Stupid Voters That Refuse To Vote Unless They Get Their Candidate

Paulbots will probably sit out...but they always have.

The rest is mostly appeal to winning.

"If you don't vote for my guy in the primary, you'll lose the general...cuz I'm going home and I'm taking my vote with me...hmmph!"

When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

I like Newt, right now I'm supporting Newt...but Romney is a good second choice...Santorum is better than Obama...and even Paul would get my vote.

Yes, I, too, will vote for the winning candidate. Tonight, Thrusday the 26th, will be the last debate, between all four of them, before the primary in FL.

CNN 8 Eastern....

Forgot to mention: There WILL be applause, allowed....:lol:

Audience participation seems to be quite united. Far better than the left's OWS groups. :razz:
As long as the GOP puts up candidates like McCain or Newt or Mitt, then yes, you certainly do deserve a big heapin' bowl of O'bama. Scream, bitch.

Earn my vote. I'm not giving it to you because you can't nominate someone who isn't a retard.

"Gosh, we better get smarter or we'll get Obama again!"

That's the kind of spirit I'm looking for.

As long as you play, "Give me MY candidate, or I'm taking my toys and going home, " YOU deserve a big heaping bowl of Obama, and you'd better NOT scream about it. I can assure you that if you don't get out and vote against Obama, then every time I hear ONE WORD out of you about how much Obama sucks during his second term, you're going to hear, "Well, he's YOUR President, asshole. You bought and paid for him. Thanks for ruining our country with your temper tantrum, loser."

Earn your candidate by convincing the rest of us we agree with you; don't stomp your feet like a spoiled child, shouting about how only retards don't think exactly like you. I don't doubt for a second that if your candidate, whoever that is, got the nomination, you'd be expecting the rest of us to hold our noses and vote for him, so you can goddamned well get off your high horse and return the favor.
When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

Nope. I sat out 2006, 2008, 2010. And I will be sitting out 2012.

I voted Reagan in 1980. Reagan in 1984. Bush Sr. in 1988. Bush Sr. in 1992. Dole in 1996. Dubya in 2000. And Dubya in 2004.

Bush was so damned retarded he snapped me back to reality. "Lesser of two evils" shit just gets us more evil.

So basically, no one should bother listening to you or talking to you, because you're an apathetic schmuck who doesn't bother to get involved in his country, because it hasn't "earned" his participation.

Thanks for the Obama administration, shitstain. Get the fuck off my screen.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

This 'schmuck' does not vote for amoral, corrupt, self serving DC insiders. I apologize for having principles though. Really. I do. I am very, very sorry.

Hope your principles put food on your table after Obama collapses our economy entirely.

I'd like to do my voting in a perfect, ideal world, too, but I'm not pig-stupid enough to sit around withholding my vote until that world shows up.
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As long as you play, "Give me MY candidate, or I'm taking my toys and going home, " YOU deserve a big heaping bowl of Obama, and you'd better NOT scream about it. I can assure you that if you don't get out and vote against Obama, then every time I hear ONE WORD out of you about how much Obama sucks during his second term, you're going to hear, "Well, he's YOUR President, asshole. You bought and paid for him. Thanks for ruining our country with your temper tantrum, loser."

Earn your candidate by convincing the rest of us we agree with you; don't stomp your feet like a spoiled child, shouting about how only retards don't think exactly like you. I don't doubt for a second that if your candidate, whoever that is, got the nomination, you'd be expecting the rest of us to hold our noses and vote for him, so you can goddamned well get off your high horse and return the favor.

The problem is that NONE of the candidates deserve the office. I can't convince you that Mitt is a good choice, nor that Newt is a good choice. The only thing I can convince you of is that Newt is a shitbum or that Mitt is a corporate raider - which in the end only serves Obama.

So what do we do? The nation may not survive 4 more years of Obama, but Newt isn't much of an alternative. Neither is Mitt. The conservatives in the race were utterly destroyed by smear campaigns. Looks like Newt may have been the one behind those, playing as he does from the Saul Alinsky book.

So now we have two shitbums to go against the most destructive force to threaten the nation since the civil war.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

This 'schmuck' does not vote for amoral, corrupt, self serving DC insiders. I apologize for having principles though. Really. I do. I am very, very sorry.

