Students Cheer As Homosexual Flag Is Cut Down

It does no such thing, snowflake. History has shown that people who embrace The Bible are more forgiving, more generous, more honorable, etc.

Really? CHristians brought us Fascism, Colonialism, Imperialism, Slavery...
In your infinite ignorance, you're trying to assign the actions of Satan to Jesus. Which is exactly what we would expect from you.

Um... Wait. I'm going to try to pretend your mythology is real.

Who Created Satan? God did.
God supposedly knows everything that is going to happen, so even if you blame Satan for all the evil done by Christians in Jesus' name, God Created Satan to do this.

That's fuck'n hilarious coming from a person who believes in "Global Warming" (absolutely no evidence that exists - and every claim they ever made never came to fruition),

Uh, guy, AGW is scientifically proven. We can see that by all the shrinking glaciers, dying coral reefs, etc.

Funny thing about Science, unlike religion, it keeps being true even when people stop believing in it.

believes someone with a penis can menstruate and give birth (when in fact science debunked that shit like 400 years ago :laugh: ), and who denies basic reality 24x7 since basic reality obliterates the left-wing ideology.

When one believes that someone with a penis can menstruate and give birth, one must declare that they won't "argue" with the other side because the other side is "like a pigeon". We struct because we fuck'n obliterate you imbeciles with basic facts.

Guy, you have this weird obsession with Transsexuals, (Particularly trans-women) that you bring them up in every conversation. I mean, look, just because you picked up that tranny in the bar that one time, everyone knows you have a case of the Not-Gays.

Now, on topic.

What is the historical evidence that Jesus existed?
Really? Frankly, given how many bosses I've had over the years who were complete morons, I kind of doubt that. In fact, I've had more bosses who were bosses only because their family owned the company than were qualified minorities.
Well one thing you have to understand kitty, a moron is someone who is so dumb, they think everyone else is the "moron".

Another way to say it is like this: "if everyone in the room is an 'asshole' - it's probably you".

If I had a nickel for every pot-smoking, beer-guzzling, cigarette-consuming, low-IQ high school dropout who thought they could run the company better than those who actually created it, I'd be a fuck'n billionaire.

Stay in your lane, Joey. If you could run even a gas station, you would. Warren Buffet didn't become Warren Buffet because he won an "own your own business" lottery. He because Warren Buffet because he had the intellect and talent that you don't have.
Guy, you have this weird obsession with Transsexuals, (Particularly trans-women) that you bring them up in every conversation. I mean, look, just because you picked up that tranny in the bar that one time, everyone knows you have a case of the Not-Gays.
Joey's go-to every time he has to explain to people how he can believe in science while simultaneously claiming someone with a penis can menstruate and give birth.

I love watching Joey pain himself into a corner. It never gets old. :laugh:
Now, on topic.
I don't blame you for desperately wanting to run away from your bat-shit crazy, anti-science believe that someone without a uterus could menstruate and give birth. :lmao:
Um... Wait. I'm going to try to pretend your mythology is real.

Who Created Satan? God did.

God supposedly knows everything that is going to happen, so even if you blame Satan for all the evil done by Christians in Jesus' name, God Created Satan to do this.
So God gave everyone FREE WILL. He's not a puppet master. I know that's hard for you to imagine, because - as a committed fascist - all you can do is fantasize about having total control over everyone (even their thoughts).

But God wasn't an insecure, little man like you are. You can't think like you do and expect to understand God, son.
Normal? There have always been homersexuals in every society, that, is normal...

God's special way of controlling population growth.
I think that is actually what is going on. Some sort of incoherent human urge to stop the gross overpopulation going on. EVERY leftwing move has been anti-natalist --- from homosexuality to all the weird half-sex transvestite stuff, to abortion legalization, to divorce legalization, on and on, everything is against births.
Ya get that, son? Radiocarbon dating. Science. So even if it was a "forgery", it sure as shit wasn't a "14th century forgery".

Uh.... So wait, you admit that it was made in the 14th century.

