Strzok Confirms To Congress FBI Guilty of Obstruction

Ok, bring the entire thread topic back to the main point, the undeniable point:

Strzok declared under oath before Congress that the FBI directed him NOT to answer specific questions asked of him by Congress.


Strzok was directed not to do this by the very same FBI who is already in criminal violation of refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena demanding they hand over information as part of Congress' Congressional Oversight.

Enough of the bullshit. Enough of letting the criminals dictate the actions. Congress needs to take back its authority and exercise its legal right by immediately passing Articles of Impeachment against the Deputy Director of the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein and on newly appointed Director of the FBI Ray, hold both Strzok and Paige in contempt and have them charged with Obstruction, find out exactly who in the FBI directed Strzok NOT to answer Congress' questions and have them charged, and finally have Special Counsel Mueller charged with Obstruction, affect his removal as Special Counsel due to not only massive Conflict of Interest but for his crimes as well, and them appoint a new independent Special Counsel to step in and take over for Mueller.
I swear Trump supporters are pathetic
You would....while you pathetic snowflakes continue to support and defend proven felons, conspirators, traitors, and / or enemies of the state. Anything for partisanship.....
I swear Trump supporters are pathetic
The FBI declared it had recovered more than 15,000 official documents on Hillary's server that she tried to destroy - evidence, not 'personal things', every one an undeniable violation of both the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of information well as a criminal count of Obstruction.

Show us who is pathetic, 'dexter - defend Hillary. Tell us all how more than 45,000 proven criminal counts - criminal violations of US law - don't apply to Hillary Clinton.

Basically, ALL of this arguing comes down to that one thing. Hillary Clinton was undeniably proven to have committed crimes yet was protected from indictment and prosecution by the Obama administration. she should never have been on the ballot...

You think differently. So AGAIN.....

Show us who is pathetic, 'dexter - defend Hillary. Tell us all how more than 45,000 proven criminal counts - criminal violations of US law - don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
I swear Trump supporters are pathetic
The FBI declared it had recovered more than 15,000 official documents on Hillary's server that she tried to destroy - evidence, not 'personal things', every one an undeniable violation of both the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of information well as a criminal count of Obstruction.

Show us who is pathetic, 'dexter - defend Hillary. Tell us all how more than 45,000 proven criminal counts - criminal violations of US law - don't apply to Hillary Clinton.

Basically, ALL of this arguing comes down to that one thing. Hillary Clinton was undeniably proven to have committed crimes yet was protected from indictment and prosecution by the Obama administration. she should never have been on the ballot...

You think differently. So AGAIN.....

Show us who is pathetic, 'dexter - defend Hillary. Tell us all how more than 45,000 proven criminal counts - criminal violations of US law - don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
I will post for you what I posted on a different GOP Strzok hissy fit thread here --- maybe you can answer my question...

This is a quote from a former TOP FBI agent who went on the record:

"The F.B.I. is anti-Clinton, period,” said one former top agent. “It’s not the Clintons’ politics, but the rule-bending and -breaking—Travelgate, Whitewater, Monica, the server—and Hillary acting as if she’s above the law. I have a lot of friends who worked the Hillary investigation, and they freakin’ hated Hillary’s guts.” As for Strzok, clearly he preferred Clinton to Trump—but as a civilian, not as an investigator. “I’ve known Pete since 2004. He worked for me,” said Michael Steinbach

Should have all of those agents who openly hated Hillary been at the very least removed from the investigation or at the most -- been fired and brought before a hearing to answer for their bias?

If you like, I can also post a direct quote from Rudy back during the campaign, bragging about how the NY based bureau of the FBI hated Hillary and how he had inside information they were re-opening an investigation into her --- but Trump lovers didn't complain because at that time, it wasn't treason to be a biased FBI agent -- as long as that bias was against the other guys

Like I said...Trump lovers are pathetic.
I swear Trump supporters are pathetic
The FBI declared it had recovered more than 15,000 official documents on Hillary's server that she tried to destroy - evidence, not 'personal things', every one an undeniable violation of both the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of information well as a criminal count of Obstruction.

