Study: Obamacare threatens 3.2 million small business jobs


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
you voted for it


March 22, 2013 | 9:03 am | Modified: March 22, 2013 at 9:05 am

Over one-third of the 9.1 million full-time jobs among America's diverse business franchises could be cut back or eliminated by Obamacare as small businesses struggle to maintain profitability while coughing up money to pay for Washington-mandated health care coverage, according to the International Franchise Association.

The threat of hitting 3.2 million full-time workers as the Affordable Care Act takes effect next year is prompting the owners of fast food restaurants, service companies and other franchises to urge Congress to make significant changes in Obamacare.

To help their cause, the association on Friday released a new state-by-state breakdown on the potential impact on jobs in the bull's eye of Obamacare, which declares that a 30-hour week is full-time, not the industry accepted 40 hours. That 10-hour difference has thousands of franchise owners scrambling to either fund healthcare for those working 30 hours, or cut hours back to below 30 hours.

"The ACA has made health care an inextricable cost of running a small business in America and continues to evolve with regard to its cost and complexity for franchisees and franchisors as the law becomes fully implemented ahead of 2014," said IFA Senior Vice President of Government Relations & Public Policy Judith Thorman. "Preparing your franchise business to deal with the ACA should be a top priority for franchisees and franchisors."

all of it here
Study: Obamacare threatens 3.2 million small business jobs |
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So again.

Let's get rid of employer based health care and replace it with a government single payer system.

Problem solved.

You guys not only opppsoed single payer, you opposed a public option, a medicare buy in for those over 55, and anything else that would have reduced the role of employers in providing insurance.

Here's the problem I have with the whiny small businessmen who are claiming they can't afford to insure their employees.

The rest of us end up picking up your slack. Whether it be having to carry them on insurance plans of family members of companies that can still afford the benefit or when their employees show up at emergency rooms for colds, the rest of us are paying their freight.
Also heard this morning on the news that 6 out of 10 doctors interviewed said they planned on retiring early, and there is a shortage of doctors already to replace them, and young people in college are changing their majors to anything but being a doctor, all because of obamacare.

The only logical thing to do is repeal obamacare.
Also heard this morning on the news that 6 out of 10 doctors interviewed said they planned on retiring early, and there is a shortage of doctors already to replace them, and young people in college are changing their majors to anything but being a doctor, all because of obamacare.

The only logical thing to do is repeal obamacare.

Well, you need to stop listenting to Hate Radio, then.
that was your Dear leaders plan all along..single payer...he doesn't think anything about using YOUR monies as he thinks we are ALL RICH

[ame=]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]
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Also heard this morning on the news that 6 out of 10 doctors interviewed said they planned on retiring early, and there is a shortage of doctors already to replace them, and young people in college are changing their majors to anything but being a doctor, all because of obamacare.

The only logical thing to do is repeal obamacare.

Well, you need to stop listenting to Hate Radio, then.

No, you need to stop being a commie.
that was your Dear leaders plan all along..single payer


You mean that he recognized it was the inevitable solution?

Here's the problem with employer based health care-

It doesn't work. If it did, we wouldn't need Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, SCHIP, to cover all the people that businesses can't make money on and private insurance doesn't want to insure.
Also heard this morning on the news that 6 out of 10 doctors interviewed said they planned on retiring early, and there is a shortage of doctors already to replace them, and young people in college are changing their majors to anything but being a doctor, all because of obamacare.

The only logical thing to do is repeal obamacare.

Well, you need to stop listenting to Hate Radio, then.

No, you need to stop being a commie.

No, you need to stop being an idiot.

Frankly, if someone is a doctor because he wants to get rich, I'm not sure I want that guy cutting on me. I'm not sure why you'd want him to.
Obama and his comrades in arms had to "reel" you all in slowly for their real AGENDA, single payer
Well, you need to stop listenting to Hate Radio, then.

No, you need to stop being a commie.

No, you need to stop being an idiot.

Frankly, if someone is a doctor because he wants to get rich, I'm not sure I want that guy cutting on me. I'm not sure why you'd want him to.

No, you need to pull your head out of obama's bung hole.

obamacare is nothing more than a government take over of the health care industry, and just like everything else government has their greedy fingers in, they will ruin it. The damage obamacare has and will do is become more clear every day, and so is the need to repeal it, which will happen sooner or later. Even democrats are realizing they really fucked up voting on a bill they DIDN'T READ....

not pretty

[ame=]Rep Jan Schakowsky pushes single payer healthcare - YouTube[/ame]
Obama and his comrades in arms had to "reel" you all in slowly for their real AGENDA, single payer

Quite the contrary, I think Obama went way too far to accommedate the insurance companies.

Here's the thing. Big insurance didn't oppose the ACA. There's stuff they don't like, such as not being able to cheat their customers on "Pre-existing conditions" and such. But they know that their business model is already failing and won't last.

If anything, ObamaCare is giving the private sector insurance a reprieve. It would collapse under its own weight if you didn't have ObamaCare's requirements.
No, you need to stop being a commie.

No, you need to stop being an idiot.

Frankly, if someone is a doctor because he wants to get rich, I'm not sure I want that guy cutting on me. I'm not sure why you'd want him to.

No, you need to pull your head out of obama's bung hole.

obamacare is nothing more than a government take over of the health care industry, and just like everything else government has their greedy fingers in, they will ruin it. The damage obamacare has and will do is become more clear every day, and so is the need to repeal it, which will happen sooner or later. Even democrats are realizing they really fucked up voting on a bill they DIDN'T READ....


Government already runs about half of health care in the country, and they run it just fine, thanks.

Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, etc. They cover about 100 million people private insurers won't touch and employers won't cover.

The real problem is that private health coverage has been failing for a very long time.

