Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’

I know the immigrants today have a much easier road to citizenship than the ones who came through Ellis Island, that is how it SHOULD BE TODAY!! They should have to go through what all of those immigrants did. Then they can be citizens, and not transplanted foreign nationals.
.... Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up....

Not only is that false, it is irrational.
Let's say before the US and Manifest destiny came along...

It doesn't matter--Mexicans were definitely here before the White man. In the southwest of this country the Mexican culture is still deeply routed. Most of our street names and towns are Spanish names & we still celebrate a lot of the Mexican holidays, etc. etc. etc.

You knew dam well that Mexico was not going to pay for a 1000 mile wall, and you knew that all illegals would never be chased out of this country. People crawled out from under their rocks to get to Trump because he was saying what they believed in. RACISM. Trump was even endorsed and supported by every white hate group in this country, and you still voted for him.

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.... Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up....

Not only is that false, it is irrational.
Let's say before the US and Manifest destiny came along...

It doesn't matter--they were definitely here before the White man. In the southwest of this country the Mexican culture is still deeply routed. Most of our street names are in Spanish we still celebrate a lot of the Mexican holidays, etc. etc. etc.

Trump and you attacked them. Knowing full well that all illegals were not going to be chased out of this country, and that a 1000 mile wall WOULD never be built. You were attracted to Trump because of his racist comments. People all over this country crawled out from under their rocks to get to him--because he was saying things that they believed. Trump was supported and endorsed by every single white hate group in this country. And you knew that too.

Oh please.
.... Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up....

Not only is that false, it is irrational.
Let's say before the US and Manifest destiny came along...

It doesn't matter--they were definitely here before the White man. In the southwest of this country the Mexican culture is still deeply routed. Most of our street names are in Spanish we still celebrate a lot of the Mexican holidays, etc. etc. etc.

Trump and you attacked them. Knowing full well that all illegals were not going to be chased out of this country, and that a 1000 mile wall WOULD never be built. You were attracted to Trump because of his racist comments. People all over this country crawled out from under their rocks to get to him--because he was saying things that they believed. Trump was supported and endorsed by every single white hate group in this country. And you knew that too.

1. Mexico has lost it's historical claim to the US southwest. The issue was long ago settled.

2. The names of the streets are irrelevant.

3. The illegals are and will be deported more aggressively as they should be. Will we get them all? I hope so.

4. The Wall will be built.

5. Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. Please consider it, and you ridiculed as well.
Just finished reading City of Dreams- EVERY new group of immigrants is greeted with fears they'll never be Americans by earlier groups. And the second generation of them always does.

Just finished reading City of Dreams- EVERY new group of immigrants is greeted with fears they'll never be Americans by earlier groups. And the second generation of them always does.

I see you are having trouble comprehending the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.... I hope this helps

legal immigration

  • Immigration which is officially authorized;

Illegal immigration

  • A person who jumps ahead of the line and disregards the laws and illegaly enters the United States
1. Mexico has lost it's historical claim to the US southwest. The issue was long ago settled.

2. The names of the streets are irrelevant.

3. The illegals are and will be deported more aggressively as they should be. Will we get them all? I hope so.

4. The Wall will be built.

5. Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. Please consider it, and you ridiculed as well.

Poor KKKorell The Mexicans aren't the reason why your life is so unhappy.

The Wall isn't getting built. That might prevent rich people from getting their tax cuts.
.... Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up....

Not only is that false, it is irrational.
Let's say before the US and Manifest destiny came along...

It doesn't matter--they were definitely here before the White man. In the southwest of this country the Mexican culture is still deeply routed. Most of our street names and towns are Spanish names & we still celebrate a lot of the Mexican holidays, etc. etc. etc.

Trump and you attacked them. Knowing full well that all illegals were not going to be chased out of this country, and that a 1000 mile wall WOULD never be built. You were attracted to Trump because of his racist comments. People all over this country crawled out from under their rocks to get to him--because he was saying things that they believed. Trump was supported and endorsed by every single white hate group in this country. And you knew that too.


What are you babbling about the Wall is being designed right now and part of it is already built.

1. Mexico has lost it's historical claim to the US southwest. The issue was long ago settled.

2. The names of the streets are irrelevant.

3. The illegals are and will be deported more aggressively as they should be. Will we get them all? I hope so.

4. The Wall will be built.

5. Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. Please consider it, and you ridiculed as well.

Poor KKKorell The Mexicans aren't the reason why your life is so unhappy.

The Wall isn't getting built. That might prevent rich people from getting their tax cuts.

You have proof it's not getting built or wishful thinking?

