Strzok Confirms To Congress FBI Guilty of Obstruction

Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.
This clown is stupid enough to be sending those texts on a government device, he's stupid enough to be cheating on his wife, then he's arrogant enough to cop an attitude? Yeah lets hope he's not representative of the FBI.
Great point - the #2 guy in counter-Intelligence was stupid enough to send such treasonous text messages back and forth with adulterous chippie.

It only shows their arrogance in their belief that their plan would work, that Hillary was going to win, and no one would ever know what they had done.

What did they do?
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.

Might be the dumbest argument I've ever read. Especially coming from people who applaud and endorse Trump lies every day. ESPECIALLY after Trump's big NATO lie yesterday......

You people are pathetic.
This clown is stupid enough to be sending those texts on a government device, he's stupid enough to be cheating on his wife, then he's arrogant enough to cop an attitude? Yeah lets hope he's not representative of the FBI.
Great point - the #2 guy in counter-Intelligence was stupid enough to send such treasonous text messages back and forth with adulterous chippie.

It only shows their arrogance in their belief that their plan would work, that Hillary was going to win, and no one would ever know what they had done.

What did they do?

What did they do? They had bad feelings about Trump....the bastards! Now let's listen to Trump lie about the results of the NATO summit......
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.

You have no evidence, not even a hint, that Strzok has been extorted. Trump, OTOH, well...evidence isn't accepted.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.

Might be the dumbest argument I've ever read. Especially coming from people who applaud and endorse Trump lies every day. ESPECIALLY after Trump's big NATO lie yesterday......

You people are pathetic.
You apparently don’t read much then.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.

You have no evidence, not even a hint, that Strzok has been extorted. Trump, OTOH, well...evidence isn't accepted.
It didn’t he had, idiot.
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.

You have no evidence, not even a hint, that Strzok has been extorted. Trump, OTOH, well...evidence isn't accepted.
It didn’t he had, idiot.

Trump paid hush money. That's a bribe, extorted from someone vulnerable to blackmail. No problem, of course, because evidence isn't accepted.
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.

Might be the dumbest argument I've ever read. Especially coming from people who applaud and endorse Trump lies every day. ESPECIALLY after Trump's big NATO lie yesterday......

You people are pathetic.
You apparently don’t read much then.

Here we go.....yet another Republican dog and pony show to get all the right wing lunatics warm in the wrong places.....that accomplishes absolutely nothing. Correction, it DID prove Trump is NOT the only Republican that can yell and scream like a child and get absolutely nothing done. That display yesterday was an embarrassment to the Congress....and, as usual, the only people who don't see it are the same imbeciles who voted for Trump. Sigh.....what a country.

More proof that the Presidency and politics in general is nothing more than a reality TV show to the new Republican Party.....
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.

You have no evidence, not even a hint, that Strzok has been extorted. Trump, OTOH, well...evidence isn't accepted.
It didn’t he had, idiot.

Is this some sort of word jumble or written by Dr. Seuss?
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand

Trump cheating on his wives.

Proof he is a liar and a cheat.

Proof Trump has very low moral fiber.

Proof Trump can and will lie on demand.

Sent from my iPhone using
If Strzok really wanted to undermine Trump’s candidacy, he could have leaked to the press that the Trump Campaign was under investigation for its ties to the Russian government interference in the US election. But he didn’t.
Are you afraid to tell us what Strzok and Page did to harm candidate Trump? What actions did they take?
1) I have explained it numerous times, as others have as well. We have posted links, articles, US IG Report data, and even the complete laws violated themselves. The fact that you snowflakes keep asking for the same information / products over and over again is either evidence that you have short-term memory brain damage, you're stupid, or this is just another demonstration of the same ol' tactic being used..unsuccessfully.

2) The fact that you do not READILY see on your own the concepts of 'Conflict of Interest', 'Obstruction', etc...put on display through Strzok's own actions and testimony is amazing in itself.

If the #2 Counter-Intelligence Man in the FBI, who is in charge of both the MULTIPLE Hillary investigations and the Trump investigation declaring his support for Hillary, claiming she WILL be the next President, expressing how the FBI does NOT want Trump to become President, how they have an 'Insurance Policy' to make sure that does not happen, and declares 'Trump will NOT become President - ' WE WILL STOP HIM' does not bother you, if you can not see anything wrong with that then there is really no helping you.