We should just bite the bullet and go to single payer like every other industrialized country has done, but too many people making money off the bad status quo that spends the most money in the world while having the poorest results amongst advanced countries.
No, you need to stop being an idiot.

Frankly, if someone is a doctor because he wants to get rich, I'm not sure I want that guy cutting on me. I'm not sure why you'd want him to.

No, you need to pull your head out of obama's bung hole.

obamacare is nothing more than a government take over of the health care industry, and just like everything else government has their greedy fingers in, they will ruin it. The damage obamacare has and will do is become more clear every day, and so is the need to repeal it, which will happen sooner or later. Even democrats are realizing they really fucked up voting on a bill they DIDN'T READ....


Government already runs about half of health care in the country, and they run it just fine, thanks.

Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, etc. They cover about 100 million people private insurers won't touch and employers won't cover.

The real problem is that private health coverage has been failing for a very long time.

We should just bite the bullet and go to single payer like every other industrialized country has done, but too many people making money off the bad status quo that spends the most money in the world while having the poorest results amongst advanced countries.
We should repeal obamacare first, then work on real solutions that won't ruin what was the best health care industry in the world, and that's what will happen. There's no way to pay for obamacare, so it will either be 1), repealed, or 2), die on the vine, or 3), collapse the economy and it will be gone regardless. No matter how you look at it, obamacare will be gone, one way or the other.

We need real solutions, thought out, debated, with America involved and watching, listening, giving input, not some communistic take over monstrosity brewed up secretly behind closed doors and passed with pay offs, bribes and worst of all, voted to pass by people that didn't even read it.
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We should repeal obamacare first, then work on real solutions that won't ruin what was the best health care industry in the world, and that's what will happen. There's no way to pay for obamacare, so it will either be 1), repealed, or 2), die on the vine, or 3), collapse the economy and it will be gone regardless. No matter how you look at it, obamacare will be gone, one way or the other.

We need real solutions, thought out, debated, with America involved and watching, listening, giving input, not some communistic take over monstrosity brewed up secretly behind closed doors and passed with pay offs, bribes and worst of all, voted to pass by people that didn't even read it.

Congrats, you worked in every Hate Radio talking point... but you still haven't told me what you have that would be better.
We should repeal obamacare first, then work on real solutions that won't ruin what was the best health care industry in the world, and that's what will happen. There's no way to pay for obamacare, so it will either be 1), repealed, or 2), die on the vine, or 3), collapse the economy and it will be gone regardless. No matter how you look at it, obamacare will be gone, one way or the other.

We need real solutions, thought out, debated, with America involved and watching, listening, giving input, not some communistic take over monstrosity brewed up secretly behind closed doors and passed with pay offs, bribes and worst of all, voted to pass by people that didn't even read it.

Congrats, you worked in every Hate Radio talking point... but you still haven't told me what you have that would be better.

what is with this dumb hate radio crap..
as bad as you people trying to insult someone with Fox news
not EVERYONE listens to radio or watches Fox
give us a break
We should repeal obamacare first, then work on real solutions that won't ruin what was the best health care industry in the world, and that's what will happen. There's no way to pay for obamacare, so it will either be 1), repealed, or 2), die on the vine, or 3), collapse the economy and it will be gone regardless. No matter how you look at it, obamacare will be gone, one way or the other.

We need real solutions, thought out, debated, with America involved and watching, listening, giving input, not some communistic take over monstrosity brewed up secretly behind closed doors and passed with pay offs, bribes and worst of all, voted to pass by people that didn't even read it.

Congrats, you worked in every Hate Radio talking point... but you still haven't told me what you have that would be better.

what is with this dumb hate radio crap..
as bad as you people trying to insult someone with Fox news
not EVERYONE listens to radio or watches Fox
give us a break

NO, but you regurgitate all the crap they say.... Frankly, I once in a while listen to Rush, and find that the USMB posters are talkinga bout the EXACT SAME THINGS that day or the next.

It's amazing.
Congrats, you worked in every Hate Radio talking point... but you still haven't told me what you have that would be better.

what is with this dumb hate radio crap..
as bad as you people trying to insult someone with Fox news
not EVERYONE listens to radio or watches Fox
give us a break

NO, but you regurgitate all the crap they say.... Frankly, I once in a while listen to Rush, and find that the USMB posters are talkinga bout the EXACT SAME THINGS that day or the next.

It's amazing.

REALLY, how would you know, you listen and watch them I suppose
what is with this dumb hate radio crap..
as bad as you people trying to insult someone with Fox news
not EVERYONE listens to radio or watches Fox
give us a break

NO, but you regurgitate all the crap they say.... Frankly, I once in a while listen to Rush, and find that the USMB posters are talkinga bout the EXACT SAME THINGS that day or the next.

It's amazing.

REALLY, how would you know, you listen and watch them I suppose

When I used to be right wing, I did all the time.

And yes, I still do now, just to see what they are thinking. (When I was RW, I still read stuff by left wing writers and TV shows, just to see what the other side was thinking.)
NO, but you regurgitate all the crap they say.... Frankly, I once in a while listen to Rush, and find that the USMB posters are talkinga bout the EXACT SAME THINGS that day or the next.

It's amazing.

REALLY, how would you know, you listen and watch them I suppose

When I used to be right wing, I did all the time.

And yes, I still do now, just to see what they are thinking. (When I was RW, I still read stuff by left wing writers and TV shows, just to see what the other side was thinking.)

yeah sure, it can't be some radio host thinks AND says what a lot of people in the country do, it has to be they listen to them..and how funny you all don't ever use( "left wing hate radio) ever listen to Alan Colmes, Al Sharpton, Randy Rhodes show? they aren't spewing love, but what a lot of left wingers think..

please knock it off, it makes you look dumb

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