Students Cheer As Homosexual Flag Is Cut Down

I was unaware a flag had sex...
The rainbow is a token of God's promise to mankind and all living creatures.
Why would a so called living God genocide his own creation and then claim he loves us? Seems a bit of an oxymoron...
ever hear of "tough love".....
Is that when they use the cuffs?
i believe it was Jesus who said ......"if you have a you not pull the weeds?"....
He was anti-pot!?
not everything is about pot moon......hey you got any?.....
And once again, it won't be long that Democrats begin supporting the rights of kiddie diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd.
That ship has sailed...

Republicans voted for Dennis Hastert, your president trump was BFF with Epstein. You have a pedo enabler in Gym Jordan....pushed for another pedo in Roy Moore AND then there's lil'Matt Gaetz and his pool boy.

Lies, lies, and more lies! Is that all you know how to do? How do you earn a paycheck lying so much? Paid posted for the DNC?
I was unaware a flag had sex...
The rainbow is a token of God's promise to mankind and all living creatures.
Why would a so called living God genocide his own creation and then claim he loves us? Seems a bit of an oxymoron...
ever hear of "tough love".....
Is that when they use the cuffs?
i believe it was Jesus who said ......"if you have a you not pull the weeds?"....
He was anti-pot!?
not everything is about pot moon......hey you got any?.....
I know it isn't..sure, what do you need?
Normal? There have always been homersexuals in every society, that, is normal...
Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.
He's your God he's not mine, mine doesn't care who you sleep with while ignoring people that are dying of starvation, disease or human abuses.
He's God over all, you just don't believe.
He can't be if Satan can beat his azz...
Satan beat gods azz?....
He must have because he is supposidly alive and still being Satan and not under God's direction like before the azz kickin'
which one got kicked out of the kingdom to lowly earth?.....
Normal? There have always been homersexuals in every society, that, is normal...
Homosexuality may be "normal" but it isn't right. God calls it an abomination.

Homosexuality increases in any over populated animal group.
So it likely is natural, in the DNA, and then has to be God given, if there is a God at all?
I doubt you will find anything more than a dominance pecking order(don't laugh!)...
I have to wonder is the kid of Cuban descent and took issue with the fact that rag was over the top of the cuban flag. It disgusts me it was hanging at all though. There is no context or anything to his motivation, but at least he can't be crucified because he was a wearing a fuckin mask. He can't be identified properly in court.


Speaking of Cuba, during the early years of Castro's rule, gay men were sent to special concentration camps.
Homosexuality increases in any over populated animal group.
In china it may be the unnatural ratio of men to women thanks to liberal progressive mao policies aimed at population control that leads to homosexuality

If so its just another reason for libs in America to bond with the CCP
There have always been homersexuals in every society, that, is normal...
Besides homosexuals, there has also always been rapists, child molesters, and murderers in every society.
But that doesn't make them normal. ... :cool:
I doubt you'll get raped by a homersexual...
Did you?
Not yet...They had better hurry up while it's still good.
So you made that shit up. Why am I not surprised?
I owe no person, state nor country a thing so no I don't need a flag. I follow the laws and pay taxes. Keep to myself. So so so so so much more than is needed.
Answering someone who claimed Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of gays. Not according to the bible, they weren't.
you have serious reading comprehension problems

50: And they were haughty, AND COMMITTED ABOMINATION BEFORE ME: therefore I took them away as I saw good
And 49 explains what the abomination Whitey Righties are in trouble......49. “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy

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