trumps team and a Russian Lawyer, claiming they were trying to get dirt on Hillary.
1) It was a set-up: The Lawyer had been BANNED from entering the US by Obama's Immigration Department. The only way she made it into the country was because Obama himself OVER-RODE the ban and gave her access into the country. Before the meeting ever occurred the FBI already had surveillance gear in the meeting location. Finally, Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter was there in the meeting...WOW, what amazing F*ING 'coincidences'. (* BTW, there are no such things as 'coincidences'.)

I could go on but it would be a waste of time. I and others have posted links, articles, testimony, the US IG report data, and even the laws themselves, and every time snowflakes lie, deny, justify, reject, wait a while, then start asking for the things all over again.
Any mention of Hillys emails going to foreign entity in real time and FBI did nothing

The Liberal Media, the FBI, Strzok himself who was given the evidence of this and did nothing - none of them want to even acknowledge things like this. They try to act like they never even heard the question....
Strzok is a disgrace to the fbi and the country.
but he also was a HERO for most all of his career.....?

and the best counter intelligence officer on Russia, that we've probably had in my lifetime...cracked some of the biggest cases, ever!

so what's a person to think? :dunno:
No, dude, I was asking what they did. What actions did they take to harm candidate Trump?
Here are a few. Let me type SLOWER so you can keep up this time....

1) Obstruction of Justice:
The FBI altered the 2016 US Presidential Election by protecting the DNC Candidate from deserved / warranted indictment / prosecution. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, perp-walked, and facing prison time instead of being protected and kept on the ballot. Trump should have had to face Bernie Sanders (who many believe could have beaten Trump).

2) Illegal Acquisition of Warrants / FISA ABUSE
The US IG reports have already exposed the fact that the FBI illegally used unsubstantiated opposition research obtained from foreign spies and Russians from the DNC political party's candidate to abuse the FISA court and illegally obtain warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate during an election. This literally makes Watergate look like a case of kids stealing candy by comparison.

3) Strzok conducted a Counter-Intelligence Operation against the GOP Presidential candidate with the help of the DNC candidate and her supporters and donors.

- It has been revealed that the whole set up with Papadopoulos was part of the Counter-Intelligence Operation, KNOWING that others in the FBI were monitoring Trump associates / workers for possible contact with Russians, a Hillary supporter and donor - The Australian Rep who met with Papa, set up a meeting with Papa. He then, as evidence shows, called the TBI and gave them a 'tip' that a member of Trump's team was going to meet with a foreign rep to obtain dirt on Hillary. The FBI brought Papa in for questioning based on the 'overheard drunken conversation between an Australian Rep and Papa in the bathroom of a British Pub'. The person who gave Strzok's team the 'tip' was later identified as the same Australian Rep - and Hillary supporter / donor - who had set up the meeting to begin with.

- MORE evidence of Strzok's Counter-Intelligence Op WITH BARRY'S HELP:
Liberals went nuts trying to criminalize a member of Trumps team and a Russian Lawyer, claiming they were trying to get dirt on Hillary.
1) It was a set-up: The Lawyer had been BANNED from entering the US by Obama's Immigration Department. The only way she made it into the country was because Obama himself OVER-RODE the ban and gave her access into the country. Before the meeting ever occurred the FBI already had surveillance gear in the meeting location. Finally, Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter was there in the meeting...WOW, what amazing F*ING 'coincidences'. (* BTW, there are no such things as 'coincidences'.)

I could go on but it would be a waste of time. I and others have posted links, articles, testimony, the US IG report data, and even the laws themselves, and every time snowflakes lie, deny, justify, reject, wait a while, then start asking for the things all over again.

Easy, you ignorant slut, candidate Trump ceased to be candidate Trump on the day he became President-elect. You and we didn't learn of the Trump Tower meeting with Russians seeking to help Trump until Trump had been in office for six months. The FBI sat on its info about Russian interference until after the election. Pay attention.

