Study: Google is the biggest beneficiary of the GDPR


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Say it ain't so!....Huge regulatory bureaucracies favor Big Bidness, while squeezing the little guys to the margins?!?

One thing is certain: Google benefits indirectly from the effects of the GDPR, which led the online advertising market in Europe to become more concentrated, as the majority of advertisers lose market share. Google seems to have successfully taken advantage of the uncertainty around GDPR to further solidify its leading market position. On the other hand, many smaller competitors have been steadily losing market share since the GDPR came into effect.

Study: Google is the biggest beneficiary of the GDPR

And who was one of the biggest pimps of all for so-called "net neutrality" regulations?...You guessed it: Google.
First, I have been using Google since it started in the late 1990's. I started using Gmail when it was launched in 2004-05. At the time, you were only given an invitation to have a Gmail account (it wasn't part of the Google site at the time). All of that time, I have never used my "real" name. Even when making a screen name. So, they can track me all they want. I never put any personal information anywhere on the site. So, even if and when, they were tracking me, they were only tracking me for advertising purposes.

Secondly, just like Facebook, Twitter and other sites, Google is a company. People should know they would be tracked at any given time. There is no "privacy". Even though, they state it on their site's TOS. People have a choice, whether to accept the TOS, or choose to opt out and not use their site. Since they are a public company, they can pretty much do whatever they want. It's up to the users to either accept the fact, or go somewhere else (yes, I know I just said that).

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