Study claims ‘highly engineered explosive’ found in WTC rubble

Eots nightmare!


and why would you consider this my nightmare ??? it because your little mind has been programed to associate JFK or 911 truth with paranoia...because I have no fear of my neighbours or community..I have no fears anyone is spying on or has any interest in me anymore than they do everyone fluff for brains..when are you going to post the link on melting stoves or Carlin's attacks on conspiracy theory's....uh never.. because none
of it many of your statements...baseless
Eots nightmare!

hey, watch Eots video title "WTC Meteorite"
and tell me if you dont see paper fused in that massive blob

as someone who has never welded or used arc or plasma don't even know how stupid you you...
how do you know i have never done any of that?

and besides, what the fuck would that have to do with the fact that that so called Meteorite has PAPER in it
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Eots nightmare!

hey, watch Eots video title "WTC Meteorite"
and tell me if you dont see paper fused in that massive blob

Damn you DiveCon ...

LOL ....

... what will they think up next, it looks like a bunch of rusted trash drudged up in from the canal.

again you don't even realise how uniformed you are...troofers don't have the meteorite it is
held by the government and was on early news story's to show the intense heat..until to many people began to question where this much heat could come from..and NIST changed their theory... TO ONLY HOT ENOUGH TO WEAKEN STEEL.............idiot
hey, watch Eots video title "WTC Meteorite"
and tell me if you dont see paper fused in that massive blob

Damn you DiveCon ...

LOL ....

... what will they think up next, it looks like a bunch of rusted trash drudged up in from the canal.

again you don't even realise how uniformed you are...troofers don't have the meteorite it is
held by the government and was on early news story's to show the intense heat..until to many people began to question where this much heat could come from..and NIST changed their theory... TO ONLY HOT ENOUGH TO WEAKEN STEEL.............idiot
so, how "intense" could that heat have been, if there is PAPER in it?
Damn you DiveCon ...

LOL ....

... what will they think up next, it looks like a bunch of rusted trash drudged up in from the canal.

again you don't even realise how uniformed you are...troofers don't have the meteorite it is
held by the government and was on early news story's to show the intense heat..until to many people began to question where this much heat could come from..and NIST changed their theory... TO ONLY HOT ENOUGH TO WEAKEN STEEL.............idiot
so, how "intense" could that heat have been, if there is PAPER in it?

Remember how EOTS and his buddies scream bloody murder when a passport is found? BUT paper in a molten rock? No problem at all.
hey, watch Eots video title "WTC Meteorite"
and tell me if you dont see paper fused in that massive blob

as someone who has never welded or used arc or plasma don't even know how stupid you you...
how do you know i have never done any of that?

and besides, what the fuck would that have to do with the fact that that so called Meteorite has PAPER in it

I know by how you talk...and the assumptions you make..maybe you played with one...once
as someone who has never welded or used arc or plasma don't even know how stupid you you...
how do you know i have never done any of that?

and besides, what the fuck would that have to do with the fact that that so called Meteorite has PAPER in it

I know by how you talk...and the assumptions you make..maybe you played with one...once
no, you THINK you know
just like you assumed my saying "you claim to be a diver" was somehow a slam
i have no proof you ever were, i took you at your word

but that also has nothing to do with the fact that "meteorite" has PAPER in it
again you don't even realise how uniformed you are...troofers don't have the meteorite it is
held by the government and was on early news story's to show the intense heat..until to many people began to question where this much heat could come from..and NIST changed their theory... TO ONLY HOT ENOUGH TO WEAKEN STEEL.............idiot
so, how "intense" could that heat have been, if there is PAPER in it?

Remember how EOTS and his buddies scream bloody murder when a passport is found? BUT paper in a molten rock? No problem at all.

something sticking on the surface of a molten object means nothing....but finding a passport within hours of the attack on the a bit much,,where are everyone else's wallets purses etc...and then in shanksville same thing... pentagon same nonsense

[ame=]YouTube - 911 Flight 93 - The Indestructible Red Bandana[/ame]
so, how "intense" could that heat have been, if there is PAPER in it?

Remember how EOTS and his buddies scream bloody murder when a passport is found? BUT paper in a molten rock? No problem at all.

something sticking on the surface of a molten object means nothing....but finding a passport within hours of the attack on the a bit much,,where are everyone else's wallets purses etc...and then in shanksville same thing... pentagon same nonsense

[ame=]YouTube - 911 Flight 93 - The Indestructible Red Bandana[/ame]

Except for the simple FACT that stuff like this happens in EVER Plane crash or disaster. We have a wealth of information on previous crashes , fires and destroyed structures and in everyone someone has found some thing that makes little sense it could have survived.

You would think someone so busy "searching" for the truth would know these simple facts.
*pout* I made yur thred mores fun and no tank yu? disgraced the memory of 3000 murdered people denied justice
but then I guess thats the stupid philosophy you put forth in your sig...
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*pout* I made yur thred mores fun and no tank yu? disgraced the memory of 3000 murdered people denied justice
but then I guess thats the stupid philosophy you put forth in your sig...

The disgrace is idiots like you INSISTING the Government was behind it. All with out anything other then, "well we think so".

oh there is a lot more than just because I think so...dont pretend

so these men are idiots....

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report disgraced the memory of 3000 murdered people denied justice
but then I guess thats the stupid philosophy you put forth in your sig...

The disgrace is idiots like you INSISTING the Government was behind it. All with out anything other then, "well we think so".

oh there is a lot more than just because I think so...dont pretend

so these men are idiots....

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

You disgrace those men as well. Go ahead tell us how many are on the list THEN tell us how many actually believe the Government did it. I am beyond tired of your lies and misleading bullshit. Just for you DUMB FUCK.... just because some one wants a new investigation does NOT mean they think the Government did it. Read your own damn links.

I wish the people you lie about would sue your ass for it.

If you actually had any real evidence we would not be listening to you on a fringe forum of this board. We would be seeing it in the news as court cases were filed and proceeded through the system.

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