Studies Say This About Progressives....

We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s. Sure there were race issues in areas, today we do our best to make matters worse, even if it means a lie.

There were fewer people, kids learned responsibility and were disciplined. We had great music and entertainment. We were far more respectful. We couldn't just watch say the Wizard of Oz anytime we like, it came on once a year. We had great comedy acts, and they didn't have to cuss to get a laugh. We held people accountable, just ask Richard Nixon. We passed time with our friends, playing ball, games, fishing, riding bikes. Our water was clean, the sky more blue, and we could go up to Lake Tahoe anytime we liked and not fight the crowds. We were less entitled, more productive, and really, our country was only game in town, and we were ready to peak economically. The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense. Did I mention more effective and efficient?

There are lots of reasons we've reached saturation, and liberal narrative is just one. Say, interesting read I'm sure many of you have seen. 45 Declarations for Communist Takeover. Very cool recipe.
I don't identify with any group. I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and I vote for the best candidate in my riding.
Beautiful. So you're that extra special kind of stupid that is collapsing nations around the world. As insanely stupid as progressives are for their social views, and least they do have the common sense to realize they have to pay for the idiotic socialism.
I am not even an American
Then why the fuck are you even here?!? :uhh:

Why do all of these idiot foreigners believe we somehow give a shit what they think? I would never have the audacity to go into a Canadian political site and start telling them how to run their country.
which you would know if you bothered to read the information under my name.
I'm sorry - I didn't realize I was supposed to click on the name of everyone who posts and memorize their biography. :eusa_doh:
One thing is for certain - you don't need a "study" to see that progressives are whiny, desperate, inappropriate children trying to influence everyone in very inappropriate settings. The idiotic people cannot seem to learn how to be professional, mature, adults. One has no business bringing up their political ideology, their religion, their sexual preferences, or anything else in the work place. Let's hope this results in the professor being terminated and that potential employers see this and reject him.

Math professor caught on video getting political during class: ‘I’m not gonna tell you who to vote for, but…’
When Liberals/Progressives hear the words ‘ studies show,’ or ‘experts say,’ they cease to ‘question authority.’ Hence the appellation…'Lock-Step Liberals'

But there is a dark side....a darker side...that leads from that bodes the end of Western Civilization.

1. " All sides agree: progressive politics is strangling social sciences" MercatorNet: All sides agree: progressive politics is strangling social sciences
Real advances are stymied by the strangle hold that Progressives have on academia.

2." If you thought that the progressive bias in social sciences was considered a problem only by tradition-minded folk, you might be surprised to hear the views of celebrity skeptic, Michael Shermer in Scientific American earlier this year:

A 2015 study by psychologist José Duarte, then at Arizona State University, and his colleagues in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, entitled “Political Diversity Will Improve Social Psychological Science,” found that 58 to 66 percent of social scientists are liberal and only 5 to 8 percent conservative and that there are eight Democrats for every Republican.
How does this political asymmetry corrupt social science? It begins with what subjects are studied and the descriptive language employed.

Duarte et al. find similar distortive language across the social sciences, where, for instance, certain words are used to suggest pernicious motives when confronting contradictory evidence—“deny,” “legitimize,” “rationalize,” “justify,” “defend,” “trivialize”—with conservatives as examples, as if liberals are always objective and rational." Ibid.

3. If our Liberal/Progressive/Democrat voters where bright enough, they would have caught on to the scam long go.... conservative/traditional observers have.

4. But hold on! Some Liberals not only caught on....but have the honesty to declaim it!
" As Jesse Singal puts it at New York magazine, discussing a liberal critique, Alice Dreger’s Galileo’s Middle Finger,
If activists—any activists, regardless of their political orientation or the rightness of their cause—get to decide by fiat what is and isn’t an acceptable interpretation of the world, then science is pointless, and we should just throw the whole damn thing out." Ibid.

Just as I said.....Liberals/Progressives presage the end of our civilization.

Liberals hate diversity of thought.