Show us who is pathetic, 'dexter - defend Hillary. Tell us all how more than 45,000 proven criminal counts - criminal violations of US law - don't apply to Hillary Clinton.

Basically, ALL of this arguing comes down to that one thing. Hillary Clinton was undeniably proven to have committed crimes yet was protected from indictment and prosecution by the Obama administration. she should never have been on the ballot...

You think differently. So AGAIN.....

Show us who is pathetic, 'dexter - defend Hillary. Tell us all how more than 45,000 proven criminal counts - criminal violations of US law - don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
I will post for you what I posted on a different GOP Strzok hissy fit thread here --- maybe you can answer my question...

This is a quote from a former TOP FBI agent who went on the record:

"The F.B.I. is anti-Clinton, period,” said one former top agent. “It’s not the Clintons’ politics, but the rule-bending and -breaking—Travelgate, Whitewater, Monica, the server—and Hillary acting as if she’s above the law. I have a lot of friends who worked the Hillary investigation, and they freakin’ hated Hillary’s guts.” As for Strzok, clearly he preferred Clinton to Trump—but as a civilian, not as an investigator. “I’ve known Pete since 2004. He worked for me,” said Michael Steinbach

Should have all of those agents who openly hated Hillary been at the very least removed from the investigation or at the most -- been fired and brought before a hearing to answer for their bias?

If you like, I can also post a direct quote from Rudy back during the campaign, bragging about how the NY based bureau of the FBI hated Hillary and how he had inside information they were re-opening an investigation into her --- but Trump lovers didn't complain because at that time, it wasn't treason to be a biased FBI agent -- as long as that bias was against the other guys

Like I said...Trump lovers are pathetic.

Nice long diatribe, 'dexter. Why can't you simply say, 'Hillary Clinton Broke Laws' and should never have been on the ballot. She was protected'?

It's not rocket science.
I am not asking you to speak another language.
I am asking you to acknowledge the TRUTH, the FACT as declared by the FBI.

Instead we always get these long, spinning, dance-around-the-edge 'explanations'.

The FBI declared Hillary Clinton perpetrated THOUSANDS of criminal counts - violations of both the Federal Records Act and Freedom Of Information Act. They also proved she Obstructed justice by attempting to destroy evidence.

WHY is it so hard for PATHETIC Liberals / Hillary Supporters to admit that? Thank you for demonstrating that it is, though.
Brennan was exposed for committing perjury by declaring under oath he knew nothing about the Dossier, but official records presented to him showed he had briefed members of congress on the Dossier, telling them it was absolutely true, and that based on the report it was a matter of national security that a Special Counsel had to be appointed.
No he wasn't. :lol:

Where are the perjury charges?
You're the one who can't answer.

It's a stupid question even for a dumbass dimocrap scumbag.

We all now know that the FBI infiltrated an Active Campaign by an opposition Party.

What do you think? That information on the campaign was somehow compartmentalized and not leaked to Ubercunt?

You're playing games. You want to take the argument circular.

You're a scumbag.

Go back to twitter

You are the one who can't say what actions Strzok, Page and the FBI took to harm candidate Trump. You can call names, but you can't answer the question. Perhaps more accurately, you don't want to acknowledge the factual answer.
Ok, bring the entire thread topic back to the main point, the undeniable point:

Strzok declared under oath before Congress that the FBI directed him NOT to answer specific questions asked of him by Congress.


Strzok was directed not to do this by the very same FBI who is already in criminal violation of refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena demanding they hand over information as part of Congress' Congressional Oversight.

