Students disclose illegal status as part of push for immigration law reform


Jun 10, 2010
Students disclose illegal status as part of push for immigration law reform
By Tara Bahrampour
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 21, 2010; A03

On a patch of asphalt outside the White House this week, Renata Teodoro, Maricela Aguilar and scores of other students are risking deportation simply by sharing their full names and immigration status with anyone who asks.

In an act of defiance unimaginable to many in their parents' generation, they are publicly declaring that they are in the United States illegally as a way to push for change that would help thousands of undocumented young people like them. And they are doing so in one of the most highly patrolled -- and politicized -- spots in the country.

"I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not afraid of someone coming in and trying to arrest me, but I can't let that fear take over my life," said Teodoro, 22, a student at the University of Massachusetts in Boston whose parents were deported back to Brazil a couple of years ago. "The only way of people finding out about my situation is to tell my story."

- Trimmed due to Copyright, Modbert.


Let's see. In my neighborhood a PK-12 education cost Americans $185,000. Make Mexico pay up! They have killed poor Americans by stealing services meant for real Americans. I have no sympathy for these fat and lazy thieves.

Oh, yeah. Ask them if THEY are willing to pick crops after they graduate.
They should be rounded up.. arrested.. and deported for the criminals they are

Don't deport. That's a reward to a Mexican. They'll just go back and breed more Mexicans. Use them as the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

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