STUDY: Testosterone Treatment Turns Democrat Voters More Conservative. SOMEONE TELL BRIAN STELTER.

There isn't? Why do liberals call any black person a house ni@#er that votes republican?
What is a house negro white boy? Explain that, then I'll tell you why. And it is not a black person who votes republican, so I want you to explain what it is in reality.
Real men don't vote for democrats? I always knew that.

Dems only EMOTIONALLY manipulate----

You retards are more gullible than I ever imagined.

Not only do you believe this shit, you have the gonads to post it?

No wonder why Dr. Oz is doing so well, as well as the Q NUT, Sen. Doug Mastriano.

It seems like the author used a sound scientific method and reported his observations.

The reported results are arguably unsurprising, as women are significantly more likely to lean Left than men.

What's your beef?
Holy fuck!

You retards are more gullible than I ever imagined.

Not only do you believe this shit, you have the gonads to post it?

No wonder why Dr. Oz is doing so well, as well as the Q NUT, Sen. Doug Mastriano.

Fucking morons.
bwaaahaaaahaaaa ! its a fact ! informed dem males are more feminine ! notice i said informed ... many vote dem because they are uninformed .. but the males that actually know what the dem party is all about and still vote dem are girly soy boys .
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You apparently have not known any democratic men. I don't think you can call 80 percent of the NFL effeminate.
Then how come they pat each other on the butt all the time? :p

A lot of pro wrestlers are gay too, did you know that?

And Jenner, he's pretty effeminate, right!

I'm a liberal democrat and don't need a gun to defend myself. Don't post crazy shit from far right websites as if it is legit
your membership to the democratic party alone drives down the national testosterone averages in dems by double digits ..
If you're an illegal immigrant, or a ruling member in China, Iran or the Taliban it would be much better. Just not for American citizens.
It's better for American citizens who don't still live in silly season posting stuff like you just did.
Then how come they pat each other on the butt all the time? :p

A lot of pro wrestlers are gay too, did you know that?

And Jenner, he's pretty effeminate, right!
You go on up and tell Aaron Donald how effeminate he is.

Then tell us how it went. There is no pro wrestling.
This just shows what we already knew. Higher testosterone levels indicate a man is more likely to lean Republican while liberals have lower levels.
Conservatives have thoughts, progressives have feelings, just like women.

Prof. Paul Zak, director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, has published a study linking low testosterone to liberalism.
“When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12 percent and they reported 45 percent warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president,” the study explains.

“Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19 percent higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party.”

Conservatives have thoughts, progressives have feelings, just like women
EXCUSE ME??????????
Yet the conservatives who are gonna hold off the FBI, save us from a Russian invasion, and repel armed thug mobs during the great unrest are too scared to take a COVID shot.
Boys need a mother’s love to temper aggression and dads to guide them thru it.

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