I will still try. Let me put 2 questions to you, and if you answer honestly you will admit the problem here:

1) If the situation was reversed...If GEORGE BUSH had committed crimes, it was OBVIOUS that the FBI was covering for him while professing his support for Bush, and at the same time this investigator was investigating BARAK OBAMA and sending e-mails about how the FBI did not want him to become President and how they were going to STOP HIM ... how would the Democrats / Liberals / Snowflakes be reacting right now?

IF you answered honestly you would be saying the Left would already have pitch forks and torches out, marching on Washington, insisting Strzok be imprisoned immediately, demanding all those involved - Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige, etc be 'strung up'.

2) If it was discovered during the campaign that Donald Trump was under multiple investigations for crimes he OBVIOUSLY committed, as was the case with Hillary, can you honestly say the Left would be defending him the same as they have defended their own felon, that they would have ALLOWED Trump to continue in the campaign? HELL, NO! The Liberal media and Left would have driven him out as quickly as possible...yet they defended ,protected, and kept Hillary in the election.

HOW have their crimes harm Trump? over 2 years of BS, continuous accusations of crimes perpetrated by Trump without any evidence to support it, not even enough evidence to support the claim a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation....OF TRUMP.

And it is not just Trump - it is America. Putin and the Russians started a military-style campaign to interfere in the election in order to se discord, division, and violence in the US. THAT is what the evidence shows...and the Democrats have made his plan more successful than he ever dreamed possible.

Snowflakes are generally stupid and easily manipulated. They are not smart enough to see things and think them through for themselves. Case in point, which explains all of this:

Putin in Ex-KGB. he is extremely knowledgeable about Counter-Intelligence, much more of an expert than Strzok. Putin's plan was to cause chaos and division between Americans and in the new govt. How do you successfully do that?

Snowflakes think you do that by attempting to sway the election for one candidate over the other, helping one candidate win. They think that because they are not very smart - they just don't know any better. The way you create chaos is not by helping one win over the other. You don't even back the person you want to win...because you don't care who wins. You are rooting for 'chaos', not one candidate over another. YOU SUPPORT THE ONE YOU EXPECT TO LOSE. By doing this you cause division, doubt, and chaos. All you need to do is get about 20% of the population conned into believing the victor is not the legitimate winner, that they won in some nefarious the lie they were supported by the Russians. With just as little as 20% of the population manipulated and emotionally charged against the wining administration you can create enough division to cause the winning administration to waste a lot of time and effort defending against the accusations. You can even get extremists to wage years of witch hunts based on ZERO EVIDENCE of any crime having existed.

Sound familiar? It should. THIS - what the Democrats have been doing for the last 2 years - is what a successful enemy Counter-Intelligence Operation looks like.
If Strzok really wanted to undermine Trump’s candidacy, he could have leaked to the press that the Trump Campaign was under investigation for its ties to the Russian government interference in the US election. But he didn’t.
Except there were no ties to Trump and the Russians. ZERO.

I can't believe this ass-clown declares, "I could have leaked links between Trump and Russia but chose not to do it' - without ever producing any evidence of any links or to support his BS, and you snowflakes swallow hard like a $2 whore.

Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
How times must you retards be reminded?

Trump has not cheated on Melania while he is president, so he can’t be extorted that way. Strzok cheated on his wife during his career as a high ranking FBI agent using a government issued phone. Strzok literally couldn’t have been in a better position to be extorted.
What does your comment about him not cheating on her WHILE president have to do with the Tea in China?

Intolerant's comment about what Strzok did and his lack of moral character, has nothing to do with a Presidency?

But his thoughts on Strzok regarding an affair and what having that affair makes him, fits equally with Trump and his moral character or lack there of.... if one is going to judge men on that action, first thought is they should all be judged the same, for the so called "dirty deed"

But the truth of the matter is that, they are NOT...

And understandably, people tend to make excuses for the people they know or they like.... for partisan reasons in many cases, but also because when you know a person or like a person, you know their "good side" too, or you know their circumstances which lead to the affair, or you know them as a good hard worker dedicated to the company, or someone who would help anyone on a dimes notice...etc etc etc....

Good people some times do bad the bible says, "we all fall short, of the glory of God...", kind of thing....

