Studies Say This About Progressives....

Anyone who thinks they can paint a whole political group with one broad brush is not too sharp.

"Anyone who thinks they can paint a whole political group with one broad brush is not too sharp."

So saith the expert of 'not too sharp.'

It actually simple to "paint a whole political group with one broad brush:" it's the reason they belong to the same political party, vote for the same politicians.

Nobody explained that to you before?
I knew that you were not intelligent to understand, but I tried anyways.

So......have you read any of Ann Coulter's scholarly and well documented best sellers, or are you one of those morons who simply nod when the Leftist elites tell you to, and parrot their talking points?

Which is it?

When you get around to actually reading a book, pick up "1984" and you'll find yourself in the audience booing Emmanuel Goldstein.

Ann Coulter wouldn't recognize a scholarly work if it hit her in the Adam's Apple.

So......have you read any of Ann Coulter's scholarly and well documented best sellers, or are you one of those morons who simply nod when the Leftist elites tell you to, and parrot their talking points?

Which is it?

I've heard some of the crap she spews. Why would anyone want to read anything she might write?

Ann Coulter wouldn't recognize a scholarly work if it hit her in the Adam's Apple.

Bigotry combined with stupidity form the foundation of the left. You well display that reality here.

I don't like Bill Maher, but I won't deny he is smart. Rachel Madcow is a lying demagogue, but smart enough.

To call Coulter stupid only displays your ignorance and bigotry. It shows that you lack the integrity to provide an accurate account of others, you smear political opponents with zero regard for realty. You seek to attack the enemy of your party and are unconcerned with facts or accuracy.
"Anyone who thinks they can paint a whole political group with one broad brush is not too sharp."

So saith the expert of 'not too sharp.'

It actually simple to "paint a whole political group with one broad brush:" it's the reason they belong to the same political party, vote for the same politicians.

Nobody explained that to you before?
I knew that you were not intelligent to understand, but I tried anyways.

So......have you read any of Ann Coulter's scholarly and well documented best sellers, or are you one of those morons who simply nod when the Leftist elites tell you to, and parrot their talking points?

Which is it?

When you get around to actually reading a book, pick up "1984" and you'll find yourself in the audience booing Emmanuel Goldstein.

Ann Coulter wouldn't recognize a scholarly work if it hit her in the Adam's Apple.

So......have you read any of Ann Coulter's scholarly and well documented best sellers, or are you one of those morons who simply nod when the Leftist elites tell you to, and parrot their talking points?

Which is it?

I've heard some of the crap she spews. Why would anyone want to read anything she might write?


So...we find that you have no expertise in the area in which you evince strong views.

This, as I have often posted. is the main characteristic of a Liberal.

You're dismissed.
"Anyone who thinks they can paint a whole political group with one broad brush is not too sharp."

So saith the expert of 'not too sharp.'

It actually simple to "paint a whole political group with one broad brush:" it's the reason they belong to the same political party, vote for the same politicians.

Nobody explained that to you before?
I knew that you were not intelligent to understand, but I tried anyways.

So......have you read any of Ann Coulter's scholarly and well documented best sellers, or are you one of those morons who simply nod when the Leftist elites tell you to, and parrot their talking points?

Which is it?

When you get around to actually reading a book, pick up "1984" and you'll find yourself in the audience booing Emmanuel Goldstein.

Ann Coulter wouldn't recognize a scholarly work if it hit her in the Adam's Apple.

So......have you read any of Ann Coulter's scholarly and well documented best sellers, or are you one of those morons who simply nod when the Leftist elites tell you to, and parrot their talking points?

Which is it?

I've heard some of the crap she spews. Why would anyone want to read anything she might write?

Oh....and, she is known far and wide as a scholar.
This may help the less astute:

"With Coulter, I did the same thing when reading her books. I investigated several of her claims. The difference is, with everyone else I found an error within the first few issues I investigated. With Coulter, I never found an error, so I decided she was a good scholar.