The rest of your conspiracy theory bullshit is just bullshit.
1) Obstruction of Justice:
The FBI altered the 2016 US Presidential Election by protecting the DNC Candidate from deserved / warranted indictment / prosecution. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, perp-walked, and facing prison time instead of being protected and kept on the ballot. Trump should have had to face Bernie Sanders (who many believe could have beaten Trump).
They did not do that, and the IG report also confirms they did not do that....
2) Illegal Acquisition of Warrants / FISA ABUSE
The US IG reports have already exposed the fact that the FBI illegally used unsubstantiated opposition research obtained from foreign spies and Russians from the DNC political party's candidate to abuse the FISA court and illegally obtain warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate during an election. This literally makes Watergate look like a case of kids stealing candy by comparison.
AGAIN, ANOTHER LIE....for goodness sake!

All of the FAKE release the memo crapola has been proven NOT TO BE TRUE. Liar!

The IG report CONFIRMED such....

and the viewing by Gowdy and others PROVED that subpoenas WERE NOT issued without proper probable cause...or the informant information, was not used, without cause...

All of the Nunes atempts at obstruction of Justice HAVE FAILED....

not a one is still left standing.
1) Obstruction of Justice:
The FBI altered the 2016 US Presidential Election by protecting the DNC Candidate from deserved / warranted indictment / prosecution. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, perp-walked, and facing prison time instead of being protected and kept on the ballot. Trump should have had to face Bernie Sanders (who many believe could have beaten Trump).

Easy, you ignorant slut, candidate Trump ceased to be candidate Trump on the day he became President-elect.

WOW, you REALLY are THAT stupid....

The FBI perpetrated OBSTRUCTION of justice by protecting Hillary from Indictment DURING THE ELECTION, genius. Try to keep up.

You and we didn't learn of the Trump Tower meeting with Russians seeking to help Trump until Trump had been in office for six months.

Yes, we did not LEARN of the meeting until he had already been in office, but the entire set up occurred before he was elected.

The meeting took place DURING the election, not after dumbass.

The reason it did not come out until after was because even Barry and the FBI KNEW it was NOT they released it later to 'try Trump in the court of Public Appeal / in the news. It was 'filler' released for shock content to get emotional snowflakes like yourself all worked up during 'bad days' when the people were becoming more aware that Mueller and the Democrats had NOTHING on Trump.

Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russian lawyer: What to know

Again, meeting with the Russian Lawyer to discuss dirt on another candidate, despite what the Liberal media / Liberals / ignorant snowflakes claim, was not / is not illegal.

Colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians fro documents you use in a US election, however, IS A CRIME.

For the love of god, go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk. Come back when you educate yourself.
They did not do that, and the IG report also confirms they did not do that....
Sorry, but I will take the US IG report, the many inks, the articles, and laws posted themselves over your opinionated, Trump-Hating 'huh-uh' any day....but thanks for the input.
They did not do that, and the IG report also confirms they did not do that....
Sorry, but I will take the US IG report, the many inks, the articles, and laws posted themselves over your opinionated, Trump-Hating 'huh-uh' any day....but thanks for the input.
I am using the and taking the IG report, it is YOU who is not.
1) Obstruction of Justice:
The FBI altered the 2016 US Presidential Election by protecting the DNC Candidate from deserved / warranted indictment / prosecution. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, perp-walked, and facing prison time instead of being protected and kept on the ballot. Trump should have had to face Bernie Sanders (who many believe could have beaten Trump).

Easy, you ignorant slut, candidate Trump ceased to be candidate Trump on the day he became President-elect.

WOW, you REALLY are THAT stupid....

The FBI perpetrated OBSTRUCTION of justice by protecting Hillary from Indictment DURING THE ELECTION, genius. Try to keep up.

You and we didn't learn of the Trump Tower meeting with Russians seeking to help Trump until Trump had been in office for six months.

Yes, we did not LEARN of the meeting until he had already been in office, but the entire set up occurred before he was elected.

The meeting took place DURING the election, not after dumbass.

