Joe Biden has sexually abused 8 women.

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How do you know it's hyperbole? Got proof of the opposite?

Well, in order to "sniff" 458.3 BILLION kids (especially when the total population of the planet is only 7.53 billion), that would mean that there are a lot of kids getting sniffed multiple times. Never mind that even at 1 second/per kid/per sniff, just to do a billion would take 31.6 years, and that's just one billion. In order to get to 458.3 billion, that would take several centuries. And that's just for your first claim.

Like I said, hyperbole much? Simple math is fun, ain't it?
Kid sniffing - 458,357,555,159 and counting
Kid groping - 277,144,654,321 and counting
Baby biting - 68,465 and counting
Self accusing pedo verbage on camera - 2,699 and counting
Woman breast fondling on camera - 127 and counting

Lies to the American taxpayers - 9,154,558,357,995,673,158,324,644,862 and counting

Besides............if Biden actually did all the things you claim in the above post, he'd be too busy doing that to have time to ruin the country as you conservatives are constantly claiming.
Well, in order to "sniff" 458.3 BILLION kids (especially when the total population of the planet is only 7.53 billion), that would mean that there are a lot of kids getting sniffed multiple times. Never mind that even at 1 second/per kid/per sniff, just to do a billion would take 31.6 years, and that's just one billion. In order to get to 458.3 billion, that would take several centuries. And that's just for your first claim.

Like I said, hyperbole much? Simple math is fun, ain't it?
You have to excuse him. His brain is obviously messed by by having nuts made of toffee!
Old news. None of these women contacted authorities regarding his assaults? They deserve what they got in that case!

I don't want to defend Biden in any way, as he likely did everything he was accused of doing. These women just cannot wait decades to make these accusations!

Blasey Ford did.
Well, in order to "sniff" 458.3 BILLION kids (especially when the total population of the planet is only 7.53 billion), that would mean that there are a lot of kids getting sniffed multiple times. Never mind that even at 1 second/per kid/per sniff, just to do a billion would take 31.6 years, and that's just one billion. In order to get to 458.3 billion, that would take several centuries. And that's just for your first claim.

Like I said, hyperbole much? Simple math is fun, ain't it?

Thank you for straightening THAT out.

But you didn't refute my claim that Trump molested Peppermint Patty.

Remember that lady that said Biden shoved her against the wall and shoved his finger inside of her?... she received evidence that Joe said I want that bitch ruined after she came forward...
That same leaker said Joe said I want Trump in jail....
And this woman hasn't been able to get a job... she is blackballed....
In Florida recently, Joe made a very interesting statement.

Did you even read the allegations? They're decades old, and involve innocent behavior that the women objected to. Such as the one accusing Biden of "rubbing noses"
Rubbing noses is a Bedouin greeting that is known among the people of this region. It is almost a tribal way of greeting that represents the values of respect, pride and Bedouinism. Because the nose is in the centre of the face it is a valuable symbol, so this is the place where you greet someone with respect.
is Joe Bedouin?
Well, in order to "sniff" 458.3 BILLION kids (especially when the total population of the planet is only 7.53 billion), that would mean that there are a lot of kids getting sniffed multiple times. Never mind that even at 1 second/per kid/per sniff, just to do a billion would take 31.6 years, and that's just one billion. In order to get to 458.3 billion, that would take several centuries. And that's just for your first claim.

Like I said, hyperbole much? Simple math is fun, ain't it?
Hyperbole was invented by Progs. A few decades ago, they were promoting those 200 million slaves came to the America's from Africa. Just one of many.
Glenn Beck interviews Tara Reade later today. i'll post it for you when it happens!
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