To be objective, I used a random method. I'd already tried checking things that stood out to me. This time I investigated 10 random footnotes from her books. For each one, I picked a book, then I selected a chapter with a random number generator, then I went to the footnotes for that chapter and selected one with a random number generator. Whatever was randomly chosen, I committed to investigate it and reach a conclusion, even if it was hard; reselecting any footnotes would compromise objectivity.

This is not a perfect approach. If 1% of Coulter's footnotes are mistaken, I could miss it. Maybe she approaches her columns with a different respect for scholarship than the books I'm checking (why?). Maybe she has mistakes with no footnote. If I missed something, please tell me (with specifics!). Leave a comment below or email me [email protected]

In my experience, I often find scholarship errors within the first three things I check for an author. Because errors are so common, I think a spot check like this is valuable. If you doubt how common errors are, I recommend you fact check some other authors. Plus, I've already read Coulter's books and checked a few claims I found suspicious, so adding random checking provides good variety and objectivity. And, while reading, I already had the opportunity to spot claims in her books that should have a footnote but don't, or notice other issues.

I checked 10 randomly selected footnotes from 5 Ann Coulter books. For each one, I present my analysis below and I score Coulter's scholarship from 0 to 5 points. Her final average score was 5, which is perfect. (I decided on the scoring system before I started.) I found no scholarship errors. Well done!

In addition to fact checking Coulter myself, I also reviewed other people's criticism and fact checking of Coulter. Click through for details; in summary, their own scholarship was terrible. Also, my friend fact checked one random Coulter cite I gave him, which was correct.
curi: Fact Checking Ann Coulter

And this....
Reviewing her critics: curi: Reviewing Ann Coulter's Critics

a fact check of an attack on Coulter's scholarship. Read it if you want: Fact Checking Al Franken

Ann Coulter wouldn't recognize a scholarly work if it hit her in the Adam's Apple.

Bigotry combined with stupidity form the foundation of the left. You well display that reality here.

I don't like Bill Maher, but I won't deny he is smart. Rachel Madcow is a lying demagogue, but smart enough.

To call Coulter stupid only displays your ignorance and bigotry. It shows that you lack the integrity to provide an accurate account of others, you smear political opponents with zero regard for realty. You seek to attack the enemy of your party and are unconcerned with facts or accuracy.

Wow. you're really defensive of Coulter, aren't you? I don't really care what you think of Maher, or Maddow, but if you put any stock in Coulter, you're nuts, and facts and accuracy have everything to do with that opinion.
Wow. you're really defensive of Coulter, aren't you? I don't really care what you think of Maher, or Maddow, but if you put any stock in Coulter, you're nuts, and facts and accuracy have everything to do with that opinion.

I'm pointing out the reality of you in the demagogue - sociopath party. You slander and libel the enemies of the party with zero regard for facts.

Coulter is but one of thousands your filthy party does this to. Anyone viewed as enemy will be slandered with no regard for accuracy.

"The Politics of Personal Destruction" is how Deplorable Hillary defined your tactics.

Basically, democrats follow the methods of Josef Goebbels and Pol Pot; the more outrageous the lie you tell against enemies of the party, the better.
Wow. you're really defensive of Coulter, aren't you? I don't really care what you think of Maher, or Maddow, but if you put any stock in Coulter, you're nuts, and facts and accuracy have everything to do with that opinion.

I'm pointing out the reality of you in the demagogue - sociopath party. You slander and libel the enemies of the party with zero regard for facts.

Coulter is but one of thousands your filthy party does this to. Anyone viewed as enemy will be slandered with no regard for accuracy.

"The Politics of Personal Destruction" is how Deplorable Hillary defined your tactics.

Basically, democrats follow the methods of Josef Goebbels and Pol Pot; the more outrageous the lie you tell against enemies of the party, the better.

You refer to y party as a filthy party and then whine about slander and liable? You're just as nuts as Coulter. The only difference is that she figured out how to make money from your hateful life.

