Students Shocked By Footage Of Joe Biden Touching Women

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Wanting to know what young voters thought of the situation and whether it would impact their potential support of Biden, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to the University of Iowa. Showing students a short clip of the viral footage, he asked, “What is your reaction to this?”

The response was near universal…

VIDEO: Students appalled by footage of 'creepy' Joe Biden touching women

And the other DeathRAT candidates haven't started on the MODERATE (ROTFLMFAO!!!) front runner ...YET!!!
You do know who our president is, right?

Why do you only care about this sort of behavior when it's a (D)?
You do know who our president is, right?

Why do you only care about this sort of behavior when it's a (D)?

  1. prejudice in favor of a particular cause; bias.
    "an act of blatant political partisanship"
    synonyms: bias, prejudice, one-sidedness, discrimination, favoritism, favor, unfair preference, partiality, sectarianism, factionalism;
Creepy uncle joe will never be given the nod by the DNC. They are only interested in his campaign fund raising. He is almost sane, old, white and he been on the wrong side of too many issues in the past. They are well aware that he would get hammered on them.
what is not acceptable in current times may have been acceptable in previous times.

IMO Biden's 'touchy, feely' past is pretty skeezy but that is only my opinion.

I mean hey; folks used to own slaves & that was all fine & good, at one time too.
You do know who our president is, right?

Why do you only care about this sort of behavior when it's a (D)?
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

Try to stay on-topic, scumbag. You want to start thread Number 3,812 about Trump grabbing some mish, go for it.

Otherwise get lost, bitch

Remember all those times when you have whined, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"?


It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

Karma's a BITCH!



Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with a porn star and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!

Creepy Joe Biden golfs too much!

Creepy Joe Biden will run trillion dollar deficits!
Scared to watch it, I see.
Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!

Creepy Joe Biden golfs too much!

Creepy Joe Biden will run trillion dollar deficits!
If they Investigate what Biden, Obama, Clinton, Podesta, Gates, and Manafort did together in The Ukraine, Biden is Toast.
Wanting to know what young voters thought of the situation and whether it would impact their potential support of Biden, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to the University of Iowa. Showing students a short clip of the viral footage, he asked, “What is your reaction to this?”

The response was near universal…

VIDEO: Students appalled by footage of 'creepy' Joe Biden touching women

And the other DeathRAT candidates haven't started on the MODERATE (ROTFLMFAO!!!) front runner ...YET!!!

You fuckheads SHOULD realize (but you're too dumb to make the connection) that these kind of slanderous remarks by the idiot with a video camera will RESURGE the Access Hollywood tape and the Stormy Daniels' $130,000 for a Trump blow job controversy.......

GO FOR IT..................LMAO

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