Hope your principles put food on your table after Obama collapses our economy entirely.

I'd like to do my voting in a perfect, ideal world, too, but I'm not pig-stupid enough to sit around withholding my vote until that world shows up.

What's different about what Obama is doing compared to what Bush did?

Create a record spending budget every year in office? Check for both

Huge budget deficts? Check for both

Huge increases in debt? Check for both

Meddling/warmongering in the middle east? Check for both

Use the gov't to bail out corporations in a fascist style? Check for both

Flip a coin, rep or dem. Couldn't care less who's doing those things cuz either way that's what will be done.

When the republican party has more than one fiscal conservative in their party, I'll support more than one person. I can't stoop to voting for big gov't liberals who will spend us into oblivion. My apologies.
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Yes, I, too, will vote for the winning candidate. Tonight, Thrusday the 26th, will be the last debate, between all four of them, before the primary in FL.

CNN 8 Eastern....

Forgot to mention: There WILL be applause, allowed....:lol:

Audience participation seems to be quite united. Far better than the left's OWS groups. :razz:

Small tents of homos vis a vis a large tent of heteros explains why the R's are so, well white bread and bereft of ideas.
Paulbots will probably sit out...but they always have.

The rest is mostly appeal to winning.

"If you don't vote for my guy in the primary, you'll lose the general...cuz I'm going home and I'm taking my vote with me...hmmph!"

When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

I like Newt, right now I'm supporting Newt...but Romney is a good second choice...Santorum is better than Obama...and even Paul would get my vote.

Well said. But last year I didn't "hold my nose," and vote, and now I'm kicking myself because nothing, NOTHING could have been a worse decision. Obama has been the worst thing to happen to this country in it's HISTORY, and I will NOT sit out another election just because the republican candidate isn't SQUEAKY FUCKING CLEAN. My God, GET OVER IT. Show me a politician that IS. A TURD is BETTER THAN OBAMA. Not voting AGAINST HIM is the STUPIDEST thing a person could do. You have NO REASON TO BITCH ABOUT OBAMA unless you do SOMETHING to try and GET HIS ASS GONE!
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I'd like to think that I wouldn't abandon my principles to vote against Obama but I might.

I still haven't decided yet

Voting against Obama IS my principles. I see nothing principled about letting the country I love go down the toilet just because I didn't get the perfect candidate to vote for.
There isn't any difference between the policies of Mitt, Newt and Obama. They're all big government statists that want to continue to vacuum up power and start wars we cant afford in other places.

If I must eat a shit sandwich, I'm going to eat the one that makes the fucking morons that voted we all eat one scream the loudest.

that would be the GOP field. They tend to whine less than democrats, but get seriously butthurt when you defect because they are a bunch of brain dead morons.

Spoken like someone who was too busy listening to the voices in his head telling him how brilliant and principled he was to listen to anything that's been actually happening.

Thanks for the buzzwords, but if I'd wanted to listen to someone mindlessly repeating words, I'd go talk to my toddler.
These idiots are the reason we got Obama in the first place.

Numb-skulls that refused to vote because they didn't get the candidate of their choice.

Well, they're doing it again. Makes me want to punch em in the mouth every time I hear one of them say it.

I guess they aren't bright enough to figure out that this is what Obama wants. People like this deserve a kick in the teeth, or 4 more years of Obama, which is exactly what they'll get if they try it again.

Self-righteous assholes the lot of them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have any sympathy for habitual schmucks like that.

This 'schmuck' does not vote for amoral, corrupt, self serving DC insiders. I apologize for having principles though. Really. I do. I am very, very sorry.

Hope your principles put food on your table after Obama collapses our economy entirely.

I'd like to do my voting in a perfect, ideal world, too, but I'm not pig-stupid enough to sit around withholding my vote until that world shows up.

Excellent post... :clap2:
Paulbots will probably sit out...but they always have.

The rest is mostly appeal to winning.

"If you don't vote for my guy in the primary, you'll lose the general...cuz I'm going home and I'm taking my vote with me...hmmph!"

When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

I like Newt, right now I'm supporting Newt...but Romney is a good second choice...Santorum is better than Obama...and even Paul would get my vote.

