Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up

My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
Dutch Spied on Russian Group Linked to 2016 U.S. Election Hacks
Same point as before and a direct answer to your question.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
Dutch Spied on Russian Group Linked to 2016 U.S. Election Hacks
Same point as before and a direct answer to your question.
what was the interference? please enlighten us all.
This outstanding well-written article ought to be required readng for you Bolsheviks who are being shut out of the Truth as to what is really going the Clinton/Obama/New York Media.

Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up | Zero Hedge

"Given the debacle the Justice Department, the FBI and the US intelligence community are facing, it is completely understandable why they should want to keep the Russiagate investigation alive in order to draw attention away from their own activities.

Put in this way it is Robert Mueller’s investigation which is the cover-up, and the surveillance which is the wrongdoing that the cover up is trying to excuse or conceal...."


Its a little long for the attention span of the average Bolshevik, but if any of you feel up to it, why don't you pick out any speculation, observation, representation, statement of fact, or conclusion contained therein....and take a run at disproving it or them.*

*Dodges, Deflections or Attacks on the person who wrote the article...which is pretty the entire Half-Wit Liberal Internet Repertoire will be deemed to mean: "I got nothing"

I keep getting a notice that the requested page could not be found at the site.... that means it was removed.
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
so why are you against us looking into the dossier? or the uranium one, and the deals cut. what about fusion GPS or peter steele? I mean all foreigners. so again, is it bad to interfere only if it's cause you said so or truly interference. you don't want to know the truth do you?
What dossier are you referring to? And yes I do want to know the truth. I've always been for knowing the truth. Even when the truth is potentially damaging to what I consider my side. I was one of the only people on the left who didn't mind Comey releasing the memo to congress saying they found emails on Wieners computer. The only question I had when the right was gloating was the question " if nothing is found will you consider Hilary as actually having done nothing criminal?" Not one of you wanted to give that concession. Truth doesn't change, and I consider the people who work in law enforcement and the intelligence community as, in general doing their jobs. If you find proof to the contrary present it. What I find in so many of these supposed " gates" it doesn't progress to actual any charges, just some vague accusations that when you look at them in any detail, vanish. Strzok is a perfect example. What you have is a guy who expressed his opinion over his phone. Not actively was proven to influence anything and when his supervisor found out was immediately removed. If you could establish he made evidence disappear or he planted some evidence, fine. If you could establish that Mueller, ones made aware didn't act on the possible bias, fine. If you can't, you can NOT establish any bad faith, just fake accusations.
Last edited:
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
so why are you against us looking into the dossier? or the uranium one, and the deals cut. what about fusion GPS or peter steele? I mean all foreigners. so again, is it bad to interfere only if it's cause you said so or truly interference. you don't want to know the truth do you?
What dossier are you referring to? And yes I do want to know the truth. I've always been for knowing the truth. Even when the truth is potentially damaging to what I consider my side. I was one of the only people on the left who didn't mind Comey releasing the memo to congress saying they found emails on Wieners computer. The only question I had when the right was gloating was the question " if nothing is found will you consider Hilary as actually having done nothing criminal?" Not one of you wanted to give that concession. Truth doesn't change, and I consider the people who work in law enforcement and the intelligence community as, in general doing their jobs. If you find prove to the contrary present it. What I find in so many of these supposed " gates" it doesn't progress to actual any charges, just some vague accusations that when you look at them with in any detail vanish. Strzok is a perfect example. What you have is a guy who expressed his opinion over his phone. Not actively was proven to influence anything and when his supervisor found out was immediately removed. If you could establish he made evidence disappear or he planted some evidence, fine. If you could establish that Mueller, ones made aware didn't act on the possible bias, fine. If you can't you can NOT establish any bad faith, just fake accusations.
dude, there is so much evidence that first there is a coup going on, that started with the emails and the fisa warrant to start an investigation into a sitting president based off of lies.