Ann Coulter wouldn't recognize a scholarly work if it hit her in the Adam's Apple.

Bigotry combined with stupidity form the foundation of the left. You well display that reality here.

I don't like Bill Maher, but I won't deny he is smart. Rachel Madcow is a lying demagogue, but smart enough.

To call Coulter stupid only displays your ignorance and bigotry. It shows that you lack the integrity to provide an accurate account of others, you smear political opponents with zero regard for realty. You seek to attack the enemy of your party and are unconcerned with facts or accuracy.

Wow. you're really defensive of Coulter, aren't you? I don't really care what you think of Maher, or Maddow, but if you put any stock in Coulter, you're nuts, and facts and accuracy have everything to do with that opinion.

I do so appreciate you leaving all the "duhs" out of your post.

I'm certain they must irritate those who have the unfortunate event of having to listen to you actually speak.
Last edited:

You refer to y party as a filthy party and then whine about slander and liable? You're just as nuts as Coulter. The only difference is that she figured out how to make money from your hateful life.

Your party is filthy. It stands next to the Nazis and Khmer Rouge. The modern democratic party has no redeeming qualities and is more a criminal organization than a legitimate political party.

You know this, it is much of what you love of the party.

You refer to y party as a filthy party and then whine about slander and liable? You're just as nuts as Coulter. The only difference is that she figured out how to make money from your hateful life.

Your party is filthy. It stands next to the Nazis and Khmer Rouge. The modern democratic party has no redeeming qualities and is more a criminal organization than a legitimate political party.

You know this, it is much of what you love of the party.

No Nazis were conservatives - patriotic, commie hating, militaristic, authoritarian. All of the things that you think make conservatives great. Notice how American Nazis flock to the Republican Party. It's their natural home.

You refer to y party as a filthy party and then whine about slander and liable? You're just as nuts as Coulter. The only difference is that she figured out how to make money from your hateful life.

Your party is filthy. It stands next to the Nazis and Khmer Rouge. The modern democratic party has no redeeming qualities and is more a criminal organization than a legitimate political party.

You know this, it is much of what you love of the party.

No Nazis were conservatives - patriotic, commie hating, militaristic, authoritarian. All of the things that you think make conservatives great. Notice how American Nazis flock to the Republican Party. It's their natural home.

Gads, you're stupid.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"

All of these are consubstantial, based on their aims and ultimate hopes for society:
Nazis, socialists, fascists, Liberals, Progressives and communists.

Classical liberals, known today as conservatives, endorse individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets. did you become such a dunce?
No Nazis were conservatives - patriotic, commie hating, militaristic, authoritarian. All of the things that you think make conservatives great. Notice how American Nazis flock to the Republican Party. It's their natural home.

That you are ignorant and spew bullshit does not alter reality,

And I see zero American Nazis - much less any in the Republican party.

What I see is mindless bigots like you spewing demagoguery which is based on nothing more than hate rhymes taught to vicious and stupid animals like you, over at the Soros hate sites.

We ponder how horrors like the holocaust and killing fields happened. The answer of course is you - people who are utterly without thought, but filled with malice, who will speak and support any evil just to have an identity in a group.

You refer to y party as a filthy party and then whine about slander and liable? You're just as nuts as Coulter. The only difference is that she figured out how to make money from your hateful life.

Your party is filthy. It stands next to the Nazis and Khmer Rouge. The modern democratic party has no redeeming qualities and is more a criminal organization than a legitimate political party.

You know this, it is much of what you love of the party.

Yes you're another brain dead idiot.
When Liberals/Progressives hear the words ‘ studies show,’ or ‘experts say,’ they cease to ‘question authority.’ Hence the appellation…'Lock-Step Liberals'

But there is a dark side....a darker side...that leads from that bodes the end of Western Civilization.

1. " All sides agree: progressive politics is strangling social sciences" MercatorNet: All sides agree: progressive politics is strangling social sciences
Real advances are stymied by the strangle hold that Progressives have on academia.

