STUDY: Testosterone Treatment Turns Democrat Voters More Conservative. SOMEONE TELL BRIAN STELTER.

bwaaahaaaahaaaa ! its a fact ! informed dem males are more feminine ! notice i said informed ... many vote dem because they are uninformed .. but the males that actually know what the dem party is all about and still vote dem are girly soy boys .
You're delusional.
You're more "informed" by listening to crackpots, like Dr. Oz, then voting for the moron.
It seems like the author used a sound scientific method and reported his observations.

The reported results are arguably unsurprising, as women are significantly more likely to lean Left than men.

What's your beef?

Yes, his 'scientific" method.

Paul J. Zak is an American neuroeconomist.

Zak has coined the term "neuromanagement" to describe how findings in neuroscience can be used to create organizational cultures that are highly engaging for employees and produce high performance for organizations.

He has developed a methodology called Ofactor that quantifies organizational culture and identifies how to continuously improve culture to increase trust, joy, and performance.

Zak partnered with Jorge Barraza, PhD. to found Immersion. Immersion leverages these 20+ years of research to measure what people's brains value using the smartwatches that people wear every day. It is a personal neuroscience tool for brand and creative leaders that unlocks agile neuroscience and neuromarketing for creators so that they can craft more effective messages, pre-test video content, and to predict the market impact of advertisements appeals with over 83% accuracy.

Sounds like he made it up, then claims to be an "expert" on shit, no one has even heard of.
This just shows what we already knew. Higher testosterone levels indicate a man is more likely to lean Republican while liberals have lower levels.
Conservatives have thoughts, progressives have feelings, just like women.

Prof. Paul Zak, director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, has published a study linking low testosterone to liberalism.
“When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12 percent and they reported 45 percent warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president,” the study explains.

“Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19 percent higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party.”

White leftist men are the most pathetic , cowardly creatures in the history of evolution
Yet the conservatives who are gonna hold off the FBI, save us from a Russian invasion, and repel armed thug mobs during the great unrest are too scared to take a COVID shot.
We just aren't dumb enough to blindly do whatever the govt says. Unlike Dem men who are used to being ordered around by their women & any perceived authority figure, we think things through & instead of emotions & fear controlling our lives
We just aren't dumb enough to blindly do whatever the govt says. Unlike Dem men who are used to being ordered around by their women & any perceived authority figure, we think things through & instead of emotions & fear controlling our lives
You Trump cucks are a laugh a minute.
You're delusional.
You're more "informed" by listening to crackpots, like Dr. Oz, then voting for the moron.
now OZ Musk and Dave Chapel are just a few of the new targets of the feminine left ! the left hates anyone that state facts ! the facts are the left says a man can be a woman ! that biological males should be able to take a shit in the ladies room and compete in womens sports !

now OZ Musk and Dave Chapel are just a few of the new targets of the feminine left !
Dr. Oz has always been a quack, my wife used to watch the idiot.

April 23 2015
In a recent paper for the British Medical Journal. The researchers examined health claims showcased on 40 randomly selected episodes of the two most popular internationally syndicated health talk shows, The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors. They found that about half of the recommendations on these shows either had no evidence behind them or actually contradicted what the best available science tells us.

The saddest part about the study might not be its conclusion, but rather that these conclusions aren't particularly surprising. In Dr. Oz's case, countless stories have been written about the famous cardiothoracic surgeon's shoddy advice. U.S senators have called him out for it, and even his own colleagues say they wouldn't send a patient to see him.

Musk, Bezos and Branson are just cashing in on the expense of earth.
80% of the world's oceans haven't been mapped or explored.

Why are they going into space and charging people thousands of $$$, to do so?

Build a ship that can carry scientist, doctors and astrophysicist to the space station and call it done.

Better yet, pool their money and send a brand new station into orbit.

I like and watch Chappelle.
People can't take a joke.

the left hates anyone that state facts
Opinions aren't facts, most RWNJ's "facts" are opinions.
! the fact
are the left says a man can be a woman
I don't care what "they" say, it impossible.
! that biological males should be able to take a shit in the ladies room
Only if it's visible, then that's an emergency.
Regardless, that's inviting trouble.
and compete in womens sports !
Like I stated, that's what "they" say.
I don't get it.

Yet the conservatives who are gonna hold off the FBI, save us from a Russian invasion, and repel armed thug mobs during the great unrest are too scared to take a COVID shot.
Actually, they asked the question what good does taking a Covid shot do, and got no answer.
This just shows what we already knew. Higher testosterone levels indicate a man is more likely to lean Republican while liberals have lower levels.
Conservatives have thoughts, progressives have feelings, just like women.

Prof. Paul Zak, director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, has published a study linking low testosterone to liberalism.
“When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12 percent and they reported 45 percent warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president,” the study explains.

“Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19 percent higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party.”

Trying to outdo yourself of the Great Awakening thread?
Trying to outdo yourself of the Great Awakening thread?
Two separate threads with no common points & this one is 5 days old.
I notice you didn't try to discredit the info. Does your lack of testosterone make it harder to think rationally? Strong emotions can be debilitating when engaging in a discussion based on science.
Take a deep breath, count to ten & try again once your feelers are under control
Two separate threads with no common points & this one is 5 days old.
I notice you didn't try to discredit the info. Does your lack of testosterone make it harder to think rationally? Strong emotions can be debilitating when engaging in a discussion based on science.
Take a deep breath, count to ten & try again once your feelers are under control
Emotion ruled males are beta burgers and want special treatment and for all males to be passive cucks or queers.
I despise both parties.

But this study is iffy at best.

One - it is from 11 years ago.
Two - it is only covering 136 people. Hardly a large study.
Three - it apparently did not measure anyone's testosterone levels in the study; that I can find (but I cannot get hold of the original study).
Four - I'll be damned if I have ever HEARD of this university.
Five - The findings are not surprising anyway...but it's an old study on a tiny group of people and the parameters of it are say the least. And, finally, the source is virtually unknown.
The study may well be correct.
But as is - I would not take it terribly seriously.


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