Jesus lived in the first century (Supposedly).

The 14th Century was between 1301 and 1400. Just like the 20th century was 1901 to 2000.

Yes, it was a 14th century forgery. Unless Jesus came back in the 14th century to get sweaty over a sheet...

So to be clear, George Washington "wasn't a real person"? Because "even historians contradict each other on key aspects of his life". For example, there were generations of Americans literally taught in schools that he chopped down a cherry tree but refused to lie about it.

Actually, nobody was taught that outside of grammar school. Serious Washington biographers knew that was a legend.

Of course, the Cherry Tree myth was added to a biography of Washingon written 6 years after his death.

And was almost as quickly debunked.

Until a historian decided to research that story and traced it all back to a single author who was incapable of citing his source for it. Oops. *Mic-drop*

Wow, Poodle, except not really. All of this was done within a few decades of Washington's life.

The thing is, OTHER elements of Washington lives CAN be confirmed, like WHEN HE WAS BORN.

The Gospels work the other way.

The Episitles were written first, with Jesus as a literary device. Then Mark wrote his Gospel, which had just the basics of Jesus life.

Then like a couple of Twilight Fan-Fic girls, Matt and Luke come along and start writing up fanciful stories about when he was born, how a guy from Galilee could be born in Bethlehem, and a bunch of miracles to appeal to different audiences. (Matt was writing for Jews, while Luke was writing for Greeks.)
Joey's go-to every time he has to explain to people how he can believe in science while simultaneously claiming someone with a penis can menstruate and give birth.

I love watching Joey pain himself into a corner. It never gets old

Except no one said they could... Then again, a lot of women with uteruses can't give birth, either.

So what is your weird obsession, Poodle? Did the Tranny insult your manhood.
Uh, guy, AGW is scientifically proven.
It is? No shit? I wonder why the left had to rebrand it "Climate Change" then after record-low temperatures during 2014 and 2015. :laugh:
We can see that by all the shrinking glaciers, dying coral reefs, etc.
You mean like the Polar Ice Cap? The propagandists said that the polar ice cap would be completely gone by 2014. Gone. 100% gone.

So what happened? Yeah, it expanded 60% (over 900,000 sq miles). Oops!
Funny thing about Science, unlike religion, it keeps being true even when people stop believing in it.
Funny thing about reality: unlike propaganda, it is true and indisputable even when low-IQ leftists deny it. :lmao:
So God gave everyone FREE WILL. He's not a puppet master. I know that's hard for you to imagine, because - as a committed fascist - all you can do is fantasize about having total control over everyone (even their thoughts).

But God wasn't an insecure, little man like you are. You can't think like you do and expect to understand God, son.

Honestly, that make God kind of evil, doesn't it?

"Well, you didn't believe in me, your' going to hell!"
"But I was born in Japan, I never heard of you!"

"You stole a loaf of bread, you're going to hell!"
"BUt I was starving!"

The problem is, you guys try to have it both ways... you give God all glory for anything good, but if bad stuff happens, it's your own darned fault for making the wrong choices, even if the choices were completely beyond your control.
Uh.... So wait, you admit that it was made in the 14th century.
Bwahahahaha! No, I admit that it dates back to the 13th century . You're really struggling. You should try reading what I actually wrote (along with the article I posted) rather than seeing what you want to see.
It is? No shit? I wonder why the left had to rebrand it "Climate Change" then after record-low temperatures during 2014 and 2015.

No, they used a more accurate term. One that maybe idiots like youcould understand.

You mean like the Polar Ice Cap? The propagandists said that the polar ice cap would be completely gone by 2014. Gone. 100% gone.

Who said this? When?

So what happened? Yeah, it expanded 60% (over 900,000 sq miles). Oops!

It did nothing of the sort. In fact, Polar ice is so thin now that you can easily get from the Pacific to the Atlantic by going through it, something that we couldn't do in the past.
The problem is, you guys try to have it both ways... you give God all glory for anything good, but if bad stuff happens, it's your own darned fault for making the wrong choices, even if the choices were completely beyond your control.
Spoken like a true leftist.

