Student loans may be the next bubble to burst.


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I am so glad that so far my two college age kids have no debt from school. We have paid cash the whole way. I hope that by the time my last one ( he will be in college next year) we have enough funds to get him through college without getting loans. But it is forecast that the next bubble to bust is the student loans because of the economy and people unable to get a job that they went to school for. So they are either getting low paid jobs or part time jobs

Here is the story STUDENT DEBT: America's Next Bubble? |

My oldest son said one of his classmates used some of her grants to get a boob job. So our tax dollars are going to get someone boobs. This is so wrong. And what is wrong with society these days. I guess she got enough to pay for her schools and books and this is what is left over. It was pale grant so she doesnt have to pay it back
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I am so glad that so far my two college age kids have no debt from school. We have paid cash the whole way. I hope that by the time my last one ( he will be in college next year) we have enough funds to get him through college without getting loans. But it is forecast that the next bubble to bust is the student loans because of the economy and people unable to get a job that they went to school for. So they are either getting low paid jobs or part time jobs

Here is the story STUDENT DEBT: America's Next Bubble? |

My oldest son said one of his classmates used some of her grants to get a boob job. So our tax dollars are going to get someone boobs. This is so wrong. And what is wrong with society these days. I guess she got enough to pay for her schools and books and this is what is left over. It was pale grant so she doesnt have to pay it back

So one kid got a boob job so the whole system must be corrupt?

The bottom line is that school is overpriced and their are no jobs to pay off exorbitant loans
Use that money to fund real technical or trade education in this country.

To many people with useless degrees from liberal arts colleges.
Education may well be a bubble, especially higher education.

A main cause of this is administrative bloat. So much money goes to administrators rather than instruction. In some cases, college administrations make more than the President and that is completely fucking absurd as well as some of the pay that college coaches get.
Higher Education in this country has become a make work project for liberals imho.

Getting kids to take out loans to keep the scheme going is a damn shame.

People need to wake up.
Higher Education in this country has become a make work project for liberals imho.

Getting kids to take out loans to keep the scheme going is a damn shame.

People need to wake up.

Most higher education facilites in this country are liberal indoctrination camps.
Higher Education in this country has become a make work project for liberals imho.

Getting kids to take out loans to keep the scheme going is a damn shame.

People need to wake up.

Most higher education facilites in this country are liberal indoctrination camps.

Higher Education in this country has become a make work project for liberals imho.

Getting kids to take out loans to keep the scheme going is a damn shame.

People need to wake up.

Most higher education facilites in this country are liberal indoctrination camps.


If liberal arts colleges taught students what the real world was like then it might be okay. They dont. Colleges are full of dreamy headed hippies looking for a free ride hoping for the day they can lord their advanced knowledge over the other buger makers at McDonalds.
Most higher education facilites in this country are liberal indoctrination camps.


If liberal arts colleges taught students what the real world was like then it might be okay. They dont. Colleges are full of dreamy headed hippies looking for a free ride hoping for the day they can lord their advanced knowledge over the other buger makers at McDonalds.

Damn, did a hippie steal your girlfriend or somethin'?
I am so glad that so far my two college age kids have no debt from school. We have paid cash the whole way. I hope that by the time my last one ( he will be in college next year) we have enough funds to get him through college without getting loans. But it is forecast that the next bubble to bust is the student loans because of the economy and people unable to get a job that they went to school for. So they are either getting low paid jobs or part time jobs

Here is the story STUDENT DEBT: America's Next Bubble? |

My oldest son said one of his classmates used some of her grants to get a boob job. So our tax dollars are going to get someone boobs. This is so wrong. And what is wrong with society these days. I guess she got enough to pay for her schools and books and this is what is left over. It was pale grant so she doesnt have to pay it back

So one kid got a boob job so the whole system must be corrupt?

The bottom line is that school is overpriced and their are no jobs to pay off exorbitant loans

So one kid got a boob job so the whole system must be corrupt?

