Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’

It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.

Might be 50 million.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.
Why complain, just become a CEO so your pay can, "skyrocket". Make rich lifestyle choices not poor lifestyle choices.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.

Might be 50 million.
only True socialists don't like to compete; ask Boss or Ding.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.

That so called 'largest economy' isn't based on a solid's been falsely pumped up & over-inflated by continually raising the debt limit and printing excesses of past years.......under previous managers. Can't blame that one on Trump......or Russia
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.

You never really believed that Trump was going to remove all illegals in this country. and you never really believed that he would build this 1000 mile WALL, and Mexico would pay for it. No one is that stupid.You ignored that little inter voice in your brain that said none of this was going to happen.

After you handed him the nomination he immediately backed off his campaign rhetoric that all illegals would be removed, and you knew that Mexico was NEVER going to pay for a wall. Don't try and bullshit me. After all that's what they told you on 3 different occasions, and you also knew that there was no way in HELL that congress was going to appropriate money for a WALL.
Mexico won't pay a cent for Trump's 'stupid wall'
Hill Republicans revolt over Trump's border wall -

Rush Limbaugh admitted this, after a caller was able to sneak on to his program and corner him.

So you attacked a large section of this population with hateful rhetoric. And it was because of your deeply routed bias & racism toward people that don't have white skin. You were swarming around Trump like bees to honey--just to hear him rant and rave.


Last edited:
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.
Why complain, just become a CEO so your pay can, "skyrocket". Make rich lifestyle choices not poor lifestyle choices.
There's no point in discussing an issue with an obvious moron like you.
Last edited:
What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.

Might be 50 million.
only True socialists don't like to compete; ask Boss or Ding.
Feel free to move to Mexico and compete with Mexicans earning $0.50/hr.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What was stunning to me was this bigotry toward Hispanics in this country. I live in a heavily populated Hispanic state (Colorado) and have-lived here all my life, and am used to hearing Spanish everywhere I go, many of us are bi-lengual because of this diversity, and we all get along just fine. My nefew married an hispanic woman. Their family ties are as strong as ours if not stronger--and we don't notice the difference between white and brown in this state. We're not segregated by any means, nor do we want to be.

I could not believe the hate and angry coming out of these Trump rallies across this country. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before the white man ever showed up.

This candidate was campaigning on WALL building, threatening Mexico, threatening Mexicans who have lived in this country for decades, and I found that disgusting. I found Trump supporters to be disgusting. What I thought no longer existed in this country, bigotry, came out from under their rocks and showed up for Donald Trump.

Even people I thought were not racists, actually were. They were just very good at hiding it well, until Trump showed up.


So you think enforcing our immigration laws is "disgusting?" The only thing illegals are being "threatened" with is enforcing the laws on the books. You have to be a moron or a douche bag to object to that.
We have one of the largest economies in the entire world; illegal immigration is not the problem. lousy management is the problem.
We have let in 40 million illegals into this country. If you think that doesn't drive down wages, you're an idiot.

You never really believed that Trump was going to remove all illegals in this country. and you never really believed that he would build this 1000 mile WALL, and Mexico would pay for it. No one is that stupid.You ignored that little inter voice in your brain that said none of this was going to happen.

After you handed him the nomination he immediately backed off his campaign rhetoric that all illegals would be removed, and you knew that Mexico was NEVER going to pay for a wall. Don't try and bullshit me. After all that's what they told you on 3 different occasions, and you also knew that there was no way in HELL that congress was going to appropriate money for a WALL.
Mexico won't pay a cent for Trump's 'stupid wall'
Hill Republicans revolt over Trump's border wall -

Rush Limbaugh admitted this, after a caller was able to sneak on to his program and corner him.

So you attacked a large section of this population with hateful rhetoric. And it was because of your deeply routed bias & racism toward people that don't have white skin. You were swarming around Trump like bees to honey--just to hear him rant and rave.


I hardly ever bother to read your geysers of bullshit because they are so fucking stupid.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
What a load of crap.

The Dems are getting desperater and desperater.

That's not even a word. Not that I expect a Trump supporter to be able to string a coherent sentence together.

What you're trying to say is "more desperate".


To quote my signature:

"Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that Humour excites in those who lack it." - George Saintsbury, A Last Vintage
What a load of crap.

The Dems are getting desperater and desperater.

That's not even a word. Not that I expect a Trump supporter to be able to string a coherent sentence together.

What you're trying to say is "more desperate".


To quote my signature:

"Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that Humour excites in those who lack it." - George Saintsbury, A Last Vintage

That dunce's post was curiouser and curiouser.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Yeah, so does welfare and unemployment payments!!

It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.
"The economy" is an abstraction. Immigrants from low wage countries hurt American workers.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.
"The economy" is an abstraction. Immigrants from low wage countries hurt American workers.
Not really, they work jobs we don't take, put a lot of money into our economy, pay taxes to a system they don't benefit from, they can't access government assistance...
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?

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