Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

I'm a bit impressed by Trump. NOT his biggest fan, but if he keeps doing things like this, I could change my mind.

NO OTHER PRESIDENT in recent history has show bigger balls in dealing with threats to America.
(Of course, Leftists scream bloody murder (over anything that benefits America FIRST)

He is a smart man. This is a move only Trump would make and it is a very tactful way to get the job done either way in the face of leftist Obstruction and national Destructionism.
He continuously finds a way to outsmart and outmaneuver the leftist nation busters and that makes them lose their minds. lmao.

Leftist will bitch and moan that they might have to pay a dollar more for this or that, in their "infinite wisdom" not giving a flip about the much more important and lasting harm done to the nation so they could save that one dollar.

I would rather pay DOUBLE or TRIPLE for something than continue to allow a rogue state to invade my homeland.

Next, Trump needs to raise the tariffs to 50% unless Mexico repatriates all the illegals already here. They are here to conquer, not assimilate.

Notice it's possible to make a point without resorting to low-class language like the above always needs to....just sayin.
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I'm a bit impressed by Trump. NOT his biggest fan, but if he keeps doing things like this, I could change my mind.

NO OTHER PRESIDENT in recent history has show bigger balls in dealing with threats to America.
(Of course, Leftists scream bloody murder (over anything that benefits America FIRST)

He is a smart man. This is a move only Trump would make and it is a very tactful way to get the job done either way in the face of leftist Obstruction and national Destructionism.
He continuously finds a way to outsmart and outmaneuver the leftist nation busters and that makes them lose their minds. lmao.

Leftist will bitch and moan that they might have to pay a dollar more for this or that, in their "infinite wisdom" not giving a flip about the much more important and lasting harm done to the nation so they could save that one dollar.

I would rather pay DOUBLE or TRIPLE for something than continue to allow a rogue state to invade my homeland.

Next, Trump needs to raise the tariffs to 50% unless Mexico repatriates all the illegals already here. They are here to conquer, not assimilate.

Notice it's possible to make a point without resorting to low-class language like the above always needs to....just sayin.
So you fell, for the invasion baloney.

What nation is invading us?

Illegal immigration was on the way down when Trump took over.

The fact is that Trump can not manage the border situation.

His economic tariffs are a miserable failure & nothing good has come out of it.

Now he wants to use tariffs to force Mexico to solve the problems he can't.

Why should Mexico repatriate those who are not Mexicans?
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Hurting Mexico's economy does nothing for us as Americans are paying the tariffs.
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Dumbfuck pays more for products, thinks he's "winning".
If Mexico had paid for the wall, Trump wouldnt have done this to them. Now they are going to pay WAY more money.

That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Hurting Mexico's economy does nothing for us as Americans are paying the tariffs.
It will show them that fucking us over has repercussions. Its time for them to start taking immigration seriously.
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Hurting Mexico's economy does nothing for us as Americans are paying the tariffs.
It will show them that fucking us over has repercussions. Its time for them to start taking immigration seriously.

So how dos hurting the Mexican economy help us again?

Why can't Trump figure this out & demand that Mexico solves the problem?
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Dumbfuck pays more for products, thinks he's "winning".
Mexico is paying for the wall now.
Nope. US Corporations & US Citizens will pay more.

The most ridiculous part is Mexico would love to work with us on this problem as they have in the past.,
But some fat assed orange asshat blamed the Mexican government of sending these rapist & murdering Mexicans to the US. Threatened to make Mexico pay for Trump's stupid wall. He has insulted exicoi over & over.

The fact is this.

TRUMP DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO FIX THE BORDER CRISIS. Si now he wants Mexico to do it for him.

And you assfucks think this is winning???

BTW, assfguck, We import 10% of our needed oil from Mexico. I hope you love paying more for gasoline.

The US is now a net exporter of oil.

That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Nevertheless the Mexican government is nothing more than an extension of our demodummie party and hasn't been for quite some time. Maybe if they were more, they could get their country elevated above shit hole status. They have everything necessary to do it, they only lack the will and the backbone to do it.
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.
I'm gonna miss this president in 2024. Someone like this only comes along once in a lifetime if we're lucky. We were this time.
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Hurting Mexico's economy does nothing for us as Americans are paying the tariffs.
It will show them that fucking us over has repercussions. Its time for them to start taking immigration seriously.

So how dos hurting the Mexican economy help us again?

Why can't Trump figure this out & demand that Mexico solves the problem?
We tried many times to get Mexico to stop the illegals, but they just spit in our face. Now they will have to learn their lesson the hard way.
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Dumbfuck pays more for products, thinks he's "winning".

Wrong. We don’t have to pay anything. Then they go out of business and jobs can come back to the US.
That's right. Trump wins again!! :113:

"President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, clearly determined to avoid an economic war with his country’s most important trading partner, did not announce any retaliatory measures against the United States and appeared to be doing everything in his power to persuade Trump to change his mind. U.S. tariffs would exacerbate a difficult economic situation for Lopez Obrador, who already faces a weak peso and sluggish growth."

Stung by tariff threat, Mexico insists it does not want a fight with Trump

So much winning!!!! Mexico will pay for the wall. One way or the other.

Not winning until the flow of wetbacks stops.
It is time to invade Mexico, put the whole damned place under martial law, execute all the drug cartel members, set up a free election and let the Mexican people decide what they want to do with their criminal politicians.

Hopefully they will give us a good example.
It is time to invade Mexico, put the whole damned place under martial law, execute all the drug cartel members, set up a free election and let the Mexican people decide what they want to do with their criminal politicians.

Hopefully they will give us a good example.

Mexico isn’t worth it.
Too bad, because I WANT a fight with that despicable, drug-cartel-run, murder-saturated failed nation of savages, Mexico. That nation of pigs has spent nearly 200 years as a parasite sucking money out of us while cursing our very existence at the same time (which is my exact same problem with the parasite continent of Zerope). I WANT that country punished and ravaged for what they've done.
----------------------------- yep , good post and sentiments WillM !!
It is time to invade Mexico, put the whole damned place under martial law, execute all the drug cartel members, set up a free election and let the Mexican people decide what they want to do with their criminal politicians.
Hopefully they will give us a good example.
Mexico isn’t worth it.
We don't stay and nation build. We leave that to the people of MExico.

That was the huge mistake of Afghanistan and Iraq, we should have gone, kicked ass, done what we came for then left them to rebuild themselves.

Rebuilding foreign nations is not worth a drop of American blood.
We don't stay and nation build. We leave that to the people of MExico.

That was the huge mistake of Afghanistan and Iraq, we should have gone, kicked ass, done what we came for then left them to rebuild themselves.

Rebuilding foreign nations is not worth a drop of American blood.

It would certainly be a cause for concern, if what the Mexicans were rebuilding might become a greater threat to our nation and its peopeland interests, than what was there before.

If we were to pursue that path, of giving Mexico a much-needed military ass-kicking, we'd want to make sure that what was rebuilt there wouldn't be something that would soon make it necessary for us to go back in and give them another ass-kicking. It might very well be better for us to take an active role in nation-building, there.

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