Student Accepted To All 8 Ivy League Schools

Now that is something to be proud of. Apparently her parents were involved and instilled a work ethic. Great job!
I have known two black immigrants, one a lawyer who was born and raised in Bermuda, and one a very educated man from Cameroon.

Immigrant blacks do not have problems climbing the ladder of success in this country, because 1) they are smart, 2) no one ever told them they couldn't succeed, and 3) they don't wallow in self pity because they are black.

Our home-grown blacks are taught from an early age that whites are the enemy, and that a black kid has no chance to succeed, and that school is a waste of time.

And the people to blame, mostly, are the public education teachers, but also the parents. But we can't change the parents, so we must get through to the public school teachers that they need to stop whatever they are doing to destroy the confidence of their black students.
I have known two black immigrants, one a lawyer who was born and raised in Bermuda, and one a very educated man from Cameroon.

Immigrant blacks do not have problems climbing the ladder of success in this country, because 1) they are smart, 2) no one ever told them they couldn't succeed, and 3) they don't wallow in self pity because they are black.

Our home-grown blacks are taught from an early age that whites are the enemy, and that a black kid has no chance to succeed, and that school is a waste of time.

And the people to blame, mostly, are the public education teachers, but also the parents. But we can't change the parents, so we must get through to the public school teachers that they need to stop whatever they are doing to destroy the confidence of their black students.

Awesome. You are awesome.
This is a wonderful story.

And it's a SHAME this black girl from Nigeria will always have to defend her accomplishments because Affirmative Action will cause some to wonder if she is legit or an AA case.

I have known two black immigrants, one a lawyer who was born and raised in Bermuda, and one a very educated man from Cameroon.

Immigrant blacks do not have problems climbing the ladder of success in this country, because 1) they are smart, 2) no one ever told them they couldn't succeed, and 3) they don't wallow in self pity because they are black.

Our home-grown blacks are taught from an early age that whites are the enemy, and that a black kid has no chance to succeed, and that school is a waste of time.

And the people to blame, mostly, are the public education teachers, but also the parents. But we can't change the parents, so we must get through to the public school teachers that they need to stop whatever they are doing to destroy the confidence of their black students.

Oh, you mean the black students who speak ebonics and write the same way? Those black students who have never had a book read to them before they started school? Those black students that never learned their multiplication tables?

Now, substitute the word "white" for "black", because there is no difference.

Just how do you figure that teachers are to blame?
Liberals created AA laws and then they want to act like the laws are never used
Black. Typical... Especially from a leftist nut job like lone laughter. If the recipient was white the prick never would have said a thing.
Affirmative-action had all but killed off the independence of indian tribes...
Just a good news thread.

Teen gets accepted to all eight Ivy League schools -

I'm sure everyone here will admire this hard working young lady.

See, Affirmative Action does work

Well, she's black, intelligent, hard working, and a female. Better yet, she speaks without a black accent. Two "oppressed classes" plus a very high degree of merit = super guaranteed to get accepted into any ivy league school. They can get the minority check in the box without throwing it away at someone who doesn't deserve it. A win-win all around. If she were white though, I cannot guarantee the same degree of success. In fact she would be lucky to get accepted into one or two .

Essentially what we have here are a bunch of schools fighting over black AA gold. This is not to say that she doesn't deserve to get into any of these schools. I'm simply pointing out that if you're black. present yourself well, get good grades, and demonstrate potential, all the best schools will beg for your attendance. The only way for a white student to get the same result would be to cure aids, cancer, and solve world hunger before he graduated at the age of 18. An Asian student would need to do all those things and just returned from a successful Mars expedition. Even then he would be lucky to have gotten accepted into just 5 of the 8 ivy league schools. MIT, with their huge Asian population, would have likely asked why he didn't create enough oxygen on Mars to sustain human life before rejecting him for the black kid who passed a college level calculous class.

Take Neil deGrasse Tyson for example. He hasn't contributed much to Astrophysics but since he's a black Astrophysicist he gets his own television spots over many higher qualified Astrophysicist who are legends in their academic realms. Today he is the most well known Astrophysicist in the United States, and yet, his contributions are miniscule at best. He is better known than Stephen Hawking despite Hawking contributing annals more then he. Call it black privilege. Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia / List of Famous Astrophysicists
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I saw the write up and it says that she got accepted to 12 schools all together! I wonder which school she will go to!

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)

There is war against black people, carried out by liberal Democrats, and public school teachers are the frontline of that war.

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