Well said. But last year I didn't "hold my nose," and vote, and now I'm kicking myself because nothing, NOTHING could have been a worse decision. Obama has been the worst thing to happen to this country in it's HISTORY, and I will NOT sit out another election just because the republican candidate isn't SQUEAKY FUCKING CLEAN. My God, GET OVER IT. A TURD is BETTER THAN OBAMA. Not voting AGAINST HIM is the STUPIDEST thing a person could do. You have NO REASON TO BITCH ABOUT OBAMA unless you do SOMETHING to try and GET HIS ASS GONE!

I'll be voting against both liberal parties.
And sitting out gets you Obama...brilliant.

Then give people a candidate they can support. Just an idea.

Easier said than done. :eusa_eh:

EVERY candidate is "someone people can support", as evidenced by the fact that people are supporting them. If we're holding out for someone who generates universal support, we might as well just give up now.

What people really mean when they say, "A candidate people can support", what they really mean is, "Choose the candidate I want".
As long as you play, "Give me MY candidate, or I'm taking my toys and going home, " YOU deserve a big heaping bowl of Obama, and you'd better NOT scream about it. I can assure you that if you don't get out and vote against Obama, then every time I hear ONE WORD out of you about how much Obama sucks during his second term, you're going to hear, "Well, he's YOUR President, asshole. You bought and paid for him. Thanks for ruining our country with your temper tantrum, loser."

Earn your candidate by convincing the rest of us we agree with you; don't stomp your feet like a spoiled child, shouting about how only retards don't think exactly like you. I don't doubt for a second that if your candidate, whoever that is, got the nomination, you'd be expecting the rest of us to hold our noses and vote for him, so you can goddamned well get off your high horse and return the favor.

The problem is that NONE of the candidates deserve the office. I can't convince you that Mitt is a good choice, nor that Newt is a good choice. The only thing I can convince you of is that Newt is a shitbum or that Mitt is a corporate raider - which in the end only serves Obama.

So what do we do? The nation may not survive 4 more years of Obama, but Newt isn't much of an alternative. Neither is Mitt. The conservatives in the race were utterly destroyed by smear campaigns. Looks like Newt may have been the one behind those, playing as he does from the Saul Alinsky book.

So now we have two shitbums to go against the most destructive force to threaten the nation since the civil war.

How does one "deserve" the position of Leader of the Free World? I don't give a fuck if they "deserve" it or not. OBAMA sure as fuck doesn't deserve it, and shouldn't have it. Give me someone who's going to manage it better than he is; that's all I ask.

What do we do? Make the best choice we can, because sitting around in a snit because we've decided none of the candidates are good enough to deserve our almighty, blessed, holy vote is just going to get us a second-rate European shithole of a country.

It's easy to sit here now and say, "Well, maybe the country deserves to go down the shitter, because the rest of you bastards refuse to be as smart as me", but I promise you it's going to be a lot harder to say when you're actually living it.
Paulbots will probably sit out...but they always have.

The rest is mostly appeal to winning.

"If you don't vote for my guy in the primary, you'll lose the general...cuz I'm going home and I'm taking my vote with me...hmmph!"

When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

I like Newt, right now I'm supporting Newt...but Romney is a good second choice...Santorum is better than Obama...and even Paul would get my vote.

Well said. But last year I didn't "hold my nose," and vote, and now I'm kicking myself because nothing, NOTHING could have been a worse decision. Obama has been the worst thing to happen to this country in it's HISTORY, and I will NOT sit out another election just because the republican candidate isn't SQUEAKY FUCKING CLEAN. My God, GET OVER IT. Show me a politician that IS. A TURD is BETTER THAN OBAMA. Not voting AGAINST HIM is the STUPIDEST thing a person could do. You have NO REASON TO BITCH ABOUT OBAMA unless you do SOMETHING to try and GET HIS ASS GONE!

Last time was the only time I've ever voted third party, and that was only because I live in Arizona, and there was no way in Hell John McCain wasn't carrying the state, no matter what I did. If I'd been in a swing state, I'd have sucked it up and voted for the asshole.
I saw a Cuban immigrant on the news the other night. He just got his citizenship and of course the right to vote. He told the news person he was so happy about his new right to vote and that he couldn't wait for election day.