I know the immigrants today have a much easier road to citizenship than the ones who came through Ellis Island, that is how it SHOULD BE TODAY!! They should have to go through what all of those immigrants did. Then they can be citizens, and not transplanted foreign nationals.
--------------------------------------------------------------- i don't know why anyone wants more imported people of any type in the USA . Regarding economy as a reason for more immigration . My parents had excellent money making conditions after ww2 when my Dad and Uncles all left the USA military and went to work at various jobs when the USA population was maybe 150 million Americans . Same for me who started working a Railroad job that was good enough to keep in 1969 when USA population was about 210 million Americans . Now the USA population is about 310 million in 2010 with millions of uncounted illegal aliens and young milenials are seen riding skateboards , getting tattoos , living in their parents basement and if they have jobs as a married couple both work at places like -wal mart- or 'mcdonalds' while paying off huge student loans [chuckle] and buying disposable diapers at -wal mart- . And in closing , think that it was about the 1980 - 1990 when living in America required a married couple to both have jobs to simply pay bills , pay student loans , pay car insurance , health insurance and already mentioned disposable diapers . -------------------- yeah , immigration is making every American Wealthy [chuckle] .
and a last thought . Americans may not be getting richer but third worlders imported to the USA and western world are the richest that they have ever been because of taxpayer funded goodie bought and paid for by American tax payers dollars .
What passes today as a "study" is just laughable.

There are "studies" that claim Global Warming is causing ocean rise and hence the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands, and another by New Guinea are "sinking" even as no other land mass on Earth is....

That taxpayer funded "study" just couldn't notice the PACIFIC RING OF FIRE and the fact that all three "sinking" island chains are right on the lip of the PACIFIC RING OF FIRE and hence, in 3 million years, will not just be under the ocean, they will be UNDER THE EARTH's CRUST.
.... Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up....

Not only is that false, it is irrational.
Let's say before the US and Manifest destiny came along...

It doesn't matter--they were definitely here before the White man. In the southwest of this country the Mexican culture is still deeply routed. Most of our street names are in Spanish we still celebrate a lot of the Mexican holidays, etc. etc. etc.

Trump and you attacked them. Knowing full well that all illegals were not going to be chased out of this country, and that a 1000 mile wall WOULD never be built. You were attracted to Trump because of his racist comments. People all over this country crawled out from under their rocks to get to him--because he was saying things that they believed. Trump was supported and endorsed by every single white hate group in this country. And you knew that too.

1. Mexico has lost it's historical claim to the US southwest. The issue was long ago settled.

2. The names of the streets are irrelevant.

3. The illegals are and will be deported more aggressively as they should be. Will we get them all? I hope so.

4. The Wall will be built.

5. Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. Please consider it, and you ridiculed as well.

So did the American Indians but I sure didn't see you attacking them. They are honored while you're attacking Mexicans that were here 100's of years before the White man.

Names of towns & streets are revelant--because these towns are over 150 years old.

No Trump has already stated that all illegals will not be deported--he flip flopped on that one. He is doing the same thing that Presidents before him have done. Deport the criminal element in this country that are illegals. In fact, Barack Obama deported more illegals than any President before him.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President
Here's why Trump's flip-flop on immigration is so stunning

Even one of your favorites had to admit it--after a caller snuck on his program.

As far as the Wall--Mexico has stated repeatedly that they aren't going to pay a penny for it, and the U.S. Congress has told Trump to shove the wall up his ass.
Mexico's president: We will not pay for wall - CNN Video
Congress may stiff Trump on wall funding

If Walls & Fences worked, there would be no illegals in this country today dumbass.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
.... Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up....

Not only is that false, it is irrational.
Let's say before the US and Manifest destiny came along...

It doesn't matter--they were definitely here before the White man. In the southwest of this country the Mexican culture is still deeply routed. Most of our street names are in Spanish we still celebrate a lot of the Mexican holidays, etc. etc. etc.

Trump and you attacked them. Knowing full well that all illegals were not going to be chased out of this country, and that a 1000 mile wall WOULD never be built. You were attracted to Trump because of his racist comments. People all over this country crawled out from under their rocks to get to him--because he was saying things that they believed. Trump was supported and endorsed by every single white hate group in this country. And you knew that too.

1. Mexico has lost it's historical claim to the US southwest. The issue was long ago settled.

2. The names of the streets are irrelevant.

3. The illegals are and will be deported more aggressively as they should be. Will we get them all? I hope so.

4. The Wall will be built.

5. Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. Please consider it, and you ridiculed as well.

So did the American Indians but I sure didn't see you attacking them. They are honored while you're attacking Mexicans that were here 100's of years before the White man.

Names of towns & streets are revelant--because these towns are over 150 years old.

No Trump has already stated that all illegals will not be deported--he flip flopped on that one. He is doing the same thing that Presidents before him have done. Deport the criminal element in this country that are illegals. In fact, Barack Obama deported more illegals than any President before him.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President
Here's why Trump's flip-flop on immigration is so stunning

Even one of your favorites had to admit it after a caller snuck on his program.

As far as the Wall--Mexico has stated repeatedly that they aren't going to pay a penny for it, and the U.S. Congress has told Trump to shove the wall up his ass.
Mexico's president: We will not pay for wall - CNN Video
Congress may stiff Trump on wall funding

If Walls & Fences worked, there would be no illegals in this country today dumbass.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

All the Mexicans that were here before the border moved are now American citizens (and dead). The only people who will be deported are those that were born in Mexico and moved here illegally.

Your words are nonsense.

The Wall will be built. THe illegals will be deported. Focusing on those with criminal records does not mean that the rest get a pass.