Enough of the bullshit. Enough of letting the criminals dictate the actions. Congress needs to take back its authority and exercise its legal right by immediately passing Articles of Impeachment against the Deputy Director of the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein and on newly appointed Director of the FBI Ray, hold both Strzok and Paige in contempt and have them charged with Obstruction, find out exactly who in the FBI directed Strzok NOT to answer Congress' questions and have them charged, and finally have Special Counsel Mueller charged with Obstruction, affect his removal as Special Counsel due to not only massive Conflict of Interest but for his crimes as well, and them appoint a new independent Special Counsel to step in and take over for Mueller.

That's not obstruction. Jesus H! Is Hannity's Half-Minute History the only thing you idiots ever studied?
Brennan was exposed for committing perjury by declaring under oath he knew nothing about the Dossier, but official records presented to him showed he had briefed members of congress on the Dossier, telling them it was absolutely true, and that based on the report it was a matter of national security that a Special Counsel had to be appointed.
No he wasn't. :lol:

Where are the perjury charges?
WHY do you play these games, asking the same questions / for the same link/data/etc, and constantly playing 'stupid'?

A Reminder:


CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

Brennan is just another criminal Obama administration douche-nag who was protected from indictment / prosecution.

He is the same criminal douche-bag exposed as having illegally spied on the US Senate and USSC for Barry. At least you didn't try to play 'stupid' about that...

Ok, bring the entire thread topic back to the main point, the undeniable point:

Strzok declared under oath before Congress that the FBI directed him NOT to answer specific questions asked of him by Congress.


Strzok was directed not to do this by the very same FBI who is already in criminal violation of refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena demanding they hand over information as part of Congress' Congressional Oversight.

Enough of the bullshit. Enough of letting the criminals dictate the actions. Congress needs to take back its authority and exercise its legal right by immediately passing Articles of Impeachment against the Deputy Director of the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein and on newly appointed Director of the FBI Ray, hold both Strzok and Paige in contempt and have them charged with Obstruction, find out exactly who in the FBI directed Strzok NOT to answer Congress' questions and have them charged, and finally have Special Counsel Mueller charged with Obstruction, affect his removal as Special Counsel due to not only massive Conflict of Interest but for his crimes as well, and them appoint a new independent Special Counsel to step in and take over for Mueller.

That's not obstruction. Jesus H! Is Hannity's Half-Minute History the only thing you idiots ever studied?
After having your ass handed to you several times now you continue to play the role of ignorant, reality-denying, Liberal. Talking to you, wasting any more evidence / time on you is pointless. One can only take so much 'Huh-uh' from idiots. Have a nice weekend.....
Ok, bring the entire thread topic back to the main point, the undeniable point:

Strzok declared under oath before Congress that the FBI directed him NOT to answer specific questions asked of him by Congress.


Strzok was directed not to do this by the very same FBI who is already in criminal violation of refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena demanding they hand over information as part of Congress' Congressional Oversight.

Enough of the bullshit. Enough of letting the criminals dictate the actions. Congress needs to take back its authority and exercise its legal right by immediately passing Articles of Impeachment against the Deputy Director of the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein and on newly appointed Director of the FBI Ray, hold both Strzok and Paige in contempt and have them charged with Obstruction, find out exactly who in the FBI directed Strzok NOT to answer Congress' questions and have them charged, and finally have Special Counsel Mueller charged with Obstruction, affect his removal as Special Counsel due to not only massive Conflict of Interest but for his crimes as well, and them appoint a new independent Special Counsel to step in and take over for Mueller.

No it is not obstruction on the FBI's part... The FBI, is following their rules and regulations for on going investigations.

It is the Republican congress critters that seem to be trying to obstruct justice.

They know the rules and regs for on going investigations, but they are putting on this song and a dance anyway...for dummies like you, to shovel around the internet and Fox/Trump TV.
Ok, bring the entire thread topic back to the main point, the undeniable point:

Strzok declared under oath before Congress that the FBI directed him NOT to answer specific questions asked of him by Congress.


Strzok was directed not to do this by the very same FBI who is already in criminal violation of refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena demanding they hand over information as part of Congress' Congressional Oversight.

