Strzok Confirms To Congress FBI Guilty of Obstruction

DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe

Stop letting Fox news tell you what to think.

How can Fox tell you what to think unless you watch it all the time?! So how can you know what Fox is telling people much less what to think unless you watch it all the time? And if you never watch Fox News then you don't know a thing about what you're talking about.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand

Maybe, you could say the same thing about Trump?
Naaa, you'd never do that!
I would be glad to...if you could ever present any actual evidence to support any of the BS claims you and other snowflakes continue to make.

Why did Trumpster pay a Playboy Playmate ( Karen McDougal) and Stromy Daniels six figures to stay quiet. And then there's Summer Zervos, who filed a defamation case filed one of the assortment of women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess Trump forgot the same thing that Paula Jones did to Bill Clinton.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand

Maybe, you could say the same thing about Trump?
Naaa, you'd never do that!
I would be glad to...if you could ever present any actual evidence to support any of the BS claims you and other snowflakes continue to make.

Why did Trumpster pay a Playboy Playmate ( Karen McDougal) and Stromy Daniels six figures to stay quiet. And then there's Summer Zervos, who filed a defamation case filed one of the assortment of women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess Trump forgot the same thing that Paula Jones did to Bill Clinton.
This coming from the shameless pieces of crap who defended Slick Willy by declaring a President's sexual / personal life is no one's business..

...and how does this have anything to do with you snowflakes' claim of illegal Russian collusion? :p
Comet stated US AG Loretta Lynch DIRECTED HIM to NOT treat Hillary's investigation but to treat it as a 'matter', how she committed Obstruction.


Obstruction by the conspirators / traitors revealed again...
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe

Peter Strzok testified at a joint hearing before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees on Thursday.

It was a total waste of time and Republican members of the two committees embarrassed themselves and they know it. They are trying to discover the evidence against Trump and they are trying too hard.

Exhibit A: They are basing their entire investigation on two-year old text messages between an FBI agent and his girlfriend.

Exhibit B: Republicans are claiming that the text messages showed extreme bias against Trump.

Exhibit C: Indeed, they did, which is why Mueller removed Strzok from the Russian investigation a year ago.

Exhibit D: In July of 2016, the FBI had two active investigations. One concerned Hillary Clinton's server. The other concerned the Russian interference in our election and possible collaboration between the Trump campaign team and the Russians.

Exhibit E: The public was only aware of the Clinton investigation thanks to James Comey's press conference in July. News of the Trump campaign team investigation became known to the public after the election.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

Republicans are claiming Strzok's text messages to his girl indicated a bias and that affected his performance as an agent. Obviously, as can be seen in Exhibit F, that is nonsense.

Michael Horowitz, the DOJ's I.G. concluded Strzok's bias did not affect his work product.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee!
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe

Peter Strzok testified at a joint hearing before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees on Thursday.

It was a total waste of time and Republican members of the two committees embarrassed themselves and they know it. They are trying to discover the evidence against Trump and they are trying too hard.

Exhibit A: They are basing their entire investigation on two-year old text messages between an FBI agent and his girlfriend.

Exhibit B: Republicans are claiming that the text messages showed extreme bias against Trump.

Exhibit C: Indeed, they did, which is why Mueller removed Strzok from the Russian investigation a year ago.

Exhibit D: In July of 2016, the FBI had two active investigations. One concerned Hillary Clinton's server. The other concerned the Russian interference in our election and possible collaboration between the Trump campaign team and the Russians.

Exhibit E: The public was only aware of the Clinton investigation thanks to James Comey's press conference in July. News of the Trump campaign team investigation became known to the public after the election.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

Republicans are claiming Strzok's text messages to his girl indicated a bias and that affected his performance as an agent. Obviously, as can be seen in Exhibit F, that is nonsense.

Michael Horowitz, the DOJ's I.G. concluded Strzok's bias did not affect his work product.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place. There is zero possibility the DOJ will release the evidence in an ongoing investigation, the Mueller probe.
This clown is stupid enough to be sending those texts on a government device, he's stupid enough to be cheating on his wife, then he's arrogant enough to cop an attitude? Yeah lets hope he's not representative of the FBI.
I do feel he is not to be trusted in any civil, criminal case. A person like him could be a spy for another nation. I say that and add it does not matter what Party he ids with. Just the fact that he was one of the Agents who investigated Hilly's emails, and then started on the Russia crude really make me NOT buy into anything he has touched during his 27 years and I would want to take a look at his pass cases.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand

Maybe, you could say the same thing about Trump?
Naaa, you'd never do that!
I would be glad to...if you could ever present any actual evidence to support any of the BS claims you and other snowflakes continue to make.

Why did Trumpster pay a Playboy Playmate ( Karen McDougal) and Stromy Daniels six figures to stay quiet. And then there's Summer Zervos, who filed a defamation case filed one of the assortment of women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess Trump forgot the same thing that Paula Jones did to Bill Clinton.
This coming from the shameless pieces of crap who defended Slick Willy by declaring a President's sexual / personal life is no one's business..