If Trump is supposedly "racist" for running on deporting illegals, then what is Obama for ACTUALLY deporting "record numbers"?

Or is it different since he is a dem?
What passes today as a "study" is just laughable.

There are "studies" that claim Global Warming is causing ocean rise and hence the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands, and another by New Guinea are "sinking" even as no other land mass on Earth is....

That taxpayer funded "study" just couldn't notice the PACIFIC RING OF FIRE and the fact that all three "sinking" island chains are right on the lip of the PACIFIC RING OF FIRE and hence, in 3 million years, will not just be under the ocean, they will be UNDER THE EARTH's CRUST.

Did they by any chance predict when Guam would tip over?
i don't know why anyone wants more imported people of any type in the USA . Regarding economy as a reason for more immigration . My parents had excellent money making conditions after ww2 when my Dad and Uncles all left the USA military and went to work at various jobs when the USA population was maybe 150 million Americans . Same for me who started working a Railroad job that was good enough to keep in 1969 when USA population was about 210 million Americans . Now the USA population is about 310 million in 2010 with millions of uncounted illegal aliens and young milenials are seen riding skateboards , getting tattoos , living in their parents basement and if they have jobs as a married couple both work at places like -wal mart- or 'mcdonalds' while paying off huge student loans [chuckle] and buying disposable diapers at -wal mart- . And in closing , think that it was about the 1980 - 1990 when living in America required a married couple to both have jobs to simply pay bills , pay student loans , pay car insurance , health insurance and already mentioned disposable diapers . -------------------- yeah , immigration is making every American Wealthy [chuckle] .

I think the problem here is that you really think "immigrants" are the cause of these problems.

The thing is when your dad and mine left the military after WWII, there were plenty of jobs because we had the only industrial infrastructure left after the war.

The problem was of course, is that the people who ran our industries didn't modernize or keep up... not that bad old immigrants took those jobs.

Now, the thing was, yes, in the 1980's, two parent income became the norm. This was partly due to hyper-inflation in the 1970's followed by severe deunionization in the early 1980s driving down wages. Another factor, less talked about was feminism making it more normal for a woman to work outside the home.

When you can hire a woman for 70% of what you pay a man, and she does a better job, why wouldn't you?

Again, none of this had anything to do with bad old immigrants, doing immigrant stuff.

Nor millennials living in their parents basements. Do you really think they wouldn't be living in Mom's basement if they could get those great floor-sweeping jobs the Mexicans are taking? Don't be daft. They didn't go to college for 4 years to do that.
i don't know why anyone wants more imported people of any type in the USA . Regarding economy as a reason for more immigration . My parents had excellent money making conditions after ww2 when my Dad and Uncles all left the USA military and went to work at various jobs when the USA population was maybe 150 million Americans . Same for me who started working a Railroad job that was good enough to keep in 1969 when USA population was about 210 million Americans . Now the USA population is about 310 million in 2010 with millions of uncounted illegal aliens and young milenials are seen riding skateboards , getting tattoos , living in their parents basement and if they have jobs as a married couple both work at places like -wal mart- or 'mcdonalds' while paying off huge student loans [chuckle] and buying disposable diapers at -wal mart- . And in closing , think that it was about the 1980 - 1990 when living in America required a married couple to both have jobs to simply pay bills , pay student loans , pay car insurance , health insurance and already mentioned disposable diapers . -------------------- yeah , immigration is making every American Wealthy [chuckle] .

I think the problem here is that you really think "immigrants" are the cause of these problems.

The thing is when your dad and mine left the military after WWII, there were plenty of jobs because we had the only industrial infrastructure left after the war.

The problem was of course, is that the people who ran our industries didn't modernize or keep up... not that bad old immigrants took those jobs.

Now, the thing was, yes, in the 1980's, two parent income became the norm. This was partly due to hyper-inflation in the 1970's followed by severe deunionization in the early 1980s driving down wages. Another factor, less talked about was feminism making it more normal for a woman to work outside the home.

When you can hire a woman for 70% of what you pay a man, and she does a better job, why wouldn't you?

Again, none of this had anything to do with bad old immigrants, doing immigrant stuff.

Nor millennials living in their parents basements. Do you really think they wouldn't be living in Mom's basement if they could get those great floor-sweeping jobs the Mexicans are taking? Don't be daft. They didn't go to college for 4 years to do that.

Once again a liberal doesn't use or evidently understand the word ILLEGAL.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.

That so called 'largest economy' isn't based on a solid's been falsely pumped up & over-inflated by continually raising the debt limit and printing excesses of past years.......under previous managers. Can't blame that one on Trump......or Russia
yet, we can afford a drug war?
What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.
Why complain, just become a CEO so your pay can, "skyrocket". Make rich lifestyle choices not poor lifestyle choices.
There's no point in discussing an issue with an obvious moron like you.
nothing but fallacy, like usual?
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.

That so called 'largest economy' isn't based on a solid's been falsely pumped up & over-inflated by continually raising the debt limit and printing excesses of past years.......under previous managers. Can't blame that one on Trump......or Russia
yet, we can afford a drug war?

Trump and Russia started the Drug War? Who knew?

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