If you don't agree with them, they will personally attack you.
We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s.
Thank God. The two worst decades in U.S. history. The 1960's was filled with smelly, filthy hippies who refused to get a job and spread diseases with their promiscuity. The 1970's was the era of cocaine (along with the 1980's in all fairness), political corruption, and the second worst economy in U.S. history (under Jimmy Carter).
Our water was clean
This is what is known as delusional memory bias. The water was so filthy in the 1960's and 1970's that the Cuyahoga River caught on fire in 1969! That's right - the water caught on fire. Here is a picture of it:

the sky more blue
Again...really? Let's look at the smog over Los Angeles then and now:


The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense.
Again...more inaccurate than your previous statements. As a nation, we were far more progressive back then and thus far more corrupt. Absolutely everything from city hall to the police departments was up for sale to Paul Castellano and the mafia in New York City. We had tons more unions and they were corrupt as hell of course.
Did I mention more effective and efficient?
Did I mention that is as inaccurate as everything else you stated? You call snail mail more "efficient" than email? You call finding and pulling over at a phone booth more "efficient" than cell phones? You call dropping loads of cash to fly across the country for a meeting more "efficient" than leveraging the internet to instantly video conference someone across the globe?

You refer to y party as a filthy party and then whine about slander and liable? You're just as nuts as Coulter. The only difference is that she figured out how to make money from your hateful life.

Your party is filthy. It stands next to the Nazis and Khmer Rouge. The modern democratic party has no redeeming qualities and is more a criminal organization than a legitimate political party.

You know this, it is much of what you love of the party.

No Nazis were conservatives - patriotic, commie hating, militaristic, authoritarian. All of the things that you think make conservatives great. Notice how American Nazis flock to the Republican Party. It's their natural home.

Gads, you're a dunce.

Liberals, Fascists, Nazis, Socialist.....peas in a pod.

Every one of these doctrines has the very same endgame in mind for society...

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

3. The Litmus Test is whether the doctrine idolizes the individual or idolizes the collective...

"Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual") concretizes the collectivist belief that individuals have no rights and that "the greater good" is the only standard of value. Under such a system, man is not an end to himself, only a tool to be sacrificed for the Führer, autocrat or ruling mob.

Only capitalism regards man as a sovereign individual with an inalienable right to his own life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government recognition and protection of individual rights is the hallmark of a moral, peaceful, productive society.
Sipsey Street Irregulars: The lie before the crime. "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual")

These are the 'shameful six'...
Liberalism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Progressivism, and Communism.

The Democrat Party is an amalgam of the six.
We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s.
Thank God. The two worst decades in U.S. history. The 1960's was filled with smelly, filthy hippies who refused to get a job and spread diseases with their promiscuity. The 1970's was the era of cocaine (along with the 1980's in all fairness), political corruption, and the second worst economy in U.S. history (under Jimmy Carter).
Our water was clean
This is what is known as delusional memory bias. The water was so filthy in the 1960's and 1970's that the Cuyahoga River caught on fire in 1969! That's right - the water caught on fire. Here is a picture of it:
View attachment 95543
the sky more blue
Again...really? Let's look at the smog over Los Angeles then and now:

View attachment 95544
The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense.
Again...more inaccurate than your previous statements. As a nation, we were far more progressive back then and thus far more corrupt. Absolutely everything from city hall to the police departments was up for sale to Paul Castellano and the mafia in New York City. We had tons more unions and they were corrupt as hell of course.
Did I mention more effective and efficient?
Did I mention that is as inaccurate as everything else you stated? You call snail mail more "efficient" than email? You call finding and pulling over at a phone booth more "efficient" than cell phones? You call dropping loads of cash to fly across the country for a meeting more "efficient" than leveraging the internet to instantly video conference someone across the globe?

Gee.....sure looks like I should be glad I missed all that stuff.....
We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s. Sure there were race issues in areas, today we do our best to make matters worse, even if it means a lie.

There were fewer people, kids learned responsibility and were disciplined. We had great music and entertainment. We were far more respectful. We couldn't just watch say the Wizard of Oz anytime we like, it came on once a year. We had great comedy acts, and they didn't have to cuss to get a laugh. We held people accountable, just ask Richard Nixon. We passed time with our friends, playing ball, games, fishing, riding bikes. Our water was clean, the sky more blue, and we could go up to Lake Tahoe anytime we liked and not fight the crowds. We were less entitled, more productive, and really, our country was only game in town, and we were ready to peak economically. The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense. Did I mention more effective and efficient?