Tell us something, idealistic millennial: how the fuck can a decision be "completely beyond your control"?

If you stole the bread, that was your choice. You could have starved to death (and some have made that choice).

Like all failed leftists, you refuse to take any personal responsibility.
Bwahahahaha! No, I admit that it dates back to the 13th century . You're really struggling. You should try reading what I actually wrote (along with the article I posted) rather than seeing what you want to see.

Um, no... the article said, "From 1260 to 1390." MOST of those years were in the 14th century, not the 13th...

Then you have all the other data, like historical references to it, only starting in 1350.
Spoken like a true leftist.

Tell us something, idealistic millennial: how the fuck can a decision be "completely beyond your control"?

If you stole the bread, that was your choice. You could have starved to death (and some have made that choice).

Um, yeah, I don't know a person who would starve to death because they so regard the property of others.

Spoken like a spoiled millenial who has never gone to bed hungry.
It did nothing of the sort. In fact, Polar ice is so thin now that you can easily get from the Pacific to the Atlantic by going through it, something that we couldn't do in the past.
It didn't? Really? So NASA satellite photos (released by NASA) were forged? :lmao:, snowflake. And this article was scaled-down by the propagandists who freaked out that sniveling low-IQ leftists like yourself would see this and wake up! You should have seen the original back in 2014 (when I posted it and your dumb ass whined about it - but you were too dumb to remember it).

Is that why every corporation is taking a pledge to hire Blacks?
Yeah, yeah...I never saw those stories.

By the way, did Whitey allow those successful Blacks to be successful or did those Blacks do it because they worked at it?

They wouldn't have to take that pledge if there wasn't decades of white preference and privilege before that.
Won't happen because Jesus never breaks His promises. He is after all, G-d Almighty.

Um.... Okay.

But what if he isn't?

What if he was just a dude and his followers just got a little carried away?
Ok. And what if he was the son of God? If I’m wrong, I’m no worse off. In fact, I’m better off because I’ve led an infinitely better life thanks to my faith.

However, if you’re wrong, you’re fucked. Like really fucked. Like holy f’ing hell are you fucked.
Joe is best friend's with his penis.
It didn't? Really? So NASA satellite photos (released by NASA) were forged? :lmao:, snowflake. And this article was scaled-down by the propagandists who freaked out that sniveling low-IQ leftists like yourself would see this and wake up! You should have seen the original back in 2014 (when I posted it and your dumb ass whined about it - but you were too dumb to remember it).

Again, guy you are confusing area with volume.

The area expands, but the VOLUME of ice has continously decreased.

Let me put it in a way that you can understand.

You have a lake that freezes over every year. Most years, it's thick enough to skate upon.

Except the last 20, it's just not that cold, and the lake is put off limits so skaters won't drown in it.
Actually, nobody was taught that outside of grammar school.
So you admit that government was teaching small children lies? As in, indoctrinating small, impressionable minds with propaganda.

Glad you finally admit it that it not only happens, but that you fully support it.

Serious Washington biographers knew that was a legend.
I always love how your disingenuous ass tries to pretend like you're an expert on everything. Millennial, you never even heard about this until I just posted it above 10 minutes ago. Everything about you is so repulsive and disingenuous.
It didn't? Really? So NASA satellite photos (released by NASA) were forged? :lmao:, snowflake. And this article was scaled-down by the propagandists who freaked out that sniveling low-IQ leftists like yourself would see this and wake up! You should have seen the original back in 2014 (when I posted it and your dumb ass whined about it - but you were too dumb to remember it).

Again, guy you are confusing area with volume.
Snowflake, you're fucked. I never said "volume". I said "expanded". Everyone can see it. And you ignorantly claimed "no such thing occurred".

Over a 60% expansion (more than 900,000 sq miles) of the polar ice-cap. You've been owned as usual.

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