If you give Trump the benefit of the doubt with his affairs and most importantly, forgiveness, then you should probably give Strzok the benefit of the doubt and forgiveness.

Same with me.... if I give Strzok the benefit of the doubt and forgiveness for his falling short, I should probably give Trump that same benefit of the doubt and forgiveness....

It's a hard thing to do, and I can recognize I am not quite there yet when it comes to The Don... but at least I am aware of my own short comings, which is the first step....
Are you afraid to tell us what Strzok and Page did to harm candidate Trump? What actions did they take?
1) I have explained it numerous times, as others have as well. We have posted links, articles, US IG Report data, and even the complete laws violated themselves. The fact that you snowflakes keep asking for the same information / products over and over again is either evidence that you have short-term memory brain damage, you're stupid, or this is just another demonstration of the same ol' tactic being used..unsuccessfully.

2) The fact that you do not READILY see on your own the concepts of 'Conflict of Interest', 'Obstruction', etc...put on display through Strzok's own actions and testimony is amazing in itself.

If the #2 Counter-Intelligence Man in the FBI, who is in charge of both the MULTIPLE Hillary investigations and the Trump investigation declaring his support for Hillary, claiming she WILL be the next President, expressing how the FBI does NOT want Trump to become President, how they have an 'Insurance Policy' to make sure that does not happen, and declares 'Trump will NOT become President - ' WE WILL STOP HIM' does not bother you, if you can not see anything wrong with that then there is really no helping you.

I will still try. Let me put 2 questions to you, and if you answer honestly you will admit the problem here:

1) If the situation was reversed...If GEORGE BUSH had committed crimes, it was OBVIOUS that the FBI was covering for him while professing his support for Bush, and at the same time this investigator was investigating BARAK OBAMA and sending e-mails about how the FBI did not want him to become President and how they were going to STOP HIM ... how would the Democrats / Liberals / Snowflakes be reacting right now?

IF you answered honestly you would be saying the Left would already have pitch forks and torches out, marching on Washington, insisting Strzok be imprisoned immediately, demanding all those involved - Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige, etc be 'strung up'.

2) If it was discovered during the campaign that Donald Trump was under multiple investigations for crimes he OBVIOUSLY committed, as was the case with Hillary, can you honestly say the Left would be defending him the same as they have defended their own felon, that they would have ALLOWED Trump to continue in the campaign? HELL, NO! The Liberal media and Left would have driven him out as quickly as possible...yet they defended ,protected, and kept Hillary in the election.

HOW have their crimes harm Trump? over 2 years of BS, continuous accusations of crimes perpetrated by Trump without any evidence to support it, not even enough evidence to support the claim a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation....OF TRUMP.

And it is not just Trump - it is America. Putin and the Russians started a military-style campaign to interfere in the election in order to se discord, division, and violence in the US. THAT is what the evidence shows...and the Democrats have made his plan more successful than he ever dreamed possible.

Snowflakes are generally stupid and easily manipulated. They are not smart enough to see things and think them through for themselves. Case in point, which explains all of this:

Putin in Ex-KGB. he is extremely knowledgeable about Counter-Intelligence, much more of an expert than Strzok. Putin's plan was to cause chaos and division between Americans and in the new govt. How do you successfully do that?

Snowflakes think you do that by attempting to sway the election for one candidate over the other, helping one candidate win. They think that because they are not very smart - they just don't know any better. The way you create chaos is not by helping one win over the other. You don't even back the person you want to win...because you don't care who wins. You are rooting for 'chaos', not one candidate over another. YOU SUPPORT THE ONE YOU EXPECT TO LOSE. By doing this you cause division, doubt, and chaos. All you need to do is get about 20% of the population conned into believing the victor is not the legitimate winner, that they won in some nefarious the lie they were supported by the Russians. With just as little as 20% of the population manipulated and emotionally charged against the wining administration you can create enough division to cause the winning administration to waste a lot of time and effort defending against the accusations. You can even get extremists to wage years of witch hunts based on ZERO EVIDENCE of any crime having existed.

Sound familiar? It should. THIS - what the Democrats have been doing for the last 2 years - is what a successful enemy Counter-Intelligence Operation looks like.

No, dude, I was asking what they did. What actions did they take to harm candidate Trump?

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