Then of course I thought about the Americans that take the whole process for granted and won't vote because the person they wanted didn't get a nomination.

I guess I'm lucky because I've liked Romney as the GOP candidate the whole time and he is still in the running.

But if for some reason it's not Romney, I will still look at the 2 candidates and vote for the one I agree with the most. I love that I have the right to vote and I will always use that right.
I saw a Cuban immigrant on the news the other night. He just got his citizenship and of course the right to vote. He told the news person he was so happy about his new right to vote and that he couldn't wait for election day.

Then of course I thought about the Americans that take the whole process for granted and won't vote because the person they wanted didn't get a nomination.

I guess I'm lucky because I've liked Romney as the GOP candidate the whole time and he is still in the running.

But if for some reason it's not Romney, I will still look at the 2 candidates and vote for the one I agree with the most. I love that I have the right to vote and I will always use that right.

Out of the mouths of newbies . . .
How does one "deserve" the position of Leader of the Free World?

By being faithful to the constitution.

That leaves Mitt, Newt, and Barry da Fairy out.

I don't give a fuck if they "deserve" it or not. OBAMA sure as fuck doesn't deserve it, and shouldn't have it. Give me someone who's going to manage it better than he is; that's all I ask.

I agree with you that Obama is a disaster.

What do we do? Make the best choice we can, because sitting around in a snit because we've decided none of the candidates are good enough to deserve our almighty, blessed, holy vote is just going to get us a second-rate European shithole of a country.

How far do we go with that, though?

After the whole Saul Alinsky attack on Romney over Bane, is Gingrich any better than Obama? Or is he just another fucking socialist?

Having Newt wage war against capitalism doesn't seem like much of an improvement over Obama.

It's easy to sit here now and say, "Well, maybe the country deserves to go down the shitter, because the rest of you bastards refuse to be as smart as me", but I promise you it's going to be a lot harder to say when you're actually living it.

I'll hold my nose and vote for Mitt, to block Obama. I don't like Mitt, but Obama needs to be stopped.
Paulbots will probably sit out...but they always have.

The rest is mostly appeal to winning.

"If you don't vote for my guy in the primary, you'll lose the general...cuz I'm going home and I'm taking my vote with me...hmmph!"

When I comes down to brass tacks...when it is (insert candidates name here) vs another four years of Obama...they will hold their nose and vote for (insert candidates name here)...just like I did four years ago when I voted for McCain.

I like Newt, right now I'm supporting Newt...but Romney is a good second choice...Santorum is better than Obama...and even Paul would get my vote.

Well said. But last year I didn't "hold my nose," and vote, and now I'm kicking myself because nothing, NOTHING could have been a worse decision. Obama has been the worst thing to happen to this country in it's HISTORY, and I will NOT sit out another election just because the republican candidate isn't SQUEAKY FUCKING CLEAN. My God, GET OVER IT. Show me a politician that IS. A TURD is BETTER THAN OBAMA. Not voting AGAINST HIM is the STUPIDEST thing a person could do. You have NO REASON TO BITCH ABOUT OBAMA unless you do SOMETHING to try and GET HIS ASS GONE!

Last time was the only time I've ever voted third party, and that was only because I live in Arizona, and there was no way in Hell John McCain wasn't carrying the state, no matter what I did. If I'd been in a swing state, I'd have sucked it up and voted for the asshole.

Sen. John McCain has returned to Senate business and President-elect Barack Obama selected his first Cabinet appointee, but it took until today [November 18th, 2008] for the election of 2008 to come to a final official close. The results from Missouri are in.

McCain has won Missouri's 11 outstanding electoral votes, taking victory in the state by a fraction of a percent, for a final total of 173 electoral college votes to Obama's 365. McCain won with 1,445,812 votes (49.4 percent) to Obama's 1,442,180 (49.3 percent) -- a 3,632 vote difference.

44 - McCain Takes Missouri

A record 2.9 million Missourians, or 69% of eligible voters, cast their ballots in the [2008] general election, about 200,000 more than the previous record in the 2004 election.[33],_2008#cite_note-sos6nov-32,_2008#cite_note-sos6nov-32
United States presidential election in Missouri, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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