There are lots of reasons we've reached saturation, and liberal narrative is just one. Say, interesting read I'm sure many of you have seen. 45 Declarations for Communist Takeover. Very cool recipe.

Like most idiotic conservatives, you're viewing the past through rose-colored glasses, or a Donna Reed episode. In fact, the Nixon created the EPA in the early 70s because the 60s revealed some of the most polluted water and air we'd ever seen (Cuyahoga River caught on fire in the 60s). Blacks in the South couldn't attend college, vote, or sit at a lunch counter with whites. Men could rape and beat their wives essentially free of reprisal from the courts, and the violent crime rate was much higher. Gays could be fired or evicted at will if their lifestyle was discovered.

But hey, who needs facts, right?
We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s.
Thank God. The two worst decades in U.S. history. The 1960's was filled with smelly, filthy hippies who refused to get a job and spread diseases with their promiscuity. The 1970's was the era of cocaine (along with the 1980's in all fairness), political corruption, and the second worst economy in U.S. history (under Jimmy Carter).
Our water was clean
This is what is known as delusional memory bias. The water was so filthy in the 1960's and 1970's that the Cuyahoga River caught on fire in 1969! That's right - the water caught on fire. Here is a picture of it:
View attachment 95543
the sky more blue
Again...really? Let's look at the smog over Los Angeles then and now:

View attachment 95544
The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense.
Again...more inaccurate than your previous statements. As a nation, we were far more progressive back then and thus far more corrupt. Absolutely everything from city hall to the police departments was up for sale to Paul Castellano and the mafia in New York City. We had tons more unions and they were corrupt as hell of course.
Did I mention more effective and efficient?
Did I mention that is as inaccurate as everything else you stated? You call snail mail more "efficient" than email? You call finding and pulling over at a phone booth more "efficient" than cell phones? You call dropping loads of cash to fly across the country for a meeting more "efficient" than leveraging the internet to instantly video conference someone across the globe?

Gee.....sure looks like I should be glad I missed all that stuff.....

LOL @ you creating a fantasy "conservative woman". We all know you're a 60-year-old guy with jock itch.
We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s.
Thank God. The two worst decades in U.S. history. The 1960's was filled with smelly, filthy hippies who refused to get a job and spread diseases with their promiscuity. The 1970's was the era of cocaine (along with the 1980's in all fairness), political corruption, and the second worst economy in U.S. history (under Jimmy Carter).
Our water was clean
This is what is known as delusional memory bias. The water was so filthy in the 1960's and 1970's that the Cuyahoga River caught on fire in 1969! That's right - the water caught on fire. Here is a picture of it:
View attachment 95543
the sky more blue
Again...really? Let's look at the smog over Los Angeles then and now:

View attachment 95544
The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense.
Again...more inaccurate than your previous statements. As a nation, we were far more progressive back then and thus far more corrupt. Absolutely everything from city hall to the police departments was up for sale to Paul Castellano and the mafia in New York City. We had tons more unions and they were corrupt as hell of course.
Did I mention more effective and efficient?
Did I mention that is as inaccurate as everything else you stated? You call snail mail more "efficient" than email? You call finding and pulling over at a phone booth more "efficient" than cell phones? You call dropping loads of cash to fly across the country for a meeting more "efficient" than leveraging the internet to instantly video conference someone across the globe?

Gee.....sure looks like I should be glad I missed all that stuff.....

LOL @ you creating a fantasy "conservative woman". We all know you're a 60-year-old guy with jock itch.

"We all know..." fearful of standing on their own two feet.
Cowards who try to hide in the mob.

Here, the insight to understand those Liberals:

"While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise and ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals.

