Stunning and brave peaceful protester tries to punch a proud boy

The trained thugs the Demcorats pay to to run around starting violence know they can get media attention by sending women up to the front and arming them with saps and other hand weapons and having them punch cops or counter protestors and provoke them into htiing them back, and then the media will dutifully edit the videos as they always do. So, if you're ever caught in one of these Democrat Party mob actions, don't believe for a second the Leninist breeding sows in the mob will be non-violent; they will in fact be the most likely to assault and injure you. Shoot them first, don't let them get the first attack in, especially if you have children with you.

Omg because of the punch or OMG because the punch was delivered to a chick, who just finished delivering a punch...("can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen", rule...)...?

It's tactic they practice in their training seminars, send their breeding sows up front to assault people and then cry about it, like the little Democrat bitches and fags in this thread are doing.

There is also a reason they've started this whole 'Karen' gimmick thing up as well; they're preparing to assault lots of women, especially as their desperation grows and they move on the Burbs; they need to demonize white women now, too, who aren't Leninist breeding sows and who are failing to show 'Solidarity' with black violence and hate crimes, given their lack of a 'bounce' after their 'Convention' farce and the lack of interest shown in Horrible Harris.
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So the fat pig hit a girl who was less than half his size, and then ran away when a man stepped up to him. Typical coward right winger.
Well, I saw a PERSON, (dressed in black..all the garb...which turned out to be a female) punch a man in the arm, then was immediately punched by a large man, which resulted this individual being knocked to the ground.

Omg because of the punch or OMG because the punch was delivered to a chick, who just finished delivering a punch...("can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen", rule...)...?

Is that why the fat bastard ran after he hit the girl?
Lol...girl threw a punch, wearing a mask..

Omg because of the punch or OMG because the punch was delivered to a chick, who just finished delivering a punch...("can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen", rule...)...?

It's tactic they practice in their training seminars, send their breeding sows up front to assault people and then cry about it, like the little Democrat bitches and fags in this thread are doing.

There is also a reason they've started this whole 'Karen' gimmick thing up as well; they're preparing to assault lots of women, especially as their desperation grows and they move on the Burbs; they need to demonize white women now, too, who aren't Leninist breeding sows and who are failing to show 'Solidarity' with black violence and hate crimes, given their lack of a 'bounce' after their 'Convention' farce and the lack of interest shown in Horrible Harris.
Well aware...been watching these "girls" pull this shit all throughout these "protests "...being an antagonistic little sh*t, then , for the most part, one little "bump" and they're down on the ground, screaming....well, looks like she got more than what she bargained for, but, hey, it'll make a good "spin" for MSM and im sure she'll wear that like a badge...
Hell, there's some out there taking their own monthly blood to use as a "prop"...
It always makes me smile when a woman throws a punch then screams indignantly about 'striking a woman' when someone punches back.

Equality isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Omg because of the punch or OMG because the punch was delivered to a chick, who just finished delivering a punch...("can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen", rule...)...?

Is that why the fat bastard ran after he hit the girl?
What about her violence, hmmmmm? But it's ok because she has a twat? What about all that EQUALITY?.....ah, cherry picking....

Omg because of the punch or OMG because the punch was delivered to a chick, who just finished delivering a punch...("can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen", rule...)...?

Is that why the fat bastard ran after he hit the girl?

Fat bastards can't run.

You should know this by now.
That one did. you can see it on the video. I guess being scared helps.

Omg because of the punch or OMG because the punch was delivered to a chick, who just finished delivering a punch...("can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen", rule...)...?

Is that why the fat bastard ran after he hit the girl?

Fat bastards can't run.

You should know this by now.
That one did. you can see it on the video. I guess being scared helps.
Well, one thing is for sure, I bet little Missy will think twice before throwing her next ...she should go back to her safe space...cuddle up with her unicorns

So the fat pig hit a girl who was less than half his size, and then ran away when a man stepped up to him. Typical coward right winger.
What happened to equal rights for women ?
Cmon you can do anything a man can do ...even start a fight lol
And on top of it fat shaming

you've been reported to the diversity enforcement bureau for sensitivity training

If he had a big fat guy Hawaiian shirt on would been epic..buzzfeed would be screaming boogaloo

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