STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

You do realize that 1) The US has FPTP which leads to massive negative voting
2) That loads of people think Trump is a massive joke
3) People would vote for almost ANYONE who isn't Trump, right?
FPTP not usually an American Term WEIRDO---you are giving away clues about yourself...and has nothing to do with my comments.

Loads of people? Most people support Trump-----I watch the signs, listen to people,---Trump had all the support---biden had none. This we hate Trump vote myth is bullshit that doesn't hold water.
FPTP not usually an American Term WEIRDO---you are giving away clues about yourself...and has nothing to do with my comments.

Loads of people? Most people support Trump-----I watch the signs, listen to people,---Trump had all the support---biden had none. This we hate Trump vote myth is bullshit that doesn't hold water.
Most Americans don't want Trump to run again.

Trump has a very small core support group that seems to think he walks on water.
FPTP not usually an American Term WEIRDO---you are giving away clues about yourself...and has nothing to do with my comments.

Loads of people? Most people support Trump-----I watch the signs, listen to people,---Trump had all the support---biden had none. This we hate Trump vote myth is bullshit that doesn't hold water.
All the left does is LIE. They were always liars but now their lying is off the charts. Basement Biden got more votes than Obama riiiiight :auiqs.jpg:
You guys that got conned, you are the CULT.
Quit trying to pass that word onto others.
Grow up and accept your CULT membership.
You already paid your membership dues... $$$$$$$$$$$$$


Enough talk, I have something to say.

I got, I got, I got hairy legs..............................
Sitting presidents always seek donations during reelection campaigns, this is nothing new much less unique in American Politics.
Sure they do, NOT reoccurring donations, like Trump.

Trump's emails to everyone on the mailing list asking for a donation and include a teeny tiny pre-checked box to make the one-time donation a recurring donation instead. They were counting on the fact that a lot of people wouldn’t notice the little checked box. And a lot of people don’t monitor their bank accounts or credit card statements very closely so they don’t notice money disappearing out of their accounts.

All of a sudden, those small contributions from cash-strapped supporters started to rapidly bleed them dry. Credit cards were maxed out. Bank accounts were overdrawn.

The tactic ensnared scores of unsuspecting Trump loyalists — retirees, military veterans, nurses and even experienced political operatives. Soon, banks and credit card companies were inundated with fraud complaints from the president’s own supporters about donations they had not intended to make, sometimes for thousands of dollars.

It's normal for campaigns to have to refund money to contributors usually because the donations exceeded the legally allowable amount, but it’s usually about 2%. The Trump campaign had a 12.29% refund rate.
All the left does is LIE. They were always liars but now their lying is off the charts. Basement Biden got more votes than Obama riiiiight :auiqs.jpg:
Two FACTS that you ^^^^^^ cannot grasp.

1). Trump the con man, lied more than ANY other politician in the history of USA.
2). There are more registered voters than in 2008 or 2012. Yet you cannot accept that simple FACT.
Everyone knows that Trump did his own tweets because he talked about the same thing. You think you are responding to a Biden tweet but it's doubtful if the old dude knows how to use a computer and the most likely you are talking to some nerd in the ministry of propaganda.
Trump's social media disaster has about a million and a half subscribers. Twitter has nearly 300 million.

So we Trump has the most supporters and most Americans voting for him. Just more proof there was voter fraud.
So delusional ^^^^^
More twitter supporters is proof of nothing other than that the CULT likes to twitter.
Voter fraud.....time to move onto the next Big Lie.
After four years, Trump never achieved the infrastructure bill he promised the rube herd. Even though he had a GOP Congress his first two years.

In less than one year, Biden did.

But he gets less re-tweets than Trump! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It's like Hannity and Tfucker with their high ratings.

Old racist white conservatives LOVE to sit around in their recliners at night and cheer on those two fuck stains, while normal voting Americans are out doing American things.

Of course Fox has higher ratings, they run a CULT.


This ^^^^^ Old White Conservative was hollering tonight from his recliner.....
"Your damn right shawn and tuckums" "Those Damn (D) and Liberals are destroying this Country."

This retweeting and TV ratings are nice for talking points and CULT revenue, but in reality, it is truly nothing to be proud of. But shamefully you are.
Nobody really gives a shit what lies that clown President Potatohead is telling today.

Maybe a few stupid uneducated Moon Bats but that is about all.
This just goes to show that Trump is loved and that people know he's the real duly elected president.

This shows absolutely NOTHING. If people “love” Donald Trump, he’d still be President, instead of being the world’s worst joke.

Even his family has nothing to do with him.
After four years, Trump never achieved the infrastructure bill he promised the rube herd. Even though he had a GOP Congress his first two years.

In less than one year, Biden did.

But he gets less re-tweets than Trump! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Democrats in control of The House, Senate and the Presidency and the filthy lying assholes blame their failures on Republicans. LOL!

That is the kind of dishonest shit we always get out of the lying bastards. They always blame their failures on somebody else. Either that or they deny they failed.

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