Study: Elderly Trump voters dying of coronavirus could cost him in November

its over for Mr Trump!

He-he, you ARE a loon, bb!
dont shoot the messenger!
But you're a LOVABLE loon!
Seriously?? Who comes up with this crap anyway?
Wishful thinking by the hair-on-fire crowd

most of the deaths are in deep blue cities, in deep blue states, that were going for whoever the dems nominate
If it’s bad for America or even humanity in general then it’s good for Democrats. That’s a spiritual law.
Seriously?? Who comes up with this crap anyway?

Experts in the field. You know, the same people you hate.

Just because you are too lazy to actually click that link and understand what those words mean and say, doesn't mean their words are wrong.

Do you want someone who has no experience in medicine and heart surgery to do open heart surgery on you? Or do you want the best expert you can find and afford? Do want to drive over a bridge designed and built by someone who doesn't know what they're doing or do you want an expert in their field to build that bridge?

I swear, just because you don't like what they have to say doesn't mean they're wrong. You would rather people tell you pretty lies tied up in a bow than real honest truth based on facts.

Which is exactly how we have gotten into the total catastrophe we're in now.
Seriously?? Who comes up with this crap anyway?

Experts in the field. You know, the same people you hate.

Just because you are too lazy to actually click that link and understand what those words mean and say, doesn't mean their words are wrong.

Do you want someone who has no experience in medicine and heart surgery to do open heart surgery on you? Or do you want the best expert you can find and afford? Do want to drive over a bridge designed and built by someone who doesn't know what they're doing or do you want an expert in their field to build that bridge?

I swear, just because you don't like what they have to say doesn't mean they're wrong. You would rather people tell you pretty lies tied up in a bow than real honest truth based on facts.

Which is exactly how we have gotten into the total catastrophe we're in now.
Honey, you bloviate. On and on and on. First and foremost. You and the author obviously think of an individual as a vote, just a body, rather than a person, to even be considering such an asinine article. Secondly. The shrill is becoming deafening. Hope you wear ear plugs.
The KungFlu has been sweeping thru the ghettos where there's not a repub for 80 miles in any direction. This gets about 4 pinocchios and 3 who-gives-a-shits.....
I have to give them props. They are hoping to get people to believe that democrats actually have a chance. The states that were going to go to Trump have the least deaths. Most independents are not going to vote for an Alzheimer's patient.
its over for Mr Trump!

Somebody's either stupid, illiterate or both. The ones dying like flies are in deep blue big city territory especially the dumbass hub of the universe, New York City,
May wanna reconsider since the virus is wreaking havoc in the Northeast and 8 of the top 10 states with the most infections and deaths are blue.

Well I don't know. Once liberals have bankrupted their states they move to states that were more responsible and expect a golden mattress to be rolled beneath them.
to all the haters:

dont forget to refresh this thread in November when your boy Trump loses!

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