Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’

What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.
"The economy" is an abstraction. Immigrants from low wage countries hurt American workers.
Not really, they work jobs we don't take, put a lot of money into our economy, pay taxes to a system they don't benefit from, they can't access government assistance...
We don't take them because employers won't pay a decent wage when they can get an illegal to do it for half the price. Illegals benefit from getting their kids a free education. They also collect welfare. The also get Medicaid. The claim that they don't benefit is bullshit.
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?

Of course not... illegals are an affront to those that do it the right way.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

No doubt, immigrants do help the economy....illegal immigrants not so much.
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
It is beyond obvious that Trump supporters, notwithstanding their political party affiliation, are bigots,and were motivated by fear mongering during the campaign. They represent the biddable segment of our population (Biddable: "easily led, taught, or controlled") which is about 35%.

Reading the posts of Trump supporters who post on this message board, and their reaction to the Black Lives Matter response to the killing of black men by police, and their chant to "Build that Wall", support for the discrimination of immigrants from predominately Muslim nations and attacks on Sanctuary Cities plus their disdain for those who are not conservative enough, is evidence enough to support such an hypothesis.

The economic issues were a factor, but framed by fear that "those people" took jobs away from American's, and once we banished them from the fields, restaurants, landscaping, roofing and other jobs, outlawed labor unions, Affirmative Action (Consent Decrees), minimum wage and limited unemployment insurance and cut taxes all would be well in America.

Promises not kept: Repeal and replace the ACA; Mexico building the wall; draining the swamp, deporting 11 million or so illegal immigrants and those who stayed beyond their allotted time, locking her up, etc. etc.

Q. Will the biddable still be convinced Trump is The Man who will bring paradise to our land, or will they open their eyes and finally be fed up with his narcissistic and megalomaniac behavior, tweets blaming everyone else and never taking responsibility for appointing and nominating cronies and incompetents, ideologues and bigots to sensitive positions in his administration and screwed generations of American's by his appointment to the Supreme Court.
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.
"The economy" is an abstraction. Immigrants from low wage countries hurt American workers.
Not really, they work jobs we don't take, put a lot of money into our economy, pay taxes to a system they don't benefit from, they can't access government assistance...
We don't take them because employers won't pay a decent wage when they can get an illegal to do it for half the price. Illegals benefit from getting their kids a free education. They also collect welfare. The also get Medicaid. The claim that they don't benefit is bullshit.
"The truth is that undocumented immigrants contribute more in payroll taxes than they will ever consume in public benefits.

Take Social Security. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), unauthorized immigrants -- who are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits -- have paid an eye-popping $100 billion into the fund over the past decade.

"They are paying an estimated $15 billion a year into Social Security with no intention of ever collecting benefits," Stephen Goss, chief actuary of the SSA told CNNMoney. "Without the estimated 3.1 million undocumented immigrants paying into the system, Social Security would have entered persistent shortfall of tax revenue to cover payouts starting in 2009," he said.

As the baby boom generation ages and retires, immigrant workers are key to shoring up Social Security and counteracting the effects of the decline in U.S.-born workers paying into the system, Goss said.

Without immigrants, the Social Security Board of Trustees projects that the system will no longer be able to pay the full promised benefits by 2037.

5 immigration myths debunked
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP appeal to me had nothing at all to do with black or any other color 'American' . As far as programs being on the chopping block is , lets get to chopping BBEN !!
What programs?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

No doubt, immigrants do help the economy....illegal immigrants not so much.
Yea, much.
5 immigration myths debunked
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?
medicare/medicaid, health care, meals on wheels, science research, the arts.. if there is a program that benefits the people, those GOP critters are looking to chop chop.
--------------------------------------------------- from what i hear , meals on wheels isn't being chopped but feeding kids in school programs other than lunch may be cut . Artistry should be up to the artist to create as he finds a way to survive and create ART and feeding a starving artist benefits no one but the lazy starving unsuccessful artist . Science , i think that Trump has already reinvigorated the Space Program . Medicare , all people of proper age that i know can have medicare . Medicaid , i know nothing about it except that poor people are not dying in the streets . Chopping and cutting is the only way to achieve fiscal sanity in the USA . And lastly , feck those immigrants Aries .
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
------------------------------------------ as i said , feck immigrants Aries . There is no difference between a flood of third world illegal immigrants or a flood of third world legal immigrant . Both groups mess up American society Aries !!
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?

What doe the Statue of Liberty have to do with illegals?
How dare you insult Democrats in PA, MI, and WI.

Except that's not what put Trump over the top. Trump did barely better in those state than Romney did.

What put him over the top was that too many people voted for Stein, Johnson and McCulluh because they believed Fake Russian News and thought Hillary had it in the bag.

That said, I think there is something to be said for that sliver of working class whites who vote for Democrats when the economy sucks and vote for Republicans when the economy is okay because the GOP appeals to their sexual,racial and religious fears.
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?
-------------------------------------------------- and 'feck' that meaningless 'statue' that has been used by government and lefties to propagandize the issue of immigration into the USA . I say , melt it down to copper ingots and ship the ingots back to France along with the bones of the lefty poet that wrote that silly poem Aries !! [forgot , whats her name?]
but what should we be cutting?
immigrants help the economy.

Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES , of course we should but i prefer to melt her down first Aries !!
Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?
-------------------------------------------------- and 'feck' that meaningless 'statue' that has been used by government and lefties to propagandize the issue of immigration into the USA . I say , melt it down to copper ingots and ship the ingots back to France along with the bones of the lefty poet that wrote that silly poem Aries !! [forgot , whats her name?]
Emma Lazarus damn it. You GOP critters use to be patriotic Americans. What has happened?!?!
Good for the immigrants.

The discussion is about illegal immigrants
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES , of course we should but i prefer to melt her down first Aries !!
yea, burn a flag while you're at it, un-American prick.
emma lazurus was 'fos' when she wrote the poem . From your posting and knowledge i deduce that you grew up watching 'dora the explorer' and 'tella tubbies' Aries .
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?
-------------------------------------------------- and 'feck' that meaningless 'statue' that has been used by government and lefties to propagandize the issue of immigration into the USA . I say , melt it down to copper ingots and ship the ingots back to France along with the bones of the lefty poet that wrote that silly poem Aries !! [forgot , whats her name?]
Emma Lazarus damn it. You GOP critters use to be patriotic Americans. What has happened?!?!

Democrats used to be patriotic Americans, what happened to them?

Other than being on the wrong side in the Civil War
Just finished reading City of Dreams- EVERY new group of immigrants is greeted with fears they'll never be Americans by earlier groups. And the second generation of them always does.
It's actually about all immigrants, but illegals aggravate an already serious problem.
Oh, so even legal immigrants are bad? You are of Native American descent or you are a hypocrite?
Yes. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or illegal, 40 million immigrants from a low wage country are going to suppress American wages. Illegal immigration needs to be eliminated, and legal immigration needs to be reduced significantly.
shall we ship the statue of liberty to canada?
-------------------------------------------------- and 'feck' that meaningless 'statue' that has been used by government and lefties to propagandize the issue of immigration into the USA . I say , melt it down to copper ingots and ship the ingots back to France along with the bones of the lefty poet that wrote that silly poem Aries !! [forgot , whats her name?]
Emma Lazarus damn it. You GOP critters use to be patriotic Americans. What has happened?!?!
------------------------------------ you just don't know anything so you fall for anything and everything Aries .

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