The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."
Coulter, "Demonic," ch. 14
We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s.
Thank God. The two worst decades in U.S. history. The 1960's was filled with smelly, filthy hippies who refused to get a job and spread diseases with their promiscuity. The 1970's was the era of cocaine (along with the 1980's in all fairness), political corruption, and the second worst economy in U.S. history (under Jimmy Carter).
Our water was clean
This is what is known as delusional memory bias. The water was so filthy in the 1960's and 1970's that the Cuyahoga River caught on fire in 1969! That's right - the water caught on fire. Here is a picture of it:
View attachment 95543
the sky more blue
Again...really? Let's look at the smog over Los Angeles then and now:

View attachment 95544
The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense.
Again...more inaccurate than your previous statements. As a nation, we were far more progressive back then and thus far more corrupt. Absolutely everything from city hall to the police departments was up for sale to Paul Castellano and the mafia in New York City. We had tons more unions and they were corrupt as hell of course.
Did I mention more effective and efficient?
Did I mention that is as inaccurate as everything else you stated? You call snail mail more "efficient" than email? You call finding and pulling over at a phone booth more "efficient" than cell phones? You call dropping loads of cash to fly across the country for a meeting more "efficient" than leveraging the internet to instantly video conference someone across the globe?

Gee.....sure looks like I should be glad I missed all that stuff.....

LOL @ you creating a fantasy "conservative woman". We all know you're a 60-year-old guy with jock itch.

"We all know..." fearful of standing on their own two feet.
Cowards who try to hide in the mob.

Here, the insight to understand those Liberals:

"While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise and ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals.

The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."
Coulter, "Demonic," ch. 14

Notice the lack of denial!
We're in saturation, that's apparent. At 55 years old, I can say those much younger than me will never experience the life we had in 60s and 70s.
Thank God. The two worst decades in U.S. history. The 1960's was filled with smelly, filthy hippies who refused to get a job and spread diseases with their promiscuity. The 1970's was the era of cocaine (along with the 1980's in all fairness), political corruption, and the second worst economy in U.S. history (under Jimmy Carter).
Our water was clean
This is what is known as delusional memory bias. The water was so filthy in the 1960's and 1970's that the Cuyahoga River caught on fire in 1969! That's right - the water caught on fire. Here is a picture of it:
View attachment 95543
the sky more blue
Again...really? Let's look at the smog over Los Angeles then and now:

View attachment 95544
The standard of living was much better. We were in fact more conservative, but we were less corrupt had a heck of a lot more horse sense.
Again...more inaccurate than your previous statements. As a nation, we were far more progressive back then and thus far more corrupt. Absolutely everything from city hall to the police departments was up for sale to Paul Castellano and the mafia in New York City. We had tons more unions and they were corrupt as hell of course.
Did I mention more effective and efficient?
Did I mention that is as inaccurate as everything else you stated? You call snail mail more "efficient" than email? You call finding and pulling over at a phone booth more "efficient" than cell phones? You call dropping loads of cash to fly across the country for a meeting more "efficient" than leveraging the internet to instantly video conference someone across the globe?

Gee.....sure looks like I should be glad I missed all that stuff.....

LOL @ you creating a fantasy "conservative woman". We all know you're a 60-year-old guy with jock itch.

"We all know..." fearful of standing on their own two feet.
Cowards who try to hide in the mob.

Here, the insight to understand those Liberals:

"While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise and ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals.

The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."
Coulter, "Demonic," ch. 14

Notice the lack of denial! fearful of standing on their own two feet.
Cowards who try to hide in the mob.

Notice the lack of denial!
When Liberals/Progressives hear the words ‘ studies show,’ or ‘experts say,’ they cease to ‘question authority.’ Hence the appellation…'Lock-Step Liberals'

Right wing blowhards just love that false feeling of superiority they get lying about liberals.
When Liberals/Progressives hear the words ‘ studies show,’ or ‘experts say,’ they cease to ‘question authority.’ Hence the appellation…'Lock-Step Liberals'

Right wing blowhards just love that false feeling of superiority they get lying about liberals.

Is Bill's wife the candidate of the Liberals???

Of course she is. this: is she, as William Safire wrote in the NYTime....a "congenital liar"?

Of course she is.

Let's apply a real science, mathematics:
Transitive Property of Equality
If a = b and b = c, then a = c.

The reality is that Liberalism is based on lies, and Liberals are committed to telling, advancing, and supporting lies.

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