The reason it did not come out until after was because even Barry and the FBI KNEW it was NOT they released it later to 'try Trump in the court of Public Appeal / in the news. It was 'filler' released for shock content to get emotional snowflakes like yourself all worked up during 'bad days' when the people were becoming more aware that Mueller and the Democrats had NOTHING on Trump.

Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russian lawyer: What to know

Again, meeting with the Russian Lawyer to discuss dirt on another candidate, despite what the Liberal media / Liberals / ignorant snowflakes claim, was not / is not illegal.

Colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians fro documents you use in a US election, however, IS A CRIME.

For the love of god, go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk. Come back when you educate yourself.

Your demented conspiracy theory depends on Trump and Sessions continuing to protect arch-criminal Hillary, and on ignoring that Strzok, Page and the FBI kept silent, and did nothing to harm candidate Trump.

How gullible are you? A Trump U grad?
2) Illegal Acquisition of Warrants / FISA ABUSE
The US IG reports have already exposed the fact that the FBI illegally used unsubstantiated opposition research obtained from foreign spies and Russians from the DNC political party's candidate to abuse the FISA court and illegally obtain warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate during an election. This literally makes Watergate look like a case of kids stealing candy by comparison.
AGAIN, ANOTHER LIE....for goodness sake!

All of the FAKE release the memo crapola has been proven NOT TO BE TRUE. Liar!

The IG report CONFIRMED such....

and the viewing by Gowdy and others PROVED that subpoenas WERE NOT issued without proper probable cause...or the informant information, was not used, without cause...

All of the Nunes atempts at obstruction of Justice HAVE FAILED....

not a one is still left standing.
Blah, blah, blah....more highly-emotional Trump-Hating, opinionated spew-age.

Steele himself said the report was unverified.

Brennan was exposed for committing perjury by declaring under oath he knew nothing about the Dossier, but official records presented to him showed he had briefed members of congress on the Dossier, telling them it was absolutely true, and that based on the report it was a matter of national security that a Special Counsel had to be appointed.

The IG report makes it clear that the Dossier was in large part the reason the FBI pushed for and GOT their FISA warrants. Mueller picked the FISA court to seek the subpoenas because by doing so in the FISA court the target gets ZERO opportunity to defend itself from the accusation.....which was important. Again, the FBI sold the idea to the FISA Court judge that the Dossier was iron-clad, pure substantiated TRUTH....which is was certainly NOT! The FBI withheld from the FISA court Judge that the information 1) had not been substantiated, & 2) CAME FROM THE 2016 ELECTION DNC CANDIDATE AFTER GETTING IT FROM FOREIGN SPIES AND RUSSIANS SHE COLLUDED WITH AND PAID.

Stop your F*ing LYING, and spinning, and deceit in order to protect PROVEN criminals and traitors just because you are pissed that your FELON candidate lost the damn election!
Your demented conspiracy theory depends on Trump and Sessions continuing to protect arch-criminal Hillary, and on ignoring that Strzok, Page and the FBI kept silent, and did nothing to harm candidate Trump.
Your BS has been debunked / destroyed several times now. repeating it does not make it any less BS now.

We get it. You could care less about how the FBI and criminals within it have been proven to have broken laws in an attempt to steal the election from the American people.

Again, go back to the kids table where reality is something they try to avoid there.
You're the one who can't answer.

It's a stupid question even for a dumbass dimocrap scumbag.

We all now know that the FBI infiltrated an Active Campaign by an opposition Party.

What do you think? That information on the campaign was somehow compartmentalized and not leaked to Ubercunt?

You're playing games. You want to take the argument circular.

You're a scumbag.

Go back to twitter
They did not do that, and the IG report also confirms they did not do that....
Sorry, but I will take the US IG report, the many inks, the articles, and laws posted themselves over your opinionated, Trump-Hating 'huh-uh' any day....but thanks for the input.
I am using the and taking the IG report, it is YOU who is not.
(Sigh)...another devastating 'Huh-Uh'. Whatever will I do?


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