Enough of the bullshit. Enough of letting the criminals dictate the actions. Congress needs to take back its authority and exercise its legal right by immediately passing Articles of Impeachment against the Deputy Director of the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein and on newly appointed Director of the FBI Ray, hold both Strzok and Paige in contempt and have them charged with Obstruction, find out exactly who in the FBI directed Strzok NOT to answer Congress' questions and have them charged, and finally have Special Counsel Mueller charged with Obstruction, affect his removal as Special Counsel due to not only massive Conflict of Interest but for his crimes as well, and them appoint a new independent Special Counsel to step in and take over for Mueller.

That's not obstruction. Jesus H! Is Hannity's Half-Minute History the only thing you idiots ever studied?
After having your ass handed to you several times now you continue to play the role of ignorant, reality-denying, Liberal. Talking to you, wasting any more evidence / time on you is pointless. One can only take so much 'Huh-uh' from idiots. Have a nice weekend.....

In your mind, goofy. Mostly you just say stupid stuff.

Neither you, nor the other rotwingers, can say what the FBI did to harm candidate Trump. Your idiotic conspiracy theories aren't fact.
Brennan was exposed for committing perjury by declaring under oath he knew nothing about the Dossier, but official records presented to him showed he had briefed members of congress on the Dossier, telling them it was absolutely true, and that based on the report it was a matter of national security that a Special Counsel had to be appointed.
No he wasn't. :lol:

Where are the perjury charges?
WHY do you play these games, asking the same questions / for the same link/data/etc, and constantly playing 'stupid'?

A Reminder:


CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

Brennan is just another criminal Obama administration douche-nag who was protected from indictment / prosecution.

He is the same criminal douche-bag exposed as having illegally spied on the US Senate and USSC for Barry. At least you didn't try to play 'stupid' about that...

Mostly SPIN articles and not news articles.... and very old....

Where are the charges to go with all of these fake accusations of obstruction by Brennan?
Mostly SPIN articles and not news articles.... and very old....
You always respond with such eloquent "Huh-uh!" You insult others, talk down their links, their articles, you lie, you spin, etc....but you never offer any of your own evidence, links, articles, etc....

Talk about getting old.

You're another person on this board who have proven themselves to be a waste of time engaging with. Like a broken record or an annoying, squeaky shoe, it's always the same ol' thing.

Good luck with that. Have a great weekend.
Brennan was exposed for committing perjury by declaring under oath he knew nothing about the Dossier, but official records presented to him showed he had briefed members of congress on the Dossier, telling them it was absolutely true, and that based on the report it was a matter of national security that a Special Counsel had to be appointed.
No he wasn't. :lol:

Where are the perjury charges?
WHY do you play these games, asking the same questions / for the same link/data/etc, and constantly playing 'stupid'?

A Reminder:


CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

Brennan is just another criminal Obama administration douche-nag who was protected from indictment / prosecution.

He is the same criminal douche-bag exposed as having illegally spied on the US Senate and USSC for Barry. At least you didn't try to play 'stupid' about that...

Mostly SPIN articles and not news articles.... and very old....

Where are the charges to go with all of these fake accusations of obstruction by Brennan?

Those charges are right beside Trump's Healthcare Plan, and we'll see both at the same time.
Strzok Confirms To Congress FBI Guilty of Obstruction

^This is retarded even for you.

The depths of the depraved logic and mentally incongruous conjectures you dopes have sunk to employing is quite astonishing.

The FBI cannot be guilty of "obstruction" by protecting the integrity of their investigation, dope.
Are you afraid to tell us what Strzok and Page did to harm candidate Trump? What actions did they take?

Strozk triggered the Mueller investigation you freaking imbecile.

Try getting your news from someplace other than Comedy Central

Memo: Papadopoulos info triggered FBI's Russia investigation

He did no such thing. He was appointed to start the investigation. After the Russian operation to interfere in our election became known. For you to claim that this investigation was begun only out of political animus ignores that fact. Strozk is a counter- intelligence investigator. Counterintelligence is conducted against foreign nations.

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