...and how does this have anything to do with you snowflakes' claim of illegal Russian collusion? :p

As I told you yesterday, (and linked a quote of mine on USMB). I don't like the Clintons, I have never voted for a Clinton.And, Willie should have been kicked out of office.
I bet you can't find one post of mine, defending either Clinton.
You really get confused, when someone who speaks out against Trump. You automatically, think they are liberals/Democrat.
Only 29^ of the Independent voters have a favorable view of Trump.
Trump Job Approval Drops, Score For Handling The Economy Goes Up: IBD/TIPP Poll
Deal with it, Gomer.:2up:
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe

Peter Strzok testified at a joint hearing before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees on Thursday.

It was a total waste of time and Republican members of the two committees embarrassed themselves and they know it. They are trying to discover the evidence against Trump and they are trying too hard.

Exhibit A: They are basing their entire investigation on two-year old text messages between an FBI agent and his girlfriend.

Exhibit B: Republicans are claiming that the text messages showed extreme bias against Trump.

Exhibit C: Indeed, they did, which is why Mueller removed Strzok from the Russian investigation a year ago.

Exhibit D: In July of 2016, the FBI had two active investigations. One concerned Hillary Clinton's server. The other concerned the Russian interference in our election and possible collaboration between the Trump campaign team and the Russians.

Exhibit E: The public was only aware of the Clinton investigation thanks to James Comey's press conference in July. News of the Trump campaign team investigation became known to the public after the election.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

Republicans are claiming Strzok's text messages to his girl indicated a bias and that affected his performance as an agent. Obviously, as can be seen in Exhibit F, that is nonsense.

Michael Horowitz, the DOJ's I.G. concluded Strzok's bias did not affect his work product.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place. There is zero possibility the DOJ will release the evidence in an ongoing investigation, the Mueller probe.
The House Intel Committee is investigating the past and present crimes of the criminals running the witch hunt.

Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige... Just a few of the proven treasonous conspirators...and the House is legally doing its job of Congressional Oversight....

But these criminals ... and snowflakes ... don't like anyone interfering with their crimes / treason...

The fact that all of this is coming out and they are becoming more and more violent in desperation to keep the truth from coming out .... while claiming they just want the truth to come out ... is CRIMINALLY hypocritical.
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe
Lol, some days I wonder if you guys watched the same testimony I did.

I watched some idiot Dem claim Hillary was vindicated. :auiqs.jpg:
How nice for you!
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe
Lol, some days I wonder if you guys watched the same testimony I did.
Amazing how much you act like him
This clown is stupid enough to be sending those texts on a government device, he's stupid enough to be cheating on his wife, then he's arrogant enough to cop an attitude? Yeah lets hope he's not representative of the FBI.
Great point - the #2 guy in counter-Intelligence was stupid enough to send such treasonous text messages back and forth with adulterous chippie.

It only shows their arrogance in their belief that their plan would work, that Hillary was going to win, and no one would ever know what they had done.
there is no law or rule that agents have to like Trump... At the time 80% of the country agreed with them... Talk about a Witch Hunt.
Strzok was a fucking hero today. Completely destroyed the republican narrative they invented to defend the most fraudulent election in American history. Republicans planned today to be a dagger into the Mueller investigation. Instead, they were exposed as shameless partisans. VOTE THIS NOVEMBER
repubs showed they were thugs today

an embarrassment of a dog and pony show

they don't believe in the rule of law, either.... sad
Strzok cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof Strzok has very low moral fiber
Proof Strzok can and will lie on demand
Did you just say that about president Trump? Oh wait, found my reading glasses, it was Strzok.....not Trump, that you were saying that about.... okee dokee![/QUOTE. You ding bats get nuttier by the min.
so if I put Trump where you wrote Strzok, do you still stand by your statement?

TRUMP cheating on his wife
Made him extortable and a liability
Proof he is a liar and a cheat
Proof TRUMP has very low moral fiber
Proof TRUMP can and will lie on demand
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Mueller, and new FBI Director Ray are all currently guilty of Obstruction and Refusing to Comply with a Congressional subpoena by refusing to turn over documents / data.

During Questioning in front of Congress today FBI agent Strzok informed Congress that the FBI ordered him not to answer questions about the Mueller investigation.


The question of Strzok's proven bias covers his participation in Special Counsel Mueller's Witch Hunt...prior to his being fired after his bias was publicly exposed.

So questioning regarding his actions in the Mueller probe were definitely appropriate; however, he refused to answer, explaining he had been directed not to comply / answer Congress' questions.

(The Mueller Witch Hunt sounds a lot like Obama's promised but failed-to-be-delivered Administration: 'Most Transparent Evuh')

So, one of the 3 co-conspirators already proven to be Obstructing Justice and violating a Congressional Subpoena did so again by telling Strzok not to answer certain questions under oath before Congress.

Surprise, surprise....

Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe
Surprise that the trumpanzee minions want to know what the Mueller probe is onto...It's ongoing, good for him not saying anything about it.
No Trump supporter is the least bit worried about it.....

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