Well if we use Lib math there is a huge problem.
Lib math, where they saw a few signs at tea party rallies that were offensive and branded
the whole movement racist. :eusa_shhh: :lol:
I am so glad that so far my two college age kids have no debt from school. We have paid cash the whole way. I hope that by the time my last one ( he will be in college next year) we have enough funds to get him through college without getting loans. But it is forecast that the next bubble to bust is the student loans because of the economy and people unable to get a job that they went to school for. So they are either getting low paid jobs or part time jobs

Here is the story STUDENT DEBT: America's Next Bubble? |

My oldest son said one of his classmates used some of her grants to get a boob job. So our tax dollars are going to get someone boobs. This is so wrong. And what is wrong with society these days. I guess she got enough to pay for her schools and books and this is what is left over. It was pale grant so she doesnt have to pay it back
Tell them not to concern themselves with a piece of paper. Make sure they absorb languages. That means a future. Degrees are like dirty underwear. Most have some.
The GI bill pays pretty well. Why not give a couple of years of your important existance to your Country and get something back? You don't even have to get shot at. Join the Navy and see the world or the Air Force.
I am so glad that so far my two college age kids have no debt from school. We have paid cash the whole way. I hope that by the time my last one ( he will be in college next year) we have enough funds to get him through college without getting loans. But it is forecast that the next bubble to bust is the student loans because of the economy and people unable to get a job that they went to school for. So they are either getting low paid jobs or part time jobs

Here is the story STUDENT DEBT: America's Next Bubble? |

My oldest son said one of his classmates used some of her grants to get a boob job. So our tax dollars are going to get someone boobs. This is so wrong. And what is wrong with society these days. I guess she got enough to pay for her schools and books and this is what is left over. It was pale grant so she doesnt have to pay it back

Make sure you kids learn how to do something while in school.

Not just think about it or study it but do it.

If you can do something or make something then you will never be hungry.
I am so glad that so far my two college age kids have no debt from school. We have paid cash the whole way. I hope that by the time my last one ( he will be in college next year) we have enough funds to get him through college without getting loans. But it is forecast that the next bubble to bust is the student loans because of the economy and people unable to get a job that they went to school for. So they are either getting low paid jobs or part time jobs

Here is the story STUDENT DEBT: America's Next Bubble? |

My oldest son said one of his classmates used some of her grants to get a boob job. So our tax dollars are going to get someone boobs. This is so wrong. And what is wrong with society these days. I guess she got enough to pay for her schools and books and this is what is left over. It was pale grant so she doesnt have to pay it back

Make sure you kids learn how to do something while in school.

Not just think about it or study it but do it.

If you can do something or make something then you will never be hungry.

Good advice. Schools will suck you dry. They will tell kids to take 3 years to decide what they want to 'be.' Then it will take them 8 years to get an undergrad degree. I told mine, you have 5 years to complete the Bachelor's. (I think I'm realistic. My own BSN wasn't doable in 4 years.) And I required them to come out with one marketable skill.

If they spend 8 years on a BS and do not get any marketable skills, you have been fleeded!
I am so glad that so far my two college age kids have no debt from school. We have paid cash the whole way. I hope that by the time my last one ( he will be in college next year) we have enough funds to get him through college without getting loans. But it is forecast that the next bubble to bust is the student loans because of the economy and people unable to get a job that they went to school for. So they are either getting low paid jobs or part time jobs

Here is the story STUDENT DEBT: America's Next Bubble? |

My oldest son said one of his classmates used some of her grants to get a boob job. So our tax dollars are going to get someone boobs. This is so wrong. And what is wrong with society these days. I guess she got enough to pay for her schools and books and this is what is left over. It was pale grant so she doesnt have to pay it back

Make sure you kids learn how to do something while in school.

Not just think about it or study it but do it.

If you can do something or make something then you will never be hungry.

Good advice. Schools will suck you dry. They will tell kids to take 3 years to decide what they want to 'be.' Then it will take them 8 years to get an undergrad degree. I told mine, you have 5 years to complete the Bachelor's. (I think I'm realistic. My own BSN wasn't doable in 4 years.) And I required them to come out with one marketable skill.

If they spend 8 years on a BS and do not get any marketable skills, you have been fleeded!

I got my BS in education in 3 1/2 years. Paid for every bit of it myself working. I was married and had one kid. I have more than enough money to pay for my sons eduction but I have told them I will not.

I am insisting they go to technical schools. One is in now getting a degree in engineering. He drives a coal truck in the summer to pay for next years tuition and books.

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