2." If you thought that the progressive bias in social sciences was considered a problem only by tradition-minded folk, you might be surprised to hear the views of celebrity skeptic, Michael Shermer in Scientific American earlier this year:

A 2015 study by psychologist José Duarte, then at Arizona State University, and his colleagues in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, entitled “Political Diversity Will Improve Social Psychological Science,” found that 58 to 66 percent of social scientists are liberal and only 5 to 8 percent conservative and that there are eight Democrats for every Republican.
How does this political asymmetry corrupt social science? It begins with what subjects are studied and the descriptive language employed.

Duarte et al. find similar distortive language across the social sciences, where, for instance, certain words are used to suggest pernicious motives when confronting contradictory evidence—“deny,” “legitimize,” “rationalize,” “justify,” “defend,” “trivialize”—with conservatives as examples, as if liberals are always objective and rational." Ibid.

3. If our Liberal/Progressive/Democrat voters where bright enough, they would have caught on to the scam long go.... conservative/traditional observers have.

4. But hold on! Some Liberals not only caught on....but have the honesty to declaim it!
" As Jesse Singal puts it at New York magazine, discussing a liberal critique, Alice Dreger’s Galileo’s Middle Finger,
If activists—any activists, regardless of their political orientation or the rightness of their cause—get to decide by fiat what is and isn’t an acceptable interpretation of the world, then science is pointless, and we should just throw the whole damn thing out." Ibid.

Just as I said.....Liberals/Progressives presage the end of our civilization.

how cute. the cut and paste queen comes up with fake "studies".


Well.....looks like I have to say it again:
I'm never wrong!

And, I say that as a conservative....

Studies like this, that are hidden by Liberals:
10. "...University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus, whose 2012 “New Family Structures Study,” showed different outcomes in the lives of children raised by a parent who has same-sex relationships and those raised by their married, biological parents [IBFs].

For instance, a recent federal report showed that children in heterosexual families are least likely to be sexually, physically, or emotionally abused in an intact, biological, married family."

And our pal, Jillian....says 'fake studies.'

Then, this turns the child in the actual family memorialized in "Heather Has Two Mommies."

Check what she says:
"Do you remember that book, “Heather Has Two Mommies”? That was my life. My mom, her partner, and I lived in a cozy little house in the ‘burbs of a very liberal and open-minded area.

I’m writing to you because I’m letting myself out of the closet: I don’t support gay marriage.

Same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn’t matter. That it’s all the same. But it’s not. A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting. My father’s absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.

But by and large, the best and most successful family structure is one in which kids are being raised by both their mother and father.
Gay marriage doesn’t just redefine marriage, but also parenting. It promotes and normalizes a family structure that necessarily denies us something precious and foundational.

...children of same-sex parents haven’t been given the same voice. It’s not just me. There are so many of us. Many of us are too scared to speak up and tell you about our hurt and pain, because for whatever reason it feels like you’re not listening. That you don’t want to hear. If we say we are hurting because we were raised by same-sex parents, we are either ignored or labeled a hater."
Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting

Conservatives....right again.

Liberals....thoughtless and easily led....too cowardly to admit the truth.
No Nazis were conservatives - patriotic, commie hating, militaristic, authoritarian. All of the things that you think make conservatives great. Notice how American Nazis flock to the Republican Party. It's their natural home.

That you are ignorant and spew bullshit does not alter reality,

And I see zero American Nazis - much less any in the Republican party.

What I see is mindless bigots like you spewing demagoguery which is based on nothing more than hate rhymes taught to vicious and stupid animals like you, over at the Soros hate sites.

We ponder how horrors like the holocaust and killing fields happened. The answer of course is you - people who are utterly without thought, but filled with malice, who will speak and support any evil just to have an identity in a group.

You know nothing about me. And your speculations about me say much more about you than me.

I don't identify with any group. I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and I vote for the best candidate in my riding. I am not even an American, which you would know if you bothered to read the information under my name.
Well.....looks like I have to say it again:
I'm never wrong!


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