Study: Physically Weak Men More Likely To Be Socialists

Shocking, I know.

An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed 171 men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. The study, published in the Evolution and Human Behavior journal, found that weaker men were more likely to favor socialist policies than stronger men.

Study: Physically Weak Men More Likely To Be Socialists

View attachment 292676

Yes, shocking.

Yes, Junior, it’s the usual B.S. — i.e., no one outside of the Republican National Committee wants to buy your book, and no one who can actually afford a plane ticket and/or a $9 bag of trail mix would be caught dead holding it.

So, yeah, whine some more, Little Lord Fauntleroy

Donald Trump Jr. is triggered by lack of bookstore support for 'Triggered'
The INCEL types like the OP are SOOOOOOOO fragile.
Shocking, I know.

An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed 171 men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. The study, published in the Evolution and Human Behavior journal, found that weaker men were more likely to favor socialist policies than stronger men.

Study: Physically Weak Men More Likely To Be Socialists

View attachment 292676

Yes, shocking.

Yes, Junior, it’s the usual B.S. — i.e., no one outside of the Republican National Committee wants to buy your book, and no one who can actually afford a plane ticket and/or a $9 bag of trail mix would be caught dead holding it.

So, yeah, whine some more, Little Lord Fauntleroy

Donald Trump Jr. is triggered by lack of bookstore support for 'Triggered'
The INCEL types like the OP are SOOOOOOOO fragile.
Yet once AGAIN, ANY responses from these cucks would lack intelligence and coherency. You're QUITE welcome, AGAIN.
Seeing quite a few mentally and emotionally weak trumpanzee males on this message board.
Shocking, I know.

An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed 171 men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. The study, published in the Evolution and Human Behavior journal, found that weaker men were more likely to favor socialist policies than stronger men.

Study: Physically Weak Men More Likely To Be Socialists

View attachment 292676
Your link:

"'This is about our Stone Age brains, in a modern society,' said Dr. Price. 'Our minds evolved in environments where strength was a big determinant of success. If you find yourself in a body not threatened by other males, if you feel you can win competitions for status, then maybe you start thinking inequality is pretty good.'"

Maybe you would be happier in a hunter-gatherer society?
Seeing quite a few mentally and emotionally weak trumpanzee males on this message board.
And STILL AGAIN, ANY responses from these cucks would lack intelligence and coherency. You would think these idiots would learn by now to post SOMETHING that had a shred of intelligence or coherency. Nope. And once AGAIN, you're QUITE welcome.
Seeing quite a few mentally and emotionally weak trumpanzee males on this message board.
And STILL AGAIN, ANY responses from these cucks would lack intelligence and coherency. You would think these idiots would learn by now to post SOMETHING that had a shred of intelligence or coherency. Nope. And once AGAIN, you're QUITE welcome.

I guess it's no surprise that most of them are just too chicken to show their faces in this thread. The one we're hearing from is the one who's too dumb to be chicken. He delusionally imagines that he's making a valid point, rather than just embarrassing himself and proving our point.
No. We are not talking about "alpha males". How many of them do you think post on USMB?
You make my point for me..

And I do know one......
Again. According to your logic, Gorillas are the most capable and should replace you.
Again, the cuck that just won't go away............You're welcome.
Caesar 2020.

The cuck that would NOT go away. What a moron!
Why would I have to go away and you don´t? See, even if you are way stronger than I am, you can´t use it. Only your brain and that is were you have to pass.
You make my point for me..

And I do know one......
Again. According to your logic, Gorillas are the most capable and should replace you.
Again, the cuck that just won't go away............You're welcome.
Caesar 2020.

The cuck that would NOT go away. What a moron!
Why would I have to go away and you don´t? See, even if you are way stronger than I am, you can´t use it. Only your brain and that is were you have to pass.
And the brainwashed loony lib cuck STILL won't go away...........
Again. According to your logic, Gorillas are the most capable and should replace you.
Again, the cuck that just won't go away............You're welcome.
Caesar 2020.

The cuck that would NOT go away. What a moron!
Why would I have to go away and you don´t? See, even if you are way stronger than I am, you can´t use it. Only your brain and that is were you have to pass.
And the brainwashed loony lib cuck STILL won't go away...........
You are repeating yourself. Not very impressing.
Then why do these physically weak socialist pansy democrat commies control everything??

Aren't they the same ones who indicted half of Trump's administration while Trump does nothing but whine and complain like a bitch??
It will be interesting to see if any of the physically weak socialist lunatic liberal males on here reply to THIS one! My guess would be NO, at least not in an intelligent or coherent manner. We'll see...........

Let's page some of them, and see…
Who am I missing? Quite a few, I'm sure.

Now you have gone and done it. By listing all those mouth breathers you have created a singularity of stupid, that will no doubt tear a hole the space time continuum.

You might as well have referenced SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED and ended the universe as we know it.
D 1 and pro basketball and football contradicts that study, considering most American blacks vote dem and are superior in those strength-dominated sports.
most of the people you are referring to are uninformed sheeple that believe what the left tells them ... we are talking about people who actually keep up with politics and know a little about history but still support the concept of socialism !! and as far as stregnth goes white Europeans dominate power lifting !
I think the argument narrows down to intellect.
If power lifting was more popular among American blacks, they’d dominate. Just as I’m trying to convince my lacrosse coaching friends to recruit blacks into lacrosse.
there have been plenty of black power lifters but for some reason white Europeans especially ones from the ex soviet Union countries and Russia of course seem to dominate for some reason !
The ‘some reason’ is aka steroids.
yep you are probably white and we all know black athletes have never taken steroids !! not onetime in history has a black athlete taken roids ....... yeah right ......
D 1 and pro basketball and football contradicts that study, considering most American blacks vote dem and are superior in those strength-dominated sports.
most of the people you are referring to are uninformed sheeple that believe what the left tells them ... we are talking about people who actually keep up with politics and know a little about history but still support the concept of socialism !! and as far as stregnth goes white Europeans dominate power lifting !
I think the argument narrows down to intellect.
If power lifting was more popular among American blacks, they’d dominate. Just as I’m trying to convince my lacrosse coaching friends to recruit blacks into lacrosse.
there have been plenty of black power lifters but for some reason white Europeans especially ones from the ex soviet Union countries and Russia of course seem to dominate for some reason !
The ‘some reason’ is aka steroids.
yep you are probably white and we all know black athletes have never taken steroids !! not onetime in history has a black athlete taken roids ....... yeah right ......
Frank Costello was the track coach and strength and conditioning coach for the U of MD back in the 70’s. After a trip to the USSR, he returned with a conditioning routine called plyometrics, the very same process aerobics classes refer to as a ‘step routine’. He also oversaw the incredible strength growth of Randy White and other football phenoms. Obviously he brought back more with him from the USSR than techniques.
Then why do these physically weak socialist pansy democrat commies control everything??

Aren't they the same ones who indicted half of Trump's administration while Trump does nothing but whine and complain like a bitch??
You ushered in so many flaws into this nation. The good stuff overshadowed by it. Government and nations in peace with this do not last. In fact there are wars all around us including on our territory in different forms. You have spent the decades growing political power and have usurped the constitution while still spouting "democracy" every chance you get. As long as the payouts to people do not end you are safe. My advice is...Don't let the payouts end.
Shocking, I know.

An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed 171 men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. The study, published in the Evolution and Human Behavior journal, found that weaker men were more likely to favor socialist policies than stronger men.

Study: Physically Weak Men More Likely To Be Socialists

View attachment 292676
This makes a LOT of sense. Most of the male liberals I know are weak, soy-boy cucks.


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