I can't make it any clearer and all data should be released. all transparency please. come on mueller throw your cards out and let's see what you're doing. it's my money funding you.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
Dutch Spied on Russian Group Linked to 2016 U.S. Election Hacks
Same point as before and a direct answer to your question.
what was the interference? please enlighten us all.
Read the actual links provided, feigning ignorance to try to score some points just makes you seem willfully ignorant.
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
Dutch Spied on Russian Group Linked to 2016 U.S. Election Hacks
Same point as before and a direct answer to your question.
what was the interference? please enlighten us all.
Read the actual links provided, feigning ignorance to try to score some points just makes you seem willfully ignorant.
well I'm still waiting for the links that show interference. so far nothing. I'm still waiting on the DNC server to be investigated by our intel agency.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
so why are you against us looking into the dossier? or the uranium one, and the deals cut. what about fusion GPS or peter steele? I mean all foreigners. so again, is it bad to interfere only if it's cause you said so or truly interference. you don't want to know the truth do you?
What dossier are you referring to? And yes I do want to know the truth. I've always been for knowing the truth. Even when the truth is potentially damaging to what I consider my side. I was one of the only people on the left who didn't mind Comey releasing the memo to congress saying they found emails on Wieners computer. The only question I had when the right was gloating was the question " if nothing is found will you consider Hilary as actually having done nothing criminal?" Not one of you wanted to give that concession. Truth doesn't change, and I consider the people who work in law enforcement and the intelligence community as, in general doing their jobs. If you find prove to the contrary present it. What I find in so many of these supposed " gates" it doesn't progress to actual any charges, just some vague accusations that when you look at them with in any detail vanish. Strzok is a perfect example. What you have is a guy who expressed his opinion over his phone. Not actively was proven to influence anything and when his supervisor found out was immediately removed. If you could establish he made evidence disappear or he planted some evidence, fine. If you could establish that Mueller, ones made aware didn't act on the possible bias, fine. If you can't you can NOT establish any bad faith, just fake accusations.
dude, there is so much evidence that first there is a coup going on, that started with the emails and the fisa warrant to start an investigation into a sitting president based off of lies.

I can't make it any clearer and all data should be released. all transparency please. come on mueller throw your cards out and let's see what you're doing. it's my money funding you.
A prosecutor should throw all the evidence on the table? Opening up the entire investigation to the argument that ANY lawyer worth his salt will use. Namely that his client can't have an impartial trail because the jury is biased because all the evidence is already been digested by the media? It's a very good way to get a mistrial just no way to run an investigation. Also making it easy for the defense too influence witnesses or make evidence disappear? You think this investigation shouldn't be run to the best ability of the prosecution? You feel Trump and Republicans deserve preferential treatment.
This outstanding well-written article ought to be required readng for you Bolsheviks who are being shut out of the Truth as to what is really going the Clinton/Obama/New York Media.

Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up | Zero Hedge

"Given the debacle the Justice Department, the FBI and the US intelligence community are facing, it is completely understandable why they should want to keep the Russiagate investigation alive in order to draw attention away from their own activities.

Put in this way it is Robert Mueller’s investigation which is the cover-up, and the surveillance which is the wrongdoing that the cover up is trying to excuse or conceal...."


Its a little long for the attention span of the average Bolshevik, but if any of you feel up to it, why don't you pick out any speculation, observation, representation, statement of fact, or conclusion contained therein....and take a run at disproving it or them.*

*Dodges, Deflections or Attacks on the person who wrote the article...which is pretty the entire Half-Wit Liberal Internet Repertoire will be deemed to mean: "I got nothing"

I keep getting a notice that the requested page could not be found at the site.... that means it was removed.

I expect it means it has scrolled of the board it was posted on. The O.P. was made back in early December. There is certainly no reason to be embarrassed about it and pull it down now. Things have only gotten worse for the Obama/Clinton Crooks at the DOJ/FBI since early December.

what was the interference? please enlighten us all.
Read the actual links provided, feigning ignorance to try to score some points just makes you seem willfully ignorant.
well I'm still waiting for the links that show interference. so far nothing. I'm still waiting on the DNC server to be investigated by our intel agency.
Dutch intelligence reportedly hacked Russian election hackers in 2014 One link
2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax Two links
Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election Three links
Here's The Evidence Russia Hacked The Democratic National Committee Four links.
I could post congressional hearings on the subject or a multitude of other articles. The truth is, Putin could push you of your computer to hack the